
An Annoying Game

編輯: Larbre Studio

The men cheered and clapped when they heard the question while the women all looked at each other in dismay. They were so nervous that they clutched at the corners of their clothes, afraid that their name would be called.

He Xiyan looked down and thought that it was highly unlikely that her name would be called. When she looked up, she was surprised to see Gu Chi staring at her.

She was surprised!

That kid reached out and hesitated for a second but ultimately pointed at someone.

"It's her!"

Everyone looked toward the direction of his finger.

He Xiyan finally realized that he was not pointing at her but Qin Xiaoyu who was seated on her left.

Qin Xiaoyu shrieked and her face flushed red. She turned around, her back facing the group and bent over as she covered her face, looking like an innocent young woman who was embarrassed. Everyone then burst out laughing at her reaction.

The game continued.