
Chapter 61 - Death's Shroud

“Mark!” Tricia cried out, jerking his attention around just as Laci’s body collapsed to the floor.

He rushed to the young woman’s side, reaching out to scoop her up. “Shit! She’s burning up,” he said, forcing himself to pick Laci off the floor and placing her on the table.

“Her clothes are smoking,” Tricia said as she joined him at the table’s side. “I’ll get some cold rags. Maybe we can slow down whatever is happening to her. Offer her some sort of protection.” She left his side as he stood beside Laci, staring down into the girl’s face. “For the record, this faerie world of yours sucks ass.”

Tell me about it. He sighed, wanting to reach out to smooth the hair out of the young girl’s eyes but afraid to touch her and make matters worse.

Tricia returned, arms loaded with soaking towels. “Here, cover her with these. It might slow down the heat that’s devouring her.”