
The charming legend of the salphaire kingdom. won by a prince

Eddie's love affair with his charming Princess is the type that brought disaster unending to the duo, and to think there love story will go on smoothly as they have planned it to be, can they ever get out of this traumatic experience and get married there way?

Seun_Adeniyi · 奇幻言情
4 Chs

chapter three

Ladies in the community were jealous of this poor girl for having a successful and handsome guy, she was the talk of the whole community until it got to the ears of the royal family, but the royal families were furious about a Prince stooping so low to be with a looser of a woman as they thought, " why did you do that?" Questioned his father, every other family members were seated as if it's is time for judgement execution in the law court, " are you guys all judging me right now, Don't I have right to be happy? Even if being with that girl will make me happy do you all care?" His elder brother answered him furiously" does it sound like we care? Marry anyone you like, do anything you want if you like marry all the ugly girls in this town I don't care just that I hate it when people are talking ill about our family and you are the cause of it so just stop it " all his siblings except for the youngest took turns to talk him off his fantasy but none of their words entered his ears as tears drop from his eyes, his mind wondered around that he could not hear anything from the surrounding. "Eddie you know what if you want to get married you can marry any other lady, we have decent ones not that ugly, good for nothing girl, Eddie! It's for your good, So many ladies wished they could have you as their soulmate..." Her stepmother was the one who took the next challenge to talk to him, he requested permission to leave the room, tears all over his face but non except for his junior brother feel any remorse. You know why? His mother died living behind two adorable sons the other wife was as a result of extramarital affairs, and all her children were adopted to the royalty, Eddie is the heir to the throne but the other children wanted to take it from him therefore they always follow any direction that contribute to his downfall .

At despite all they told him Eddie was seen with the woman she loves, his stepbrother had been watching with awe and anger, he shouted his name "Eddie! You will wait and listen to me, you are disobeying your parents right ! Bringing that wretch of a lady here is a bad idea and I will not let it plague us all okay ! You are trying to destroy your reputation if I must tell you, let it sink into your medulla" His sibling tackled him one night after seeing them together " you'd better mind your business, you'd better leave without being hurt, if you are too involved you might end up being hurt and you will not like it. Come closer let me say something to your ear" his sibling moved closer he then whispered softly " does anyone knows that you are not of the royal blood, but someone who wants to steal the throne? I know what you and your mother is after, I bet you all you wouldn't have it" " I can help you spread the news and trust me everyone will know your true identity and think of what will happen to your self-esteem, stop being egoistic around me and turn a blind eye on things about me and my woman or else you will not be happy you trespassed, sleep tight and have a Sweet dreams!" He patted his shoulder then left for his room but his sibling was weak to move, he was angry at the same time, he tried to respond but no word came out from his mouth.

" Sholly ! what is the problem, you are not yourself since you came back to this house, tell me about it, I can help you, my son is it Eddie, is it about him?" Sholly was the name of Eddie's stepbrother, he was always rude, nonchalant, troublesome, he's non decisive but follow orders to Paint himself as obedient child preferred for the throne , he has no good morals and to think he's not a prince is audacious " I understand I know he must have said something to you to have made you this restive, don't get involved again I will teach him lesson for you trust your mother for that, Eddie took flowers and dressed so cool to meet his mother at her grave yard as he pays his respect with silence cos he doesn't know what to say, his heart is so heavy with what he's been going through but strong willed as he is he didn't show it. His step mother knelt down to give her own respect but sarcastically, she said her words in whisper " had it been ten years since your mother left you ? You must have been a bad child, reflect on your behaviour that made your mother gave up her life, see what problem you have caused the family bringing in a daughter of a no body to be married by you, if your mother were to be alive I am sure she'll not be happy seeing you cause any trouble, you think you are the heir for the throne ? Though it's your birthright you can loose it with this your self will, always disobeying your father who can show you to the throne, I will not tell you not to stop at least I want my children too to get to the throne so please be adamant , one last thing. That girl you said you have interest in, doesn't concern me but henceforth I will be making your life and that woman miserable, just watch me do just that, you Silly child " As she left the grave side Eddie's eyes had been heavy with tears that he could not control it, he cried like a baby , I had to come outside from where I am to help him up so I can take him to his house " my friend? What about Life is it to live for? Is it not better to die, with this whole mess, am I that bad? Is all that she said true am I causing trouble? I have a lot on my mind tell me something " he was crying heavily I gave him a piece of my advice. "Eddie! What to live for is inexhaustible what happens to the woman who loves you just as you do ? If you die as a result of fear she'll call you a coward and I know you are not, your junior brother you can't leave him behind just like that what will happen to him alone ? Life will be unbearable for him, your passion, your dream of becoming a king that brings equality and justice to the land and your woman a respectable queen in your palace, all of those are things you shouldn't give up and as for your stepmother all I can tell you is that she's jealous of you. Anyone who is jealous always show it by wanting to make you feel inferior, if she succeed in her mission you might end up dropping your dreams and that Will make her happy she'll then be able to take whatever is yours so please don't give up, winners are celebrated not failures, he was happy and strengthened, he kept saying "I am not giving up" as we were returning home we saw a corpse on our way some soldier were moving towards us he then told me to run as fast as I can " what about you?" I kept asking him but he said I shouldn't mind him and run, my prince how did this corpse get here ? What can you say about it because it was found where you are and at the time you were in this environment, that is an evidence that can't be uttered, who else is with you?" Where I hid myself I felt cold chill down my spine" I am alone " he protested " you are under arrest for murder " his favourite table knife was found at the scene stained with blood , who could have done this to frame Eddie I was afraid, what will happen to Prince Eddie, hope they'll not kill him, as the news got to his woman she was not herself, she started crying out loud but other girls were making jest of her, what a wicked world! , Eddie was put in prison for what he never did.

"Tell us everything that happened, how the knife known to be yours got to the scene, how you were seen right on the spot of the scene, although there were no blood in your hands or clothes, did you send someone to do it for you? " Eddie said he didn't answer a word since no one will believe him even if he had said the truth , he was detained for one week just to gather evidence his father was thinking of ways to get him out but could not think of anything, he believed his son was framed but how can he claim his innocency, a lady came to the palace hagard who said Eddie was innocent that she could prove it, who is this lady and how many of this whole thing she knows about. I am curious myself