
Getting to know the Ollivanders

---The Ollivanders Family House, Godrick's Hollow---

"Please let me explain!" shouted Ollivander cowering in the corner.

"Let you explain?!" shouted a furious witch with long brown hair holding a silver crib

"You swore that you would stop playing with other woman after you settled with a family, and now what!? I really thought you changed, and you really dissapoint me!!" her voice resounded through the house reaching the children, shocked by their mother showing her hidden side.

"It's really not what you think!" said Ollivander falling towards her feet "Here, please, just read this letter" he said while taking out the letter sent to him by Florian.

"A message from the lover, huh?!" said Ollivander's wife with distorted face and irony dripping from her voice, while taking the letter from him.

Shane looked at the short, unassumingly looking witch, and thought about the events that led them to this moment.

After they came out of the fireplace, Olivia (Ollivander's wife) greeted Garrick with a smile asking why he came back so early.

However, the smile quickly dissapeared when she saw the silver crib he was trying to hide.

After that, she gently took the crib from the old man's trembling hands, and then shot him with expelliarmus, taking six wands hidden all over his body into custody.

Now as the witch finished reading the letter she looked at her husband trembling in the corner and said "I will need to write to Adorabella, whether this is true, but for now i can let you have back just one wand" she said, while handing over one wand, from the bundle she requisitioned.

Olliwander looked at her gratefuly, and then straightened his back after seeing his children looking at the scene in shock.

Then he gracefuly walked to the table full of food and started eating ignoring the shocked face of his five years old son and four years old daughter.

Olivia wrote a letter, and sent it with a brown great horned owl named Frederick, after which she turned to look at Shane.

"So, little boy, I guess I will have to take care of you for now" she looked at him with a smile.

Shane looked at her with his cold blue eyes, thinking about what should he do in the future.

'First, I should study runes, since I can't get my first wand. Wait, my caretaker is Ollivander so it doesn't seem to be such a big problem'

'Still, it's safer to not try magic first, but dabble in potions and things that won't directly endanger my body' he still had a lot of shadows in his heart after dying from cancer in his previous life.

During the next few hours miss Ollivander fed him with a special potion for orphaned children and had to change him which made him want to be able to move by himself even faster, even if it was done with magic.

Afterwards she put him to sleep, and the last thing he heard was Ollivander's wife questioning him about what happened to not speaking with women he was supposed to break off contact with, and him meekly explaining he has to fix their wands, or he will have a bad reputation for refusing without a reason.

---Six months later---

"Hewe you awe Shiane" resounded through the empty attic. It was the silver haired boy's hiding place since he found it a few months ago.

"You awe weading agaaaain?" pouted little blonde, Emily, with silver eyes similar to her father Ollivander.

Shane turned his head and tried to smile, but his facial muscles didn't listen to him, so he gave up after a few seconds.

"Did miss Olivia call me again?" he asked with an voice devoid of any fluctuations.

"Didn't we tell you to treat us as family?" asked a brunet boy named David "Didn't mother tell you to call her mother?" he said and then zoned out thinking about the weirdness of this sentence.

"Well, anyway mother called you to eat" he said returning to reality after few moments.

"Please tell her that I will come immediately after finishing this book" said Shane speeding up the reading pace, already being at the last chapter of the book.

The other boy glanced at the title which said

Numerology and Grammatica In cooperation of L. Wakefield and M. Carneiro 

After David saw the title he quickly turned around and run down the stairs shouting.

"Mother, mother! Father bought books for Shane again!" 

"I know sweetheart" said miss Olivander "But since he likes them why should we stop him from reading?"

"But it's a book about numerology again!" ratted out David.

"Oh, is it?" asked Olivia with a dangerous gleam in her eyes.

Since a few weeks ago, Shane asked her husband to buy him books about runes, so that he can try to enter that subject.

Ollivander, not accepting a half-a-year old boy reading books about such a high level subjects continued to buy him books about numerology which he, mistakenly, thought Shane didn't understand.

"Don't worry miss Ollivander" said the young boy almost falling down the stairs beacause of his short posture. "It doesn't really affect me, and I'm happy to strenghten my knowledge of the subject that I already learned"

During the last five months he learned some of the basic subjects, and almost everything about Arithmancy, which was quite easy to him, mainly beacause of the resemblance to mathematics in a lot of places.

He also chanced upon a few books about plants, which miss Olivia studied in her younger years, beacause as a healer this knowledge was necessary to her.

He started memorizing everything, but then he stumbled across a problem. His brain was a little bit weaker, which should be obvious since he was a child.

Later however, he realized that his brain wasn't as weak as it should be. He could think almost as fast as his previous self at the age of 7.

'How did it happen, that I became a child, but my brain's power didn't completely revert?' he asked himself before in a moment of self-realization.

After he checked his learning speed he calculated that if he sacrifices three hours every day, he will have all the plants from the so called "Holy nine of the magical fauna and flora" books learned by heart, when he turns five.

'That's not counting my ever increasing brain power' he thought looking at mister Garrick that just came back from his shop.

"Don't worry sweetie I will clean him up after he returns" said Olivia, before turning around, at the sound of someone floo-powdering.

"I bought you the book you wanted" he said looking at Olivia who, just a moment ago looked at him with a smile of a predator.

'How lucky it was, that I finally decided to buy that book this time' he thought while mentaly wiping the sweat from his forehead. 'I would surely die, if I didn't buy it'

After his wife received back the letter from the Greengrass couple, confirming the previous message was true, she reluctantly gave back Ollivander his wands.

Afterwards she threatened him, that if her "Little Raven" (how she called Shane) is unhappy, she will take all of his wands and force them up his arse.

"Thank you mister Garrick" said the boy, with a tone of voice that didn't have anything to do with hapiness, while looking at the books.

"Ancient runes made easy" by Laurenzoo


"Rune dictionary" compiled by Merge Publications

"You're welcome" answered gray haired man, trying to avoid his wife's glare, who looked like a child that had it's favourite toy stolen.

She would surely pout if not for it being unsuitable for her age.

After finishing the dinner Shane returned to the attic, in which he resided. 

Olivia wanted to give him a room close to them, but he said that there is more space up there, and he can study Astronomy and Astrology before he went to sleep.

His stay in the Ollivanders family house was very pleasant.

He explained to them, how his inability to feel emotions works, earning himself a more considerate treatment.

That even included telling Emily to not bother him about playing with her, as he wouldn't feel any fun from this.

Miss Olivia did a series of tests on his body, but except for discovering this new, in the modern magical world, sickness, she didn't manage to take it a lot further, even with the help of her well know medi-wizard, and medi-witches friends.

After doing some research, and looking through some ancient books they came to a similar conclusion as him in his previous life.

He has to find something, to shock him out of his emotionless state.

Shane wasn't discouraged by lack of definite succes, beacause he still had a lot of time to explore his sickness.

This was, after all a world full of magic where there was a 600 years old alchemist, humans breeding with giants and invisible horses that only people who witnessed dead could see.

Still, he learned twice as hard, and even planned to start doing some basic physical exercises in a few years, but very carefuly to not hurt his young body.

All of this was because of idea that if he is the strongest, nothing can stop him from finding the thing that can cause his sickness to disappear, not even God himself.

Because of that Shane started to be increasingly harsh to himself.

In his training schedule he placed:

Eight hours for sleep,

two hours for eating, toilet breaks and rest (which he didn't really need since he hasn't started physical training yet),

four hours for learning Herbology and Care of Magical Creatures,

three for developing his Numerology knowledge,

two for newly added Potions,

three for studying Ancient Runes,

and last but not least, an hour before sleep for Astronomy and Astrology.

In the free time in beetween the learning (if he had any at all), he would study some books for Mediwizards (it might be useful in the future after all)

In the next few days during the dinner Olivia told him about Garrick Ollivander being the biggest playboy during his early days. 

It was said, that even Lucius Malfoy studied under him, a rumour that Olivia confirmed with relish. 

Fortunately with age (and intimidation from his wife) he ceased indulging in his crooked ways.

After that Lucius Malfoy stayed on the podium for a few years, but afterwards he became a Death Eater and the craft was lost through the world.

"David will be the one to succeed my craft after the war ends" often related Ollivander with relish, dismissing Shane's candidature beacause of his lack of emotions.

Through the few months he compiled a manual about picking up girls, and during all the free time he secretly taught David his tricks.

Each time they were caught by Olivia, Garrick had a lot of trouble and David earned himself another lecture, but that didn't stop them.

David was a surprisingly good student, compared to his shy personality.

He picked up a lot of tricks about charming witches.

Coupled with his face slowly starting to change from cute to handsome, he was sure to be a great charmer (and maybe a playboy) in the future.

---10 months, 30 days later (1st November 1981)---

Ollivander almost fell out of the fireplace running at the breakneck speed.

"Th-th-the d-da-dark lor...!" he started breathing heavily.

"Calm down, what happened?" asked Olivia handing him a cup of water.

Ollivander gulped the whole cup not caring about the water wetting his clothes "The dark lord is DEAD!!!" he shouted with joy.

Everybody looked at him with shock, even Shane raised his indifferent eyes from the book, as he continued "The He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named killed by a child!!! A child, can you believe IT!!!"

Suddenly there was a sound of feathers rustling, and through the window came a very tired looking owl with a newspaper.

Garrick quickly took the newspaper while giving the owl some seeds with his trembling hands.

"Look!" he spread the newspaper pointing at the huge title.




The dark lord was killed yesterday,

all people under imperius curse awakened,

and the dark mark disappeared!!!

After asking in private

the Greatest White Wizard,

the recipent of the Order of Merlin,

and the headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry,

Albus Dumbledore,

about the events of last night, he told us a shocking truth:

The Dark Lord was killed by a little boy,

A boy, not even a year old, killed the Greatest Dark Lord after Geller Grindelwald,

is the boy also going to become the Dark Lord, or is he going to be our saviour?!?!?!

Let's find out in today's article a complete breakdown of Harry Potter's deeds!!!


"Is that really true?!" gasped shocked Olivia "Is he really dead?!"

The children looked at the newspaper shocked.

Previously they heard a lot about He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, and how he massacred innocent people and muggles with his death-eaters by his side.

Now finally the person that started the First Wizarding War was dead, and they could sleep in peace!

Shane just looked from the side at the exaggerated titles and articles.

He thought about the meek Harry that doesn't even know that wizards exist and just shook his head in desbelief he would be feeling, if only he could.


Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know. Still, the same old stuff, comment, and if it helps with the story I will change/add it. I more often look at things from the reader's perspective but well, every reader is different after all. It's also sometimes hard since I write on a computer, and read on the phone, so I have to check both... It's very tiring to change and then reload and then again the infinity cycle, especially when things like 3rdJune in the previous chapter just don't want to fix itself. So, sorry for some things I can't fix.

Chaos_Evil_Daoistcreators' thoughts