


/"Arrick slow down, wait!/" I’m falling, struggling to keep pace with him in stupidly high shoes not meant for this terrain, as he pulls me diagonally across the street from the corner of my front garden, towards the house he grew up in. I try to look back and see if either of my friends is milling around near the entrance, but I know it’s futile. They were both engrossed with other people last time I saw them, in the marquees out back with every other straggling guest. No one else is here.

/"Why did you let me think you and he were together?/" He spins on me angrily, creating a human wall as soon as he’s hauled me down the side of his own home, concealed by bushes and much quieter; away from the eyes of anyone leaving the party. We are in the weird narrow side area to his house, a narrow grassy lane that is closed in on both sides partially by tall bushes, and completely by a high fence on the other side.