
The CEOs Butterfly

Rachel Martinez is a kind and beautiful young lady in a her 20s. She trusted the people around her and never found any fault with them until they started showing her their true colors. Will she be able to protect her self from their schemes and traps or will she need help. "What do u want from me " Rachel asked shouting "I want to help you" He said "I don't need your help, I can deal with them on my own" She replied "Are u sure u don't need my help in protecting you and your family and against those scheming pest, Is this your way of pushing away from your huh Rachel" He asked will a cold voice " I... I'm not .." "Do you want me out of your life Rachel " He asked this time creasing her cheeks. "I don't know, I don't know " The cover pic is not mine. @pinterest.

Sirix_Alia · 现代言情
17 Chs

Chapter 5: Let's date

"I want to formally introduce myself to you , My name is Thiago Rodriguez" He said with a stretched hand, I took it and replied "I'm Rachel Martinez"

After introducing our selves there was an awkward silence between us.

"I want to apologise" We both said at the same time astonishing each other.

"I want to talk first" I said to him

"I am apologizing for clinging unto at the bar last night and taking up your time, what happened between us I think we should just forget about it and we were also under the influence of alcohol so I don't hold you countable to it " Rachel said to Thiago seriously.

' So she actually thinks something happened between us last night, oh well there's no need for her to know yet ' Thiago thought

"I'm afraid that's impossible because that's my main reason for this dinner. I want to be countable for what I did " Thiago said as he smiled inwardly

"I can't just ruin you then allow you to go just like that"

"Ok so what are you proposing Mr. Rodriguez" Rachel said with a smile

"Let's date"Thiago said seriously

"Pèrdon"Rachel asked

"I want to date you, so far from our encounter I find you interesting. I wanted to propose marriage but I changed my mind" Thiago replied

I can feel the honesty in his voice.

"Why so, you don't know maybe am married or have a fiancee" I asked him

He just smiled and said" That's why I know u are neither and I want to seize my chance before someone else does and if it doesn't work out we can break up and go our separate ways"

"Um okay, I guess am gonna give us a try Mr Rodriguez." Rachel said

"I think you should start addressing me by name Rachel"Thiago said and my name sounded soo beautiful with the way he said it.

After talking for some time Rachel checked the time and realized its almost 9pm

"Well I will take my leave Thiago" Rachel said as she stood up . "I would like to drop off"Thiago said and Rachel nodded

They both left the restaurant together and Rachel gave Penelope's address to the driver because she didn't want to return to her old apartment that she shared with her boyfriend. When they reached Penelope's address Rachel turned to say goodbye but Thiago refused saying " Not good bye, but see you soon"

Rachel smiled and said " see you soon".


IMPERIAL COMPLEX( Penelope's Apartment)

*knock* *knock*

"What are you doing here" Penelope asked surprised to see Rachel at her door step

" I came to visit you "Rachel said sarcastically as she entered.

"Aren't you happy to see me here"

" I am but I was expecting to spend the night with your Greek god of Handsomeness" Penelope said with a dreamy look

" Seriously Penny" Rachel asked with a raised brow

" No offense but what are doing here" Penelope asked a bit confused

" I don't want to go back to my old apartment even better can you help find a place to stay" Rachel said as she removed her heels and settled on the couch.

" Why find else to stay when you can move in with me, I have a lot of rooms to spare." Penelope grinning


" No buts, tommorow you and I will go to your old apartment to park all things and move them here, That *sshole should go to hell"

"Thanks Penny, I owe you one"

"No Problem"

The next day early in the morning Penelope and Rachel drove to Kings & Queens Apartment Complex. When they reached the apartment no one was there. So Rachel when straight to her room to pack all her belongings with Penelope helping them, when they were almost done they heard someone enter the apartment when Rachel went to check the intruder was non other her ex boyfriend Diego Murray.

"I knew you going to return" Diego said with a smile on his face

"What do you want Diego" Rachel asked as she glared at him

" Oh What do I even want, I just remembered this apartment also belong to me. So you can't ask me what I want" Diego said still will a smile on his face

" tsk tsk Babe why are you doing this to us, what I said the other time was said under influence of alcohol" Diego said as he tried to hold her.




Penelope came down stairs to check on her friend only to find her giving her ex three slaps on his cheeks

' Go Girl ' Penelope thought as she stood there to watch the whole drama unfold

" How dare you slap me, you ungrateful woman" Diego asked with anger in his eyes

" What do u mean by ungrateful , You are the one who is ungrateful after all what I have done for you. This is what you repay me with huh. We are over Diego" Rachel said to him coldly.

"Penny grab the bags and let's go"

Hearing that Penelope grabbed Rachel's suitcase and was about to leave when they both heard Diego say " You are gonna regret this Rachel, Mark my words"


Rachel shut the door at him and left with Penelope in tow. When they reached the car.

" Wow girl, you rock " Penelope exclaimed in excitement.

" But I wonder what he means by am going to regret it" Rachel said a bit worried.

" Don't worry about that scum, he might have said that to make u afraid."

Penelope said trying to ease Rachel's worries.

"Have you informed your parents " Penelope asked and Rachel shook her head

"You should tell them what he did before Diego cooks up a story to tell them that you are at fault." Penelope said seriously

" I think you are right I will call them during lunch, now step on it before we are late to work. " Rachel said

" And I hope you remember that your car is still in the parking lot. You can't turn me into your personal driver Rachel"

Penelope said with a pout as if she's been bullied

"Don't worry Penny am not planning to, so stop pouting" Rachel replied with a chuckle as she looked at her friends face.
