
The broken Queen

A story about the Demon Queen who hs to marry the celestial king to save the other races from genocide by him ad the humans. I'm actually writing a prequel and current with H.E.M so check out both giving feedback.

Michele_Mays_7238 · 奇幻言情
173 Chs

Chapter 164

May studies the female wraith as it quickly flies from one spot to another and then reappears close to her where it almost lands another critical hit on May when a fire ball hits it and it screeches at the one who interferes with it's prey.

DeAndre comes up taking a look at Mays back that won't heal and shakes her head getting in a fighting stance to watch Mays back.

" it's cursed you we need to take it out before it gets worse" DeAndre said sending fireballs out that the wraith keeps avoiding trying to make it's way back over to May like it had it's sights set on her.

" back off !" DeAndre shouts as she sends a wall of flames toward the wraith as it gets engulfed while they exhale looking around three more of them show up, they all seem to be young women no older than thirty. They stood around looking ethereal until they notice you then change into the grotesque Wraiths they all know, May pulls out a letter about the missing people learning that they are all women.

" we're missing something here, why are they all women who are disappearing" Mayliana said looking around noticing a house that is a few hundred yards off in the distance and someone was watching them through the window.

" let's go to that house " May said grabbing DeAndres hand then pulling her along with her as they run toward the house, they finally enter the yard seeing runes drawn everywhere even on the house.

A man opens the door holding a short sword, he had a long beard and shaggy long hair. The wraiths seen the man having hissy fits becoming more agitated and louder than before making May narrow her eyes at the man.

" DeAndre don't let your guard down around this man" May said as she sheaths her sword stepping closer to the man who flinches at her.

" old man how long have these wraiths been here " May said, The man smiled showing his blackened teeth making May step back a step from him at smelling the decay from his mouth.

" since I've been here so have they" he snickered at the two women then he became serious just as quick and stabs the sword into the ground staring at the women wraiths who are now standing around staring daggers at the man who looks at them lovingly.

" they are all I've came to know since my time here" he said as he sits down on a broken chair, then spits in a bucket. A woman who had long black hair who was solid as all three of them was standing among the ghostly women, she stared ahead at the man as her eyes flash over to May.

" so you plan on protecting this filth " She said talking to May and DeAndre who looked at the woman with confusion as she shakes her head no.

" I don't if he is the cause of all these women going missing then I'll put him down to appease them, if he is not the cause then I'll just have to clean all of them up until I can find the reason that is haunting their souls" May said as a electrical crackle was heard behind her as the man was now sprawled out on the ground jerking from DeAndre shocking him.

" well he was moving behind you and I didn't like it " DeAndre said with a serious face making the other woman who was standing in the middle of the wraiths give them a sad smile as she watched a younger version of herself faze in and out close by her.

" is she your sister or daughter" May asked watching how the wraith was peaceful while it was around her, May wants to go out to the woman.

" Bind him, watch him carefully while I go speak with her" May said taking slow steps out of the yard, the woman looks at her with a strange expression.

" you don't fear me or my family here " the woman said with a smirk as May continues walking toward the woman getting an arm length from her.

" your not a ghost or Wraith, they won't attack you as if their at peace around you" May said as the woman gave her a small smile, her sister started moving more as if she'd glitch out before becoming stable again.

" he has been killing the women in this area for years now, he is the sheriff's uncle and nothing can be done in the laws eyes were lying. They don't mean to attack the innocent, their souls are in such pain they lose control alot more now than before.

The woman explained everything to her with even his magic signatures that was left at the crime scenes, May nodded her head then walks back dragging the man outside his yard as the Wraiths started circling his body. The woman points to two long rocks that could lay a person on top of them, so that's what she did as she froze his body to where he couldn't move but could see and feel everything.

" please I'll confess to everything I've done" the man cried out as cuts from the wraiths started to appear all over him, May shakes her head then looks over at the woman who is standing several feet away from him watching May walk close to her.

" the time to do that has passed so for now on you'll pay blood for blood you took to appease their souls" May said causing the woman to give a thankful look to her while she waited for all of them to mutilate the body.

May takes the woman's hand as the sisters turn finally came as her innocent features turned into something ghastly as it quickly floats over the man taking it's long nails down the front of his chest.

The woman steps closer to May then kisses her slowly and passionately and has a true smile on her face, she them gently rubs Mays back getting rid of the curse and May grabs her hand trying to keep her from knowing that this woman is no longer living or wanting her to leave.

" I'm sorry" May said knowing the woman needs to cross over so she can finally have peace to move on in reincarnation.

May watches her walk over then digs the man's heart out and it starts to dry out and then crumbles up blowing off in the wind, May made her way over to the woman who is starting to glow a bright light blue.

" we'll meet again Mayliana take care of yourself until then" the woman said as bright particles disperse through the night of all the wraiths in this place, the disappearances we're all from the man and has stopped these past few years. It got to hard for him to leave his property so they kept as many people out as they could. May shed a tear for the woman who she felt a connection with, even though she is gone what was her name and what did she do...when did she die. May asked herself all of these questions and will figure it out while she is here and if fate allows it they'll meet again.

They left the body since the man didn't deserve anything else but to be left like the garbage he is, while walking they started getting names for the past thirty years of women he killed. It seems he started slow doing only a couple every five years until the end where the last woman he took was a school teacher and only twenty four years old stark black hair with dark chocolate colored eyes. May knew that she had to be the woman she felt the connection with, they were six months late and May was beating herself up about not making it in time.

They made their way back with the cores they collected from that one Wraith and other missions they took that was just a beast causing trouble.

Amelia was waiting for them as she sat on the bench, she has been holding herself back with May in case they'll need that plan and execute it. The test that the kingdoms mages perform will only show them the time and place that she lost her first time and nothing else, so she'd have to do other things to satisfy them both until then. Amelia still can't stand these men, she always knew that she never felt attraction to them only disgust and there was a few she did like as friends and family. Amelia read over more about the test rolling her eyes about how a woman's purity blah blah blah.

It will show that her body did have intercourse that night also the breaking of her hymen, which all women hate when men act like it's for them when it's not.

When May and DeAndre appeared, Amelia pats the seat next to her which May takes as DeAndre goes inside to store what they've collected today.

Amelia softly kisses the back of Mays hand she's holding, then looks softly at May caressing her cheek with her thumb.

" I'm glad I met you May" Amelia said as she softly kisses her, they train then eat May could not sleep thinking about the ghost...well wraith that ended up being a possible mate is gone and she'll never be able to talk or greet her again.

DeAndre watches May then shakes her head picking up a spear and throws it at May who instantly blocks it with her sword, DeAndre smiles as she walks closer.

" I'm feeling like I get no attention from you anymore, I'd love at least a quickie " DeAndre said pulling on the front of Mays pants, She smacks Mays hand away and pulls her in for a rough kiss.

" May....follow me " DeAndre said as she pulls May behind her walking over to the shed leaning her back against the wall, she quickly starts undoing her dress after she throws her panties to the side. May starts kissing on her neck making her way down DeAndres Milky skin as the dress drops to the ground. May seen a bashful look on DeAndres face before it goes away to a lustful look undoing Mays pants while wrapping her leg around Mays.

May picks DeAndre up then pins her against the wall, she wraps her legs around Mays waist grinding against her exposed member, she smiles as she feels the tip at her entrance.

" Stop teasing me" DeAndre whines out as May finally pushes inside her which causes a long and loud moan, May holds DeAndre tight as she buries herself deep inside of her.

" AHHNNN YES AHHH HAAH OHHH FUCK ME HARDER" DeAndre screams out while going in motion with May who is trying to Quiet her down, DeAndre wraps her arms around May burying her her face in her nape.

May Feels a sharp bite on her neck as she twitches inside of DeAndre who is excited to feel her mate excited.

May thrusts in faster and harder hitting DeAndres spot, DeAndre kisses her passionately while bouncing up and down in sync with May.

DeAndres walls tighten around Mays member as she feels May release inside of her, she clamps her legs tight around May trying to keep her there.

" Wait stay like this " DeAndre said while slowly going up and down on May riding out their climax, May was panting, staring at her mate. Not even a year ago this woman picked on her and would baby her since she was younger, now they are usually in this position to where May has to run away to get things done or she would forever remain inside of DeAndre. May wasn't complaining but she still worries about how Zara will take her being mates to DeAndre and not just Rena but a witch who is powerful. Rena walks over as May was walking out, Rena hates the idea that DeAndre is mates with her mate and best friend.

" well I figured you wasn't practicing" Rena said as DeAndre walks out standing in front of May to tie her dress, she smirks at Rena even though a part of her is sad since Rena isn't excepting of her.

" well I made a boar with star fruit and the other herbs you showed me DeAndre...I thought you might enjoy it" Rena said after May gave her a pointed look, she takes both their hands pulling them to where A.i and Amelia is waiting with angry looks on their face.

May smiles as she quickly walks into the house seeing a long table with chicken, boar and different types of sides and desserts.

" You all made a feast....am I missing something, I appreciate all of this...thank you so much" May said pulling all of them into a hug as she peppers kisses on all of their lips, cheeks and foreheads.

Amelia was pulled tightly against Mays front, As the others was pushing her deeper into her and Amelias hands end up against Mays front. Amelia gently strokes May on the outside of her pants as she leans up gently kissing Mays neck.

" well after we eat I have found some monster lairs in the outside of town, there's a mountain that has a few treasures and high tier equipment. I think a two man trip is only nessasary for it, Rena would be a good one to take or even Amelia could go." A.i. said as she steps away from the group hug as the others do as well only leaving Amelia who is still on the same spot.

" it's getting harder" Amelia said as Mays face flushed red, A low laugh came from her as she rubs her palm against Mays bulge.

" to keep my hands off of you, I've never cared for seeking pleasure until I met you" Amelia said as she squeezes Mays member making her whimper, DeAndre clears her throat and Amelia walks away with a smirk. May tilted her head then looks over to A.i. with a happy expression, the woman rolled her eyes as May side hugged her.

" so we will have to go where " May asked as she jump around then tickles Rena causing her to laugh, A.i puts up a 3-D map of a large mountain that was piercing the clouds then off to the right and left were two more mountains equally as big and tall as the first one.

The mountains were at least 40,000 meters many races living in the forest and on the mountains, May was surprised to see so many villages the map was pulling up.

" Beast born and look how many colonies the elves now have, I can't wait for this one, I think a group trip would be better that way we could meet new people and actually take a few weeks to travel around this area" May said as A.i. smiled pulling up the treasures and several dungeons in that area.

" that would be a great Idea ! Master I looked up all of the places that will be most beneficial and also these groups are against anything the kingdom does, we would find allies and we will make a deal to offer each other help against both our enemies...We will take this trail stopping at different places to meet their leaders"A.i. said without taking a breath, May smiles then looks at the map again, taking Amelia out where the prince could try to take her and even though they have a deal she doesn't trust him at all. Amelia would be a powerhouse if she is the queen of a kingdom, when she harnesses her power she'll be singularly able to protect the whole kingdom with her magic. What people fell to realize if a woman is made to be something by a man, rules or beliefs she'd never be as strong and being well loved would make her an idea powerhouse that would stand against gods to protect the one she loves.

" let's do it we've been here practicing and working out...if I don't go I'll go crazy" Amelia said pouting to May who kisses her forehead, she sighs then hugs May tightly around her waist.

" let's all get ready A.i....lets go I know you've worked scouting this whole area, I also know you wanted to explore this place when you saw the mountains on our travels here" May said taking hold of A.i.s hand.

" yes...thank you Master" A.i. said with a soft living look as she quickly turns acting like she was working on something, May smiled at this beautiful creature and is happy she has met her.

A hour later they all were on horse back, A.i. was on the horse in front of May with a red face the whole six hour ride and for the first time the group ever heard her no speaking, she would ramble on about things but with May A.i. would be confused as a living person with the emotions she's learning from loving May.

" what do you think...a few more hours then we take break" May said wrapping one of her arms around A.I.s waist making the girl whimper out making the others laugh.

" M-Master another hour north is a small pond, a fresh water spot for your horses" A.i. stammered out looking back over her shoulder at a smirking May, The other girls swore they could see smoke rising from her head.

" thank you A.i. that would be perfect" May whispered in her ear as she laughs her ass off at the expression of helplessness was written on A.i.s face.

Amelia narrowed her eyes at the two thinking about how she should have a chance to ride May...Ride Mays horse, DeAndre was staring at them to having similar thoughts. Renas head went straight to the gutter as she fantasized only about May under her while she rode on top of her. May felt a chill run up her spine as she quickly glances around for a spy or enemy. A.i was feeling alot today and doesn't know how or understand why she felt this when pressed against her Master, she looks over at Amelia then to Rena and then her eyes land on DeAndre as she smiles.

DeAndre made a fuck off look at A.i. but she didn't care or know why the woman made that kind of face and she'll ask her later.

May leans her chin on A.i.s shoulder watching the road ahead, the night was already dark and she could only see so far and as far as she can is a good distance.

" everything looks good ahead, which path to cross A.i. " May said looking over at A.i., the woman had a look of confusion looking from the road to the map.

" Master this trail in the middle wasn't here before when I mapped the area, this is strange and it looks like it runs to the pond on the left." A.i said staring down the small path while they were now walking the horses off the road on their way to the pond. A.i. chose this place since it's well hidden And easy to defend.

" well let's set up camp to rest and maybe in the morning we can go down this path." May said staring at the small path, they would go quicker leaving the horses and go check it out and return" May said as DeAndre narrowed her eyes, May felt her gaze quickly that scared her and aroused her. DeAndre was always like being in control unless it's something she wants now and we don't have time and she'll let May take her while being submissive.

" your not sneaking off..one goes we all go" DeAndre hissed out as she glared down the path, it looks harmless but the further she looks the more ILL omened it felt.

A.i. looked at her map as she scanned the areas, Amelia agrees with DeAndre and they need to be together and she will stay by this woman's side. Amelia cannot wait for that night to come, when DeAndre spoke to her about this she agreed without hearing the whole plan. If gaining control over the City of Light will help Maylinia then she will do whatever it takes to get her this kingdom.

A.i. helped them set up camp when they arrived, there was one small tent but when you entered it the thing looked as big as a home. A.i pulls the map up again as the trail goes to a enclosed space inside the trees, May feels this place is something special and maybe something they can use.

" we will head there after breakfast, we need to stick together on this one and watch each others back, we can take the horses and stuff just in case we need them." May said petting the large red horse that looked like blood was dripping from it's coat, she has grown fond of this horse and they read each other's movements good.

May kept watch as the girls go to bed except for Amelia who is quietly sitting beside May, she moves closer to May then holds her hand.

" can you hold me " Amelia asked as she stood up hiking her dress then straddles her making sure to give and receive friction from May. Amelia sighs while kissing Mays forehead, May laughs at how Amelia keeps changing how she is sitting thinking May doesn't know she's wanting to feel her. It's been over a year since they met and the passion they had could be seen and felt, even though DeAndre was the only other person there it hurt seeing that look on Mays face. Then Mays face flashed in her head making a lustful look and the want in her eyes made DeAndre not jealous of what she just saw. They were lucky no one from the princes people was present.

They slowly walk to each other as Mayliana caresses Amelias cheek as she leans into her touch, Amelia was the first to close the gap kissing May Passionately as if it was the first and could be the last that she put all of her heart in this kiss.

Amelia was slowly grinding against May as her hand kept playing with the top of Mays pants while she skillfully was tongue kissing May to where she's out of it, Amelia grinds even harder to where she whimpered.

" I want you so bad " Amelia whimpered out as she puts her hand down Mays Pants slowly stroking her, Amelia has heard stories from other women who served her and her friends telling her things their others enjoyed.

May slides her hands up under Amelia's dress gently rubbing her thighs while her hand inches closer each time to Amelia's core, Amelia bites her lip as she feels Mays fingers slide up her slit and hits her spot.

" AHHNNN" Amelia moans out as both their heartbeats speed up along with their panting, May licks up Amelia's neck then gently bites her neck not leaving a mark.

" Ahh Amelia" May moans out as Amelia undoes her pants to where she is now laying against Amelia, They slowly start to grind together as Mays head would hit Amelia's clit each and every time.

" AHH haah MMMM AHHNNN" Amelia moans out as she snaps her head back and hears May moaning then she felt a warm liquid, when she felt it cover her she started grinding harder hitting a second climax.

" OHHH FUCK HAAH" Amelia moans out grinding so hard to where Mays head was hitting her entrance, she grabs Mays head then was wanting her to be inside of her.

Amelia felt the burn of just taking the tip, which grounded her about what they're plan was and Amelia calms down while Mayliana is still worked up.

Amelia smiles shyly at May then started kissing her lips in a loving way, she slides her hand down wrapping her hand around Mays shaft as she starts stroking at a good pace kissing on Mays neck.

" is this fine for now " Amelia whispered in Mays ear while speeding her strokes up, Amelia felt like butterflies exploded in her chest with the love she feels from May and she'll never lose this love.

May is a immortal while some can live thousands of years even some going a million, Amelia wants to find a way to stay by Mays side forever and even if she can be reincarnated what if she can't be together with May in that timeline. Amelia is scared that if she had to wait from five to five thousand would she remember her, would she want her after forgetting her.

Low moans came from May as Amelia gets on her knees from Mays lap, taking her head inside of her mouth twirling her tongue as her head quickly going up and down with May holding her head gently.

When May released Amelia swallowed every bit and even cleaned May, she gets pulled back up on Mays lap with her receiving a rough kiss with alot of love. Amelia smiles in the kiss making May do the same, they sat there for a few more hours until it was Renas and DeAndres turn so May can get a few hours of sleep even though she's fine without.

The next morning they started walking ahead with May in front letting A.i. lead their horse, Mays horse was letting them know it didn't like where they were going and May puts her forehead to the horse named Red.

" I need you to keep them together and safe, get the other horses to follow you Red" May said as she pats Reds head as she turns back to the front.

Red trotted ahead with his head held high while the other horses follow her every step, The girls laughed at the horse and noticed the forest started getting darker with the sun high above them. The trees leaves became denser as spider webs and other en cocoons could be seen, A.i. looked around in astonishment while the others faces went dark and they all equiped their armor.

" A.i. put Armor on I don't want you to get damaged or lose your body like it's nothing, I know you can basically print as many bodies as you want. I just don't want to see you get hurt or watch you disappear even for a couple of days is to long" Mayliana said walking ahead holding her DAO sword that is now covered in a bright yellow fire that looks like the sun, it also lit the area up relaxing the girls.

Rena was holding her Qiang, she was ready for anything to jump out since she is feeling a sinister feeling, DeAndre pulled out her two wide straight swords which one was black and red while the other was white and blue, as she felt the same oppressing sinister feeling that Rena felt as they nodded at each other. Mayliana pulls out a Damascus Sword that had a handle that was crimson red with red and black symbols going up the blade, Amelia felt how powerful the sword is as red and black most burst out from the blade. May and the others instantly snapped into a fighting form when they felt that morbid energy coming from that sword, they felt the hair on the back of their neck stand.

" wow.....thank you honey" Amelia said kissing May on her cheek, she hands A.i. a four stone bow that only immortals can usually pull to shoot. A.i. was flexing the bow like it was was a child's toy.

A.i. study's the midnight blue and crimson red bow that had carvings of a dragon that looked like the sky at night with stars on his coat the midnight blue covers one half as the colors mix into a purple then red to a dark crimson red with a carving of a Phoenix.

A.i. loved the bow as she searches different designs or beast, she seen a crane with long beautiful legs as a bow started forming the top part was of a 3-D cranes head as the body goes down the wood with little backgrounds of water with a Koi and plant life.

White, brown, blue, green, black and a few other colors making the bow looked like it would walk away from them. A.i. hands May her bow back as she plays with hers.

" well I'll put in my designs for a new bow later" DeAndre said walking by A.i. nodded her head and smiled, May kept her eyes on the surrounding even spreading her aura around the group and going out four hundred feet. Nothing she felt or seen nothing not a bird or a small critter, not even the sounds of insects could be heard, the place is somewhat dead and she knows she can feel something that's either well hidden or something knows how to trick us with their energy.

Amelia grabs Mays hand as they enter a large open field that was full of different flowers, the woods looked even sadder when they were up against the vibrant colors.

" let's keep our eyes open, look for certain element flowers but don't pick them yet and look for anything strange other than this field of flowers in the middle of a dead forest." Mayliana said as she tracks down several energy trails and walks over to the first one that had a small pillar with writing and Rune symbols, it looks like ones that a senior would leave to test others and she would learn all she needed to protect her new family.

" well I guess it's going to summon the trial when we're ready...be careful you can still die in a trial" May said as each girl sent out a wisp of energy to the monolith that started to glow.

Large and small golems we're spawning around them and large spiders half the size of them, Rena screamed as she jumps up on a golems shoulder while another brings down a mace killing the other golem while Rena was now on top of it's head and without another thought the golem crashed the mace down on its own head.

A.i. started right away hitting her mark each time with the spiders as she would hit each of the smaller golems core. The smaller golems started to shoot balls the size of a ball at the girls, the speed and control was very lacking where they would side step or bend out of the way destroying their own.

The next hour they collected over six hundred cores and received special herbs and spell books for finishing the first trail as another Monolith appeared. Rena feels like something isn't right with this place, finishing the third trial that had go kins and Orcs of a mid tier ranks. They collected armor that looked like dry lava,at took it changing quickly before they start another which gave her a shield, they had to fight six trolls.

They got heavenly grade weapons and more armor plus recipes for a energy pill, they've collected alot of valuable treasures and items.

Blood apes started swinging from the dead trees and slowly surrounding us, they are big red apes that can manipulate blood by using any blood they release as weapons.

Amelia flicks her wrist as the spear turns in a half circle killing the ape who threw it, A.i. already started shooting her arrows while DeAndre and May was attacking with their words as Rena was thrusting and spinning her weapon watching May and DeAndres back. Amelia was sending out a hailstorm of fireballs if different sizes killing the apes where they stood, the other quit fighting as balls as small as marbles shot though apes heads.

That trial was over in ten minutes as a sword that matches the armor and shield that was a wide broad sword, heavy and bulgy.

May practice swings the sword but even to her she's still not strong enough, she'll have to get stronger to use it flawlessly and she also got some recipes for health and books on formations that will be very useful.

When she looked at the outfit it was a low tier heavenly treasure that can go against a high level weapon, she smiles as they look at a now high standing Monolith that gave that feeling they felt earlier. DeAndre and Rena doesn't want to do this trial but they know Mayliana won't back down, All Amelia knows is that May wants to get stronger for something.

(" does she want power, the kingdom and whatever she desires Amelia will die trying to obtain it for her") Amelia thought to herself as she steps beside Mayliana and smiles at her.

" I'm with you if you think we can beat it and all of us survive" Amelia said as the other two crosses their arms and scoffs at Amelia whose smirking at them, A.i. was reading the monolith then frowns.

" M-Master we should only enter, it says only one shall enter and I guess people would choose or make people choose who will go and hopefully get the treasure. I'm not real and I can remake this body wants it's destroyed, if the monolith doesn't destroy me I might be able to enter well only 33% is that I'll make it on the other side." A.i. said as May pats her head and stares back at the monolith they've been fighting the trials since this morning and now it's way past midnight.

" let's set up camp right here for tonight, if you need to sleep then sleep Amelia...I need you to watch over the others tomorrow." May said as Rena comes over after helping DeAndre set up the tent while May made a fire pit with some cut logs for seat at the fire, she even cut a view for tables.

Amelia smiles softly then pecks Mays lips, she seemed to be struggling to leave May right now and she can feel the reluctance of the others as well.

" well will see who enters in the morning let's see which one of us would beat suit this trial." DeAndre said as Mayliana was looking at the shield and sword with the big ruby that they both sport.

" yeah your right...we could also redo a few of the troll ones for more cores " May said making DeAndre smile while walking over kissing her goodnight, A.i. shyly prances over quickly pecking Mays cheek.

They all went to bed except for Rena who kept glaring at May, she tried to ignore her look and not show Rena that she is right about what May plans to do.

" So your gonna just ignore me" Rena said standing in front of May who acts like the sword is the most interesting thing in the world until she feels a gentle touch on her chin making her give Rena her attention. May seen the sad look in Renas eyes as she pulls her down on her lap.

" don't cry Rena I was kidding, you know me best so how would I slip off " May said kissing Renas lips several times, Rena felt May nibbling on her neck and tilts her head to give May more Access.

Rena bites her bottom lip keeping her moans in while she feels her dress getting lose, May has her breast fully exposed while she cups them and rolls her nipples between her fingers getting low soft moans from Rena. Mayliana pulls the dress and rips it open getting frustrated at her situation where the dress kept getting in the way.

Renas naked body was straddles around May as she stands up, she takes a blanket from storage that falls to the ground and she kneels down fixing it as she lays Lena on her back.

May rolls Rena on her stomach then grabs her hips pulling her back to her front, May is behind Rena kissing on her neck while one hand is caressing Renas breast and the other was drawing circles on Renas bundle of nerves.

" I've missed this Rena we've been busy this week" May said making Rena smile as her hips start bucking to where May holds her up. Right when she hit her orgasm May takes her hand away, causing Rena to glare back at her until she feels her thrust inside of her with long hard thrusts making her eyes flutter shut and her mouth makes that "o" shape.

" Ahnmmrh" A moan came out like a growl while May slowly picks up pace while sucking on Renas neck, Rena was already weak and ready to climax now.

Mayliana grows two long Canines then gently bites down into her mark and drinks Renas blood while she was now going fast and hard.

" AHHHH HAAH OHHH MMMM HAAH AHHHHHN" Rena moans out not caring who heard or knew that she is with her mate, another gutteral moan came out when she felt May release inside of her as they both stay there holding each other until Rena pushes forward laying down on the blanket with May getting behind her spooning the other.

" im tired you took to much blood " Rena slurred out with a happy smile, she has been Mays best friend since they were six and now their lovers and lifelong mates. Rena caresses Mays lips with her thumb while looking straight up at May who leaned over giving Rena a good night kiss. When Rena fell asleep she carries her inside the tent and left a note, she put up a bunch of different formations to protect the camp.

One thing she has to get is Rena a familiar like the other girls and that's one reason she wants to search everything, this feeling could be an ancient beast and that's what her gut is telling her.

Mayliana makes her way out as she confused A.i. with a signal that alerted the A.i. who was working through what was happening and watching over the camp.

" well let's go get a beast." May said as she activates the Monolith where she is in a large black void with a foot of water surrounding the whole area, she looks around then sees a pulsating blue light swaying around. Mayliana gets closer seeing a wall of water in front with a female sprite swimming around as it stops then twists to look May in the eyes, the sprite stays there absolutely still with no movement.

" well I'm a little confused, if I'm fighting you then it'll be hard to finish this trial" May said as she glances down at the sprites nude body, for a second she thought she seen it smirk. More sprites started swimming toward the Sprite that May first seen, they all are very beautiful but the first one was the true beauty. Feminine laughter could be heard and a few splashes as three women who now look human with small patches of blue scales around their wrist, ankles, neck and jawline.

The first one had a dark purple and pink hair with soft blue eyes, the second had green hair with purple and pink eyes and the third was a bubble gum pink with light purple eyes. May could say this is the second beauty compared to the first one but all around ten with how beautiful they are.

They all stand there in the nude while May kept her eyes away except a few times she did sneak at least a look at each one, she watched the sprite that she first met as they both locked eyes for a few seconds. The woman with the pink hair watches them both as she grips her fist tight to where blood drops in the water, she didn't mean to do it and the sprite who first saw May her eyes go wide looking at Sue-Lu with a confused look.

" I'm sorry" Sue-Lu said as the three go back into the water that's standing like a wall, she looks down noticing the water has already risen to her knees as she looks back at the sprites.

" just tell me what to do even if you think I won't survive....I must so please tell me" Mayliana said as she hears a soft yet cold sensual voice around her, you'll combat the fish people who will flood this water when it reaches the top and you'll have to find a way to breathe inside the water.

When you fight them a sea creature of six of the ancient beasts will be chosen for you to battle to death,but was a mistake for this level to be chosen I'm sorry." the voice said as Mayliana started mutter spells drawing formations over and over quickly covering the area. Mayliana grew gills and webs on her feet and hands while she shuffled through the armor equipping the armor Zara gave her since it'll be easier to move in the water.

May pulls out a platinum spear that seemed to be shaped from one piece of heavenly metal ore, she slams the spear in the ground as she pulls out a double side axe she throws at a nearby wall as it hits keeping itself in the wall as the water was now at her breast. May also takes three round green capsules and throws them on the ceiling. When they brake open green vines started sprouting all across the top as some was now attached themselves to the bottom of the cavern.

Mayliana looks around for another precaution she can take as she makes over eighty different size air bubbles, for when her fill spell runs out.

May winks at the two sprites who stayed watching her, she hooks several times to her belt and pulls out a bow gun she drapes over a thorn from one of the vines. She then puts a shadow dagger in her mouth as the water fills the whole room, the two sprites heads snap back when they see their gates closing while the others are opening.

Panic flashed across their faces as one tried to swim to their area to be jerked the other way going where the blonde beauty was pointing at Squeezing through the vines and thorns barely able to squeeze through. Large vibrations could be felt in the water as Mayliana released large formations basically blowing apart large numbers of the horde of fish men.

May uses her shadow knife jumping from shadow to shadow leading the fish men to the formations she layed out earlier, she releases her Aura as the whole area was being pushed down by the pressure as she picks up her spear that had the other end sharpened to be used as a sword.

May was standing on the floor as if the water wasn't there she could walk, run and flip like she was on land slaying already 1200 of the fish men, the sprites dispise their kind.

They would always try to grab the sprites, especially if they were caught out when a trial begins and sprites can feel physically pleasure like any but also others spiritvalongbwithbthe sprite can cause them to get impregnated. It's like two souls who our connected or basically falling in love, the two souls will do it when they are in love. The sprite would have to fight it off the stronger the bond and stronger the love will be a grueling process to avoid it.

When The pink haired girl bled in the water sends the fish men into a frenzy, that is basically a mating and hunger is in Overkill when they smell a sprites blood. If the gates would try to stop all of them they'd probably break then the sprites will be in trouble. When she done that by Anger it sealed the person's fate to fight for their life at 40,000 of this race staying in the depths of their cave that's on the lower part while the sprites is on the upper cave.

May notices that hundreds are swimming past her to get at the cocoon she made with some of the vines, she tightened the cocoon where nothing could get in or out barely leaving a few cracks where they can see.

" Setinia I didn't mean to do that we swore that we'd keep them locked up, we don't even know if she can survive..." Sue-Lu said as three more large explosions went off If someone saw all the moves that May was doing as she fought non stop swing, twirling, stepping and spinning would look like a lovely dance with the spear.

Every time a formation goes off she gets a couple thousand of them with each one, every flip or move she made she planted larger and larger formations. Maylinia noticed that the cocoon is completely surrounded by these fish men, May already is using 99% of her vines keeping these two girls safe. May uses her shadow jump to get closer to the cocoon setting up large ones about fifty foot away from the cocoon, she takes two more bottles smashing them on the floor as her vines almost doubled where the dish people were having problems getting through in large groups.two DAO swords that had blades that looked like hardened blood with a black high tier heavenly ore for the handle and a few symbols on the blades.

Mayliana smirked throwing her last green vile under the cocoon of vines having more wrap around it and piercing alot of the fish men in the process. that move alone killed over three thousand.

May had the spear stuck in the ground her gills spell is running out soon, she's been setting formations taking down numbers of them while building a formation that will kill almost the whole nest.

Mayliana uses both of her swords slicing through them one after another while large streaks of blood would travel out cutting down a large number close to the target so she cut through twenty with each strike while trying to quickly finish this since she's getting weaker from using to much and pretty soon she'll be swimming.

Large tentacles could be seen as a large octopus looking creature was slapping it's tentacle down trying to stop her from moving when it happened again she does a upward slash cutting a large portion of it off while the other seven slapped the ground setting off another formation that killed a large number of the fish men but blew it's own three legs up largely wounding it while she sends three vines that were thicker than the tentacles as hits landed several times on the octopus.