
The Camping

A short story about a girl who moved on from her crush, that soon became her boyfriend.

Your_Author_DessA · 青春言情
8 Chs

Chapter 5

Third Person

Dyne was so nervous, knowing that she can't do anything. So she just prayed and wished that she will be fine and that someone will come and save her..

'Please, help me!' She cried on her mind, praying that someone will hear her plea. She was about to cry, but she heard someone calling from just near them, so she was relieved.

"Hel-" She was about to shout, but Raseph just covered her mouth a bit hard to stop her. That made her loose all her hopes.

"Who's there?" Asked the guard, opening his flashlight to light the way in where he heard the voice. But instead of an answer, he saw a black cat that almost made him scream at the top of his lungs.

"Gosh! Just a black colored cat. Shoo! Go away you freak!" He said and shooed the cat away. "I need to go, before I collapse here for too much nervousness." He talked to himself and walked away.

He didn't even notice that two students are hiding from the door just in front where he laid his flashlight on.

On the other hand... Raseph got relieved when he found out that the guard was now gone. But also, he felt angry for what Dyne was about to do earlier.

So he pinned Dyne to the wall and looked at her directly.

"Do you really want to get punished? You little brat?!" He asked annoyingly. But he smirked creepily again.

"I already told you, I don't know what-" Dyne didn't finish what she was saying again, because Raseph smashed his lips into hers. This made her shocked and confused about what is going on.

The kiss went for about 10 minutes until Raseph bit her lips that mde her snap into reality. She quickly pushed the boy away.

"What the hell did you do?!" She asked and was now about in tears.

'That was my first kiss! And you stole it!' She wanted to say that to him, but kept in on her mind.

"I already told you to follow my instructions, but you ignored and went with your way."

"Why? Who are you to be followed by me? Are you my parent?" She asked and looked at him angrily.

"One more word and you will get a double punishment." Raseph said and that made the girl more angry.

"Fuck of will you?! I want to be alone!" She almost screamed, because of being to much angry.

But just like what Raseph said. He kissed Dyne again, and this time he pinned Dyne on the wall and made the kiss more deeper.

Dyne was now trying to escape, but ended up failing because the boy was too strong for her to handle. She was about to loose her strength, but she thought of something.

Her legs and feet were not pinned. So he moved her feet to kick Raseph on his balls. That made the boy stop what he was doing and he hold unto his aching part.

"Fuck! My... Ouch!" He cried and looked at the girl in a deadly glare.

"Good luck for your future babies. Asshole." She said and was about to walk away, but she was surprised to see the boy in front of her and he was smirking all the way around, like nothing happened.

"What now?!" She asked and walked past Raseph, but he held her in the chest.

That made her skip and look at the boy still smirking from ear to ear.

"You pervert!" She shouted and was about to punch the boy, but caught up geeting touch on her back part.

"Wow! That was big." He said and the girl flushed because of too much shyness.

"Just wait till I kill you! You shit!" She said and ran to get Raseph. But he just ran away.

"Catch me if you can." He playfully said and laughed. This made Dyne even more pissed.

To be continued~