

The BOOK, formally known as Vampires Lair but now The Chosen Mate. Two Mates and only one would be chosen. Who would it be? Hayley Marshal, a human. P.C the prince detest humans or Rose Manchester, a She- Wolf. Sneak Peek. "Do you feel it, the spark, the tingles and sensation Hayley Marshal?" "I don't feel anything for you Mr Damon Agrippa. I don't feel it. I would never feel it. I hate you with all my heart. You are annoying and you intentionally insult me. Being me, I stupidly beg. You are a prideful peacock Mr Damon Agrippa" He pulled me closer to him. "Are you sure?" What are you doing to me Damon Agrippa? My body is on fire. I'm on fire. My heart beat is skyrocketing. Deep down. I felt it too. † Would the prince affection for Hayley be cold or will he still pick the werewolf over the Human? Two people for one Prince. Who do you want people? We'll find out. Updates are on Wednesdays and Fridays. Stay tuned and relax. I'm an author of imaginations.

LadyAuroraNK01 · 作品衍生
7 Chs




"Damon, why did you kill those humans?" My dad, the King asked.

What was with him and humans?

Humans are pathetic, useless, and stupid.

They are fragile and easy to snap their necks.

My dad has been King for years and he has gained the respect and trust of the humans. That was why he wanted me to respect them.

How could I, Prince Damon respect those pathetic, disgusting, and annoying humans?

"As usual, they are pathetic," I answered him nonchalantly.

"That's it" he roared in authority which made me step back before calling my mom "Honey"

"Yes, Honey. What's the problem?" She asked my Dad.

"It's Damon. He killed twenty humans for fun. For fun. I am tired of this. You need to be punished. I know just how to punish you, human killer. I'm locking your vampire self and releasing the werewolf in you, hybrid prince. Maybe you will learn to respect me after the full moon" The King said looking at me with anger in his eyes.

My parents love me just as much as I love them but when it comes to me killing or disrespecting humans they get mad.

My werewolf form has laid dormant since I was twenty-five years.

My mom is a werewolf and my Dad, a vampire. When he found out that she was his mate and a werewolf, he got married to her. I was born a hybrid but my twin brother was a full-blooded vampire.

He was dead thanks to those despicable humans. They must pay whether dad likes it or not.

The people were happy until sixteen years later when my wolf came out. I felt it. The people were happy that now my wolf was out.

I was happy, I was fully a Hybrid. I was trained to control my wolf during the full moon but when my brother died, I lost control during the full moon and killed humans and vampires. It made the people angry and I didn't care because I wanted to kill them all.

Since that time, My Father, King Agrippa locked my werewolf to create peace in both the vampire and human world. He called a warlock to lay my wolf dormant and he did.

I don't want to experience that encounter ever again and hearing father say that I became scared.

I couldn't forget the look in my parent's eyes when they saw me. They looked like they had seen a monster.

"What? You both can't do that" I looked at them.

My parent said, "of course we can." My Father continued "except we make a deal."

"What deal?" I asked.

I want you to take care of my business organization in the mundane world" he answered.


"No but. I want you to employ humans, you must work together as a team and go along with one another or I will release it"

I was relieved. I thought it was a difficult task. Not until he said these

"You will also be living among them, attend parties together with human friends you will make. Have a human girlfriend until you find your mate. Have a human personal secretary."

It was then I lost it. How can he do this? He knows how I feel about humans.

"No," I said angrily.

"Warlock" my dad shouted and the warlock appeared.

"Yes, your highness" the warlock bowed.

"Release his werewolf form," my dad said looking at me and daring me to accept his deal or he will do it.

"But, it's dangerous. Your highness, the full moon is tomorrow. He will kill us all in a blink---" The warlock said but dad cuts in

"Do it"

"Wait, I accept," I said looking at my dad's satisfactory eyes.

"Good boy. Warlock, you may leave" He said dismissing the warlock.

"Now pack your things, you are going to the human world son." He said smiling.

I can't fight him. He always wins.

Wait for what! Why now? I looked at my mom for back up but she just shrugged. Typical Mom. Always agreeing to whatever Dad says.

"What, now? But I"

He thinks by doing this, I won't get my revenge. I will kill them all when I become King.

Those pathetic humans, they must pay for this.

"Don't but me. So you can kill more humans. I will not let that happen. So if I were you, I will get ready as soon as possible before I change my mind." dad said smiling.

I started grumbling. I know my Dad gets what he wants and I can't win him against him.

I started packing in preparation for the journey. I looked at my parent and smiled sadly.

"You will only come back after you find your mate and agree to marry her which I pray, she should be human," my mom said hugging me.

"Never Mom. I will rather die than be close to that pathetic creature." I said in anger.

"You never know. Never say never." My mom persuaded

Please, God, I don't want to have a human mate. It will be the end of my revenge.

"Farewell son. I must not hear any bad reports. Be a good boy there and no killing human, understood?" He threatened me.

"Understood Father. Farewell," I bid them farewell before leaving.

"Shall we go your Majesty? The car would be waiting at the mundane world" the warlock said opening the portal.

I looked at them before entering the portal.

Bye vampire world, welcome to the human world, Damon.

Are you ready to read The Chosen Mate because I am ready to write it.

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Ask questions if you want and I will be willing to answer.

I will only be updating on Wednesday and Friday.

So be ready.

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