
The Casual Life of a Dimensional Guardian

Khun is a Dimensional Guardian. He had been a dimension for millions and even billions of years. At the present time, the war with the chaos creatures is finally over. With the end of the war, Khun's job as a Dimensional Guardian is automatically terminated since the current dimension does not pose a threat like chaos creatures. This is what causes Khun to want to experience the life of a normal human being in a normal world. How is the story going? Please follow. Warning: The language used in this novel may be a little difficult to understand. I hope you guys understand because I'm not good at English myself. Thank you.

Enryu_2322 · 漫画同人
19 Chs

Chapter 4: First Friend

"Hey, why are you always smiling while we are playing and you have a happy expression on your face. Even though you've never been able to withstand my attacks,

Khun asked with high curiosity. Because as long as the two of them played, the child beside him never showed an annoyed or angry expression. But the expression the child showed was a smile.

Listening to Khun's question, the boy hastily drank the water that Khun gave him and put it in front of him with a happy smile looking at Khun while saying,

"Isn't that certain? Fighting someone stronger than me is a very interesting thing. The stronger the opponents I face, the more interesting the game. That's what makes me love basketball"

"This reason… This kid seems like his brain will only become the brain of basketball in the future"

Khun sighed as he shook his head thinking about the future of this kid beside him. Suddenly Khun saw the boy looking focused on him saying,

"Are you new here? I've never seen you in the area around here."

"I can't be said to be a newbie. It's just that yesterday I came to my aunt's house which is only 100 meters from the park. I was a little intrigued by this area and took the initiative to take a walk. I didn't expect to come here and play with you"

Khun shrugged his shoulders and continued again, "By the way, do you often play alone in this park? Don't any of your friends accompany you?"

"Usually I have a friend who often accompanies me. However, today his family had some business and couldn't accompany me to play. That's why I came here to play alone."

"So, is your friend just as great as you?"

The boy shook his head and said,

"No. She is a girl. He just used to accompany me to play here. We also occasionally do shooting matches. However, usually it is very boring; if only to have a match like that" The

boy suddenly thought of something. He hastily said, "Hey, are you going to stay long at your aunt's house?"

"Hmmm~ I don't know. I'll probably stay for a few days at my aunt's house and come back as the school holidays are almost over. Is there something?"

The boy's eyes showed an excited expression and said, "Great. Then I can have a friend to play basketball with while you're here. Besides that I have time to be able to try to beat you"

"Beat me? Hmmm~ Are you capable of that?"

Khun asked mockingly while looking at the boy with a provocative look.

"Hey, don't underestimate me. I will definitely do it. I will definitely be able to beat you. Just you wait"

"Okok, I will wait for the time"

Khun suddenly stopped and looked at the boy and asked, "By the way, what is your name?"

"My name is Aomine Daiki. You have to remember the name of the person who will defeat you"

"Aomine? In Japanese Ao means blue. This child's hair is also blue. Could it be a coincidence?"

Khun thought as he looked closely at the child in front of him who had the appearance of dark blue hair, brown skin and dark blue eyes.

"What's your name?"

"My name is Khun"

"Only Khun? Don't you have a family name?"

Khun shook his head and said, "No, I don't have one. My name is just Khun."

"Then I'll call you, Khun. You can also call me Daiki"

"Is it okay for me to call you by your name directly?"

Khun asked strangely because he knew that in Japan, it is very rude to call someone's name directly before they have a close relationship. Usually direct nicknames are only close people such as close friends, best friends, relatives, family, and also various other close relationships.

"Does not matter. You can call me by my nickname directly especially since the two of us are now friends"

"Friends? When did the two of us become friends?"

"By the time the two of us played together, the two of us were already friends"

Daiki said proudly while looking at Khun. Khun smiled a little and did not expect that he would get a friend so easily like this.

"Ah! Unlucky! It's already this hour"

Daiki suddenly roared with a face full of fear while glancing at the clock on the wall that was displayed in the garden. Khun who heard Daiki's roar raised his brow and asked,

"Why are you scared, Daiki?"

"Unlucky! It's already lunch time. My mother had previously told me to come back before lunch time. Unlucky! Mother will scold me." Daiki suddenly got up from his seat with a face that still showed a frightened expression.

"Then you should return immediately. Moreover, the clothes you are wearing now are very dirty. Surely you will get double anger from your mother"

Daiki's face was more frightened after he saw that the clothes he was wearing were very dirty, full of dust and sweat. Daiki immediately took his basketball and looked at Khun while saying, "Khun, then I'll go back first. I will be here tomorrow morning. I hope you come tomorrow to play together."

"No problem. I will come. Moreover, I am waiting for your promise to beat me"

"Hey! I will definitely be able to do it. You just need to wait"

"Okok~ Then, you better hurry back. I'm not sure how you can endure your mother's anger."

Daiki's face suddenly turned pale again after hearing Khun's words.

"Unlucky! Then I'll go back first. Until we meet again, Khun. Oh~ Well, tomorrow I will invite my friends to come along and introduce him to you"

"I'll be waiting for him"

"Bye" Daiki waved his hand and immediately ran at high speed towards his house exceeding the speed used by him during the match against Khun.

"Agh~ Is a mother so scary that just remembering her allows someone to unleash their hidden potential? Hmm~ Forget it, I'd better go back home. Danies and Shiba-San have also returned home."

Khun collected the bottle of drink Daiki was drinking and the can of orange juice he drank earlier. Khun took the empty bottles to a trash can less than 15 meters from his position and placed them in the trash can. After he finished throwing away the drink bottles, Khun immediately walked back to the house he lived in now.


It only takes less than 15 minutes for Khun will soon reach the house he lives in now. After arriving at the front gate of the house, Khun immediately opened the gate of the house and saw that there was a small car parked in the front car garage, which previously had no car at all.

Khun didn't really care or were interested in the car and immediately walked towards the door of the house, opened the door of the house and said,

"I'm home"

"Welcome back, Khun-Sama / Sir."

Danies and Shiba who had arrived first immediately greeted Khun's arrival with great respect. Khun just nodded as he took off the shoes he was wearing and replaced them with the room slippers that had been prepared in advance.

Khun, Danies, and Shiba immediately walked towards the lounge. Arriving at the lounge, Khun's eyes suddenly turned to see the various kinds of business cards lying on the lounge table in a very large number.


"Hohoho ~ Khun-Sama, those are business cards from agents from entertainment companies."

Khun sat down and took one of the business cards as he asked again,

"Ho~ Then, why is there a business card from this agency? here?"

"Agents from the agency are very interested in Danies-Sama, Khun-Sama. When Danies-Sama and I were working on identity papers from Khun-Sama and Danies-Sama, it turned out that many entertainment company agencies were close to the civil registration office. This is what makes them able to see firsthand the appearance of Danies-Sama and are interested in making Danies-Sama the star of their agency."

Khun nodded and put the ID card back in his hand and glanced at Danies who was standing beside him,

"What do you think, Danies? Are you interested in trying to break into the entertainment industry? I believe in the appearance you have. It would be very easy to rise to the top of this industry"

Danies shook his head and said, "I will not accept their offer, sir. I myself have no interest in getting into the entertainment business. I prefer to serve Master instead of doing such unimportant things"

Khun sighed and said,

"You know, Danies. We are not currently on work time. You are free to choose to do whatever you want now. I will give you complete freedom at this point; if indeed you have the intention to enter the entertainment industry, I will not forbid you to enter there. You are free to decide."

"I thank you for the permission, sir. However, my choice was unanimous. I have no desire to enter the entertainment industry like models, artists, singers and so on. Moreover, very troublesome; if I become very famous. There would be a lot of paparazzi following us wherever we went which made it very uncomfortable. I'm sure it will also greatly interfere with the life you want."

"Okay. If that's what you want."

Khun himself didn't really mind the choice that Danies would make. Khun continued, "Then is it okay to just destroy all these business cards?"

"No problem, sir."

Khun nodded and immediately used his power to destroy all the business cards of agency agents who were trying to recruit Danies to join their star. Seeing that all the business cards had disappeared, Danies sighed happily because he had parted with various things that he did not want.

"By the way, sir. How about the walks from before?"

"That's pretty good, Danny. I learned a lot of new things from the humans in this world. Not only did I study, but I also made a friend when I was out on a trip before"

"Made a friend?"

Danies and Shiba became interested in this.

"Yes. I met him in the park which is 100 meters to the east of this house. The boy's name is Aomine Daiki. He is a good boy and has a very high fondness for basketball. We met because he saw me watching him play basketball alone in the park. We are friends now, and tomorrow we have made an appointment to meet again in the park. He will invite a friend to play with him and introduce his friend to me."