
Chapter 66 - Daughters of Darkness

Selina watched as her mother opened the door for the caterers. “Just put the food in the kitchen,” Selina’s mother said, pointing through the living room to the arched doorway leading to the back of the house. While Cherise Rycroft wanted everyone to believe she slaved away at the stove to prepare the food for this afternoon’s gathering, the High Priestess of the Daughters of Darkness would never lift a finger near a real stove. “The Goddess gave us restaurants,” she often said. “Why would I deprive those hardworking employees a chance to serve and earn their keep?” Arrogance mixed with laziness, that described Selina’s mother perfectly. Except, of course, when it came to her witchcraft. Cherise Rycroft threw everything she had into her magic. That drive ushered Selina’s father to an early grave, the man suffering a massive heart attack at forty-five; he couldn’t keep up with Cherise’s expensive tastes or determined ambition, especially after her son, Warren, was discovered dead.