
The Chronicles of sin's domination

this is fantasy story about a teenager named Rune who wakes up in Hell after dying in a tragic accident. He is given a chance to be reincarnated by Satan, but only if he can survive the trials in the seven circles of hell. Rune signs a contract with blood and is transported to a dark space where he discovers his status window, which shows his stats and abilities. would he be able to get reincarnated?

Darkness_Blade · 奇幻
31 Chs

Win-Win deal...

"how beautiful~" the sin of lust commented, eyes shining in a mysterious light, lust stared deeper and deeper into Rune's soul, this continued until Rune felt uncomfortable.

"oh~ sorry my mystic eye can see all beauty be it items or people." buffing up her chest, proud to have such an useful ability... at least to her. "how bout we make a deal, love~" with the most seductive voice.

unable to refuse, block her charm, Rune simply nodded her head in agreement. a flouting piece of paper flew at lighting speed, than abruptly stopping at Rune's face. the contract written in an unknown language was soon translated in the form of a mission in the status window.


[win-win deal]

description: the sin of lust have found beauty in you, and she wants to have a deal with you in return she'll provide you with... something.

Rank: unknown

reward: depends on the sin of lust's satisfaction

objective: have a steamy night with the sin of lust

duration: 12 hours

[accept] [reject]

upon rejection: you will die


cold sweat rolled down Rune's back, excitement, fear, confusion, these emotion spiraled in Rune's head as he pondered what to do. 'i... i'm only a teenager what am i suppose to do... no wait i'll die if i reject what can i even do...' Rune, a teenager virgin at heart is finding excuses to accept and reject the offer at the same time.

"Darling~ let me do something for you to accept the deal" resting her pillow soft cheeks on her hands, the status window changed slightly.


[win-win deal]

description: the sin of lust have found beauty in you, and she wants to have a deal with you in return she'll provide you with... something. but as she saw you pondering about the contract, she made things more easier to the user.

Rank: unknown

reward: one trait, three wishes (within possibility)

objective: have a steamy night with the sin of lust

duration: 12 hours

[accept] [reject]

note: may be better depending on sin of lust's satisfaction

upon rejection: you will die


Rune's head started hurting from overthinking, she right and and before she was alive was never a person who would think so hard, most of her actions were based on emotions, but than she look at Runaan, her body was trembling with fear, her eyes started to tear up and her face was pale. 'ah... there's no need to decide is there....' touching the accept button another notice appeared before Rune's face


accepted contract: [win-win deal]

the deal will start upon the sin of lust's agreement.


releasing her pressure, Rune and Runaan was finally freed from kneeling. "master!!!!" with teary eyes with snot running down her nose, Runaan leapt onto Rune and hugged her tightly "i really thought i was gonna die..."

"servants take them to where everyone's gathering" without a second's notice, two incubus holding spears, dragged Rune and Runaan to where everyone was gathering. soon a flame erupted from the sky, a pink flame started speaking. "oh cuties~ hello, welcome to my palace, i the sin of lust is now in charge of over seeing you for this week~" proudly announcing her appearance.

the pink flame grew brighter and larger until small flames broke apart itself to hundreds of flames from it's main body, flying to each trainee. than igniting everyone on fire, but instead of unending agonizing pain, the trainees were engulfed in ecstasy, like when your lover plays around with your weak spot, everyone fell to their knee's while some with strong mental fortitude stood still while blushing, until the flames died down.


notice: absorbed sin of lust's flames

skill generated: Lust(lvl1)


"here's my little gift to you, who'd have came all the way here, but it's your job to discover how to use it~ as i've got something important to attend to~" with a joyous happy voice the pink flame disappeared. the two incubus who dragged Rune and Runaan here, started to announce "please disperse, i'm sure each one of you have money from you servant, use them wisely in my master's domain for the week to come, as my master isn't as nice as the sin of sloth."

the two incubus shortly came over to Rune, Rune who was trying to blend into the crowd were immediately caught. "no! Runaan save me!" swinging her arms frantically around like a child, Runaan who couldn't do anything just stood there and said "i'll look for you afterward... i believe in you..." forcing a smile on her face. Rune took a mental note to take vengeance on her after she survived this.

thrown into a large white marble room with a few safes and a singular bed with silk curtains around it. pink aura soon surrounded Rune's body as she stood up, she tried to break loose from it but was to no avail, flouting closer and closer to the bed, there laid the sin of lust wearing almost transparent lingerie. forcing Rune on the bed using telekinesis, she chained Rune to the bed tightly.

"ah yo-your highness, please wait, my body is s-still sweaty from the trip here... if y-you'd allow it please let me cleanse before dirtying your b-body" trembling, Rune's face was red and her crimson and violet eyes were spinning.

"oh darling~ i couldn't care less~ i like it just as you are~" ripping Rune's modern cloths off, lust opened her safes to revealing toys that were made for pleasure. The sin of lust smile seductively, sitting comfortably on the bed, she gently placed her fair hands on Rune's body playing with her curvatures.

blowing air in Rune's ears, paired with keen sense(lvl2), her face was practically as red as an apple. "so cute!" kissing Rune on the mouth, the kiss left a bit of lust's saliva, which was mixed with mana and a bit of her magic. entering Rune's body she felt that she's losing strength and her body began to feel hot, in which the sin of lust continued with her play.

The night was filled with screams of pleasure and pain for the next 12 hours...