
The Claimed Omega [BL omegaverse]

Suddenly presenting as an omega, attacked and claimed by a stranger while celebrating the end of exam season with his friends, Wonho struggles to except all the new changes in his life. Then came Minwoo, a narcissistic, proud noble alpha with distaste in omegas who can't seem to leave Wonho alone, thinking Wonho is a mere beta who shows no interest in him. How in the world with these two strong-headed males even get together? Or, will they even get together in the first place? ---excerpt 'Tall, dark and handsome…' He starts, and as he expected, Minwoo blushes as if he knows Wonho is talking about him, '… just the type I hate.' Wonho smiles in triumph as he successfully wipes the smug of that face. Unfortunately for him though, Minwoo crouches beside him, too close for comfort. 'Looks like we have another thing in common, I prefer pale, beautiful people shorter than me too.' --- An original campus omegaverse AU, with none of the heavy alpha-dominating-omega storyline. [Warning] An angsty omegaverse with a twist. Not for the easily triggered. Proceed with caution! Also, contains Mature Contents for you pervs out there :3

Tiffany_JC · LGBT+
172 Chs

Fighting Back 2

Wonho look at the bruise on his wrists which are fading, and the pictures Minwoo took that night as well as the day after. He also tries to recall the events of the night - Juwon dragging him with force, threatening him with his pheromones enough that he felt afraid for his life, Heiran threatening him to not apply for a job at the firm or they will hurt him. He is not sure if anyone made a threat to kill him, but he felt like they did.

To be honest, he is not sure of what kind of action the police can take based on what happened to him. And he is not confident he can go through with it without help.

Which is why he is waiting for Minwoo to finish with his shift so they can go for a police report together. Knowing his alpha, he knows the man will get agitated and angry, but at least he knows he will have backup. Because Wonho becomes weak when it comes to finding justice for himself.
