
The Cat's Second Life: A Dystopian Tale of Survival

As she lay on her deathbed, the woman wondered what the future held for her. Would she be reincarnated? Would she go to heaven or hell? These were questions that she couldn't answer. But as it turned out, the woman was indeed reincarnated. She woke up in a strange and unfamiliar place, unsure of where she was or what had happened to her. As she looked around, she realized that she was no longer in a human body. Instead, she was a small and fluffy white cat. As she made her way through the desolate landscape, the woman noticed that there were strange creatures roaming the streets. They were grotesque and undead, with rotting flesh and empty eyes. They seemed to be drawn to her, reaching out with their gnarled hands as she tried to escape. The woman knew that she had to be careful. She had to stay hidden and avoid the zombies at all costs. She crept through the shadows, using all of her feline instincts to evade the undead creatures. As she wandered through the city, the woman realized that she was the only cat anyone had ever seen. People were terrified of her, and they ran in fear whenever she approached. The woman was sad and lonely, longing for the companionship of her human family.

Slow_Moose · 奇幻
15 Chs


As I wander through the deserted streets, I can't help but reflect on the state of the world and the people I see. What once must have been a bustling town is now nothing but ruins, with debris scattered everywhere. The humans I see walking around look haggard and hungry, their eyes filled with desperation as they scavenge for food.

From what I observe they seem to walk in small groups, keeping their distance from other groups as if wary of their own kind. I can see them rummaging through piles of debris and scavenging for scraps in the deserted buildings. Their movements are slow and deliberate, as if each step requires a great deal of effort. The food they find is meager, at best- bits of moldy and spoiled vegetables.

They eat it all the same, as if they have no choice but to make do with what they can find. The sight is both sad and heart-wrenching, as I realize that the world has changed dramatically since I was a human. It is a stark reminder of the harsh realities of survival in this desolate place.

"I really am lucky for my cat stomach..."

I have learned to be cautious around them, as they see me as a source of food. I make my way through the town, carefully avoiding any potential danger and hunting for my own food. I do get better and better at thinning out the bird population. Despite my need to focus on my own survival above all else, I can't help but feel a sense of sadness for the state of humanity.

As I explore the streets, I can't help but notice the lack of diversity among the humans. Everywhere I go, I only see men. No women, no children. It's as if they've all disappeared, leaving only these haggard, desperate men behind. But I suppose it would be difficult to recognize them in this state. The lack of food has taken its toll on everyone, leaving them unrecognizable from their former selves. It's a somber thought, and I can't help but feel a sense of sadness for what has happened to the world. The people I see look exhausted, their eyes hollow, their movements slow and unsteady. But despite their situation, they cling to hope, searching for food and shelter in the ruins of this once-bustling town.

As I continue my journey, I come across a small group of humans who have found some food. Looks to me like some roots they have dug out of the ground. They huddle around it, eagerly sharing what little they have. Despite their current state, I can see the remnants of their former humanity shining through - they are caring and sharing with each other.

However, their interactions are still cautious and guarded. They constantly keep an eye on each other, wary of any sudden movements. There's a palpable tension in the air, as if they expect someone to take what little they have. Their gazes flit from one person to another, never lingering for too long. They seem to be in a state of constant vigilance, wary of each other as well as their surroundings. Despite the kindness they show towards each other, it's clear that survival is the top priority for them.

I stand at a distance, watching them in silence. It's a small glimmer of hope in a world that has become so desolate. But as the night falls and the wind howls through the broken windows of the abandoned buildings, I remember that I am just a stray cat, surviving in a world that has forgotten me.

I continue my journey, searching for a safe place to rest for the night. But the memories of these people and the hope they brought stay with me.