
A Little Knowledge from the Mysterious Sarah

A man No. 1 said, "Hurry up and pay the man! (A man pulls out a laptop from his case then starts typing in it. The shady man pulls out his phone as he watches the numbers rolling on in.) Now tell me, what is the information that I seek?"

As the shady man saw two hundred thousand dollars, he puts his phone on sleep mode. He then pulls out another phone and types in what he remember seeing on a notes application.

The shady man said, "This is the license plate number that your men almost have gotten."

He extended his right arm forward and shown them the numbers for a few seconds then he puts his phone away.

A man No. 1 commanded, "Run those numbers! Pack up and let's move out, people!"

Everyone starts to run to get to work.

While on the road, Sarah is sitting in the kitchen enjoying a bowl of Captain Crunch with milk.

Jack asks, "So, uh you going to tell me what's going on?"

Sarah said, "(She stammering then sighs.) All I can tell you to put you less in danger. Those men work for the government that I am not sure which government and they need me… so I escaped the first chance I got until we met by chance. I was happy but also scared."

Jack asks, "Scared? What for? I know you're beautiful and all but… (She blushes slightly by hearing the word beautiful.) I just can't let myself see anything happen to anyone… so, uh… I-I am glad I am h-here to help you in some way…"

Sarah said, "(She smiles.) Thank you, Jack. I just don't know where I might feel safe. (she spoke to herself mentally.) He thinks I'm beautiful huh… I never was told that before."

She blushes at the thought of his words.

Jack asks, "Sarah… Sarah?"

Sarah answers, "(She's flustered with her eyes widen.) Huh?"

Jack asks, "Hey, you ok? You seem spaced out? Are you tired?"

Sarah answers, "No, I'm ok. Sleep maybe great right about now. I'm glad that you weren't some one older then…"

Jack said, "Do I look that old to you…? (She shook her head in a panic.) I am only twenty be twenty one next week."

Sarah said, "(She's surprised.) You're younger than me? I'm twenty three."

She giggles softly.

Jack said, "The bedroom is in the back so help yourself to whichever bunk you like."

Sarah said, "(She smiles.) Thanks. I think I will."

She walks away towards the back as he continues on driving.