
The broken thrown. A storm rises. book 2

BushThorn has ran away from her mothers mountain, she now has to earn the trust of the dragons that plot against her mother. Can she gain there trust or can she trust them? BushThorn is friends with QuiverWing but not all dragons believed so. BushThorn has to learn how to stand on her feet and eventually have to face her mothers furious wrath. With the first few days BushThorn finds all sort of drama and secrets that these dragons holds.

FunPup · 奇幻言情
27 Chs

Chapter 25

QuiverWing felt the rage run through her vans, she was looked in a fight with her worse enemy, Petle. "Give it up QuiverWing! there is no winning this fight, BushThorn proved it!" Petle has a sycastic grin as she snarled.

"You won't get away from your crimes!" QuiverWing hissed as she bit down in the wound that sits on top of Petles neck.

They both struggled in an outraged state, the two dragons clawed at each other trying to take down one anuther. QuiverWing bit down harder securing her grip and then swong her claws at Petles neck. Blood oozed out of the fresh wound and QuiverWing felt a stabbing pain as Petle bit on her shoulder. QuiverWing charged to the boulder that sits next to them and smashed Petles head on it. QuiverWing expected to see her nocked out body but to her surprise as Petle shoot up and bit on her teared spick on her neck. An aching pain flooded QuiverWing body and she screeched a roa.

QuiverWing breathed a deep bread and on the exhale ice surrounded Petles wings and back, stiff. QuiverWing saw Petle wiggling to escape the ice but failed. QuiverWing grabbed hold of Petle and shot to the air, she flew high before calling out to the clash of dragons below. "One more claw that snashes someone's scales and I'll kill her!" QuiverWing roaed as loud as she could and every dragon shoot there heads up. All the blood grippers, cloud slashers, ice thangs and any other dragon that is on her side had a pleased look but all Petles gards had a mixed expression.

QuiverWing had her claws to Petles throat and the ice felt comforting on her belly but cold sores are obviously forming on Petles back. "Let go of her!" a large dark scaled tulon snarled and fire spat out of his mouth.

"Make me!" QuiverWing challenged. She recognised him as the dragon who told BushThorn that Scorch was here.

QuiverWing looker her gaze at the tulon and she flinched when she felt Petle bit her claws. QuiverWing screamed and flung Petle ti the ground, she landed with the sound of ice shattering. QuiverWing braser herself as she saw Petle dashing up towards her, they clashed in midair. The two battled in the sky as the fights beneath them raged loudly. Not even the calming light of the sunset can calm this dragon.

QuiverWing slashed at Petles shoulder and she missed taking a hit on her chest. "I will be the end of your little sceem!" Petle snarled a promise.

"How do you expect to do that? I can't exactly die" QuiverWing challenged.

"I have my ways!" Petle grind and pounced on QuiverWings back and QuiverWing felt her thangs rip into QuiverWings wing socket.

QuiverWing cursed a roa as the pain shot through her. QuiverWing then nose dived into the ground in the bottom of the valley, Petle lost her grip and flopped onto the ground. QuiverWing then pinned Petle and hold her claws on Petles neck. QuiverWing continued to apply pressure on Petles neck, the way Petle did to her best, most precious friend, BushThorn.

"Gaa, urag ge- f" Petle wrinkled her snout baring her teeth and the look in her eyes told QuiverWing what she felt to towards her. QuiverWing grind feeling the numbness of her wounds and the a joy of her worst enemy fall week under her claws. Only a sudden sharp stab on QuiverWings side nocked her off Petle and let her go. The gasps of Petle trying to catch her breath filled rage through QuiverWing as she was about to kill her. "Get of my mate!" Poisonroots snarling voice snapped her out of her rage.

QuiverWing snarled and snapped her jaws on Poisonroots neck but the only thing she could tear of is the metal armor. Dark, rich scales showed as the armor was removed, Poisonroot slashed his claws on QuiverWings snout and deep marks stung. QuiverWing then breathed deep, a tingle tickled her throat and when she breathed out lightning shot at Poisonroot. QuiverWing keeped snarling as Poisonroots scales smocked and the metal armor melted off.

Poisonroot screamed in pain and charged at QuiverWing, at the corner of her eye she saw Petle joining in on the pounce. Both if them was able to drag her in the river that sat near by, QuiverWing felt the water flud her lungs as she tried to roa. She then felt the water feel warm in her lungs, she spat it out at Petle and steam rose to the top. QuiverWing used her powerful tail to swim up and the water in her lungs flowed out.

QuiverWing breathed in deep and she steadied her breath. But not long after both the Queen and King shot out of the water and QuiverWing spring up into the air. QuiverWing circled in the air watching them struggling out of the river, once they got out QuiverWing slammed them back in after taking a deep breath. She saw Petle get lose but Poisonroot was jammed in her claws and QuiverWing could sence the pain that flowed through his brain. QuiverWing felt the disturbance of the water when two gards jumped in.

They managed to get Poisonroot free and they had an underwater fight. One of the gards slashed her throat deeply and the river turned red. QuiverWing tried to wiggle out but the two gards dragged her deeper and she felt the water run too deep in her lungs and the bright clear water, that is now staind with her blood, went black.

QuiverWing woke up in the soft embrace of the void but something was different now. She felt a presence.