
The Broken Gold Prophecy

What do you mean the stone of prophecy is broken?!" The story of what happens when the world faces a looming threat from encroaching shadows. Yet, discovering the fated hero becomes an unexpectedly difficult task. Can a kingdom blinded by its own interpretation of destiny truly find the champion it desperately needs? Caught between clinging to their own perception and the dire necessity for a savior, the kingdom embarks on a quest for a hero, guided only by the fragmentary information available. Some cling to a literal depiction of a golden-haired and golden-eyed warrior, while others seek deeper significance within the missing details. What if the prophesied hero rejects the spotlight? Will the pursuit of this hero yield the much-needed savior before the advancing darkness consumes them all?

ScribblingLance · 奇幻
30 Chs

Unexpected Allies

"They're not trying to kill them!" Arlo bellowed, his eyes scanning the battlefield as he rushed towards the fight. "They're stalling for something!"

Kian, sharp as ever, caught on instantly. "Then let's lend a hand!" he roared, unleashing a burst of light that crackled through the air…harmlessly bouncing off the stony giants' sightless faces.

Seeing his attack fizzle, Arlo changed tactics. He became one with the shadows, weaving through the fray, tendrils of darkness slithering from his fingertips. They snaked around the giants' legs, tripping them up with chilling precision.

Kian, adjusting his strategy, used the raw power of his aura to shove the stone giants around, sending them crashing into each other like dominoes. This helped ease the pressure on the two adventurers.

The pressure on the two adventurers eased. The rainbow-robed sorcerer, a mischievous glint in his eyes, welcomed them with a flourish of spells. "Welcome, newcomers! Fancy playing with some of our stone-headed friends?"

His crossbow-wielding partner, eyes sharp as flint, snorted. "Just keep them busy, if you can. Once the ship gets back out on the water, these wardens will lose interest."

With a shared nod, Arlo and Kian plunged deeper into the fray, a storm of shadow and light against the relentless tide of stone.

Arlo and Kian fought like the sun and moon dancing a deadly ballet. Shadows whipped around Arlo, tripping and disarming the stone giants with an eerie grace.

Kian, a golden whirlwind, battered the hulking figures with his aura, their crashes echoing like thunder across the battlefield.

But a question gnawed at Arlo's mind. Why stall? Why hold the golems back? His gaze drifted to the ship, precariously tilted against the bank, a faint pulse of magic drawing him like a moth to a flame.

Suddenly, a voice cut through the din. "There!" The crossbow-wielding woman pointed at the ship's deck, where two figures strained to heave a massive crystal onto the mast.

The crystal, pulsating with the same energy as the ship, cast long, wavering shadows across the water. The ship's power source, it seemed, was back online, but freedom remained just out of reach.

The colorful sorcerer cast a shimmering barrier around the ship, its magical light flickering like a shield against the stone onslaught. He grinned at Arlo and Kian. "Thanks for the assist, friends! Just keep these brutes occupied while we free the vessel. The Azure Flow isn't kind to stranded ships, you see."

But the tide of stone seemed endless. For every giant they subdued, another lumbered onto the field, their faces etched with an ancient, stony rage.

The air crackled with a rising tension, a chorus of clashing steel and whispered whispers hinting at a deeper purpose behind the relentless attack.

Just as despair threatened to creep in, a new sound sliced through the chaos. A high-pitched whistle pierced the air, echoing from the ship.

The wardens, as if on cue, faltered. Their lumbering steps grew hesitant, their eyes, though sightless, seeming to turn away from the ship.

The ship, guided by the tireless crew, pulled itself free from the unforgiving shore, leaving Arlo, Kian, and the two adventurers on the battered battlefield.

The giants, one by one, stopped their advance, their stony faces seemingly softening. With a final rumble of the earth, they retreated, fading back into the shadows of the riverbank like phantoms returning to their mist.

Silence, thick and heavy, settled over the scene. The sun, peeking through the smoke, cast long shadows on the ravaged ground. Arlo and Kian, chests heaving, exchanged a look of disbelief and relief. The ship, battered but afloat, bobbed gently in the current, its westward course set.

Maybe, Arlo thought, with the ship free, they could finally unravel the mystery behind this battle.

The lively sorcerer, his robes a collision of mismatched colors, approached with a flourish. "Greetings, friends! Allow me to introduce myself and my crossbow-wielding partner..."

"My name is Eldarion, though some call me 'Sparkfingers' for my…err, enthusiastic approach to magic." He winked at Kian, a mischievous glint in his eye.

Beside him stood a woman, her auburn hair tied back in a practical braid, her eyes as sharp as the bolts she notched in her crossbow.

"Don't mind him," she said, slinging her crossbow over her shoulder. "Sparkfingers here tends to leave a trail of singed eyebrows and exploded potions wherever he goes."

Her lips curved into a wry smile. "I'm Maya, and these contraptions you see?" She tapped a turret humming with barely contained energy. "My masterpieces."

Arlo and Kian exchanged amused glances. This colorful pair, a whirlwind of accidental magic and mechanical ingenuity, were a far cry from anything they'd encountered on their journey.

Yet, there was no denying their skill. The way they'd navigated the battle, Eldarion's flamboyant spells weaving around Maya's expertly aimed bolts, had been a masterclass in chaos and control.

"So," Eldarion drawled, his grin stretching wide, "what brings two brave souls like yourselves to this neck of Serendia?"

Kian cleared his throat. "We're heading to join the adventurer's guild," he explained. "But this whole thing..." he gestured towards the silent battleground, "made us curious. Those stone giants, what were they?"

Eldarion's eyes widened. "Oh, you'll be our juniors! Those are Riverstone Wardens, sacred protectors of the river. It's considered bad luck to harm them, you see." He winked. "Actually, we were on a simple E-rank quest from the guild that got a bit...hairy. Appreciate the assist by the way. The mission was just to find a missing boat but looks like it crashed in a sacred area of the river."

Understanding dawned on Arlo and Kian's faces. The wardens' relentless attack, the ship's sudden importance – it all clicked into place.

Maya, however, scoffed. "Sacred? They're just oversized rocks if you ask me."

Eldarion chuckled, his mismatched robes swirling as he shook his head. "Ah, Maya and her practicalities. There's more to this world than gears and gizmos, my friend. But that's a story for another time."

He winked, his gaze drifting towards the sun painting the horizon in fiery hues. "Right now, I think a celebratory meal is in order."

Arlo readily agreed. The battle had left them drained, and the thought of a hot meal was as enticing as a campfire on a chilly night.

The crackling fire, Maya's culinary prowess, and the promise of a hot meal were as enticing as a siren song. As they huddled around a makeshift table, bathed in the warm glow of the fire, Maya finally popped the question that had been bubbling beneath the surface.

"So, Arlo, right? I saw in the battle you use darkness?"

Eldarion's usual cheer faltered slightly, but it was a flicker. Arlo, unsure how to read the shift, simply nodded. "My aura's affinity is dark, that's right."

Maya met his gaze, her eyes devoid of fear or judgment. "Interesting. Not something I see around much. Reputation's a bit rough, I know, but you got us out of a fix, and I don't put much stock in superstitions."

Kian, ever the mediator, added, "We were lucky to have a welcoming village growing up. Tight-knit community, didn't much care for gossip or prejudice once we found out Arlo's affinity."

Eldarion chuckled, a hint of understanding flickering in his eyes. "If anyone knows about being judged by actions and not appearances, it's yours truly."

He expertly changed the subject, his voice taking on a curious lilt. "So, what brings you two fine folks to joining the Adventurer's Guild?"

Kian, the voice of ambition, explained their quest. "We're aiming for the Hero Academy, hoping to start next year."

Eldarion's eyes widened. "Ah, mentions of the hero academy have spread far and wide," he teased. "Word on the street is, the kingdom needs a hero for the darkness rising." He paused, a serious glint in his eye. "Speaking of dark things, you wouldn't happen to have heard..." He trailed off, gauging their reaction.

A knot of tension tightened in Arlo's gut. "Heard what?" he asked, his voice tight. "We've been on the road a couple of weeks with no news."

Eldarion shrugged. "Then you're probably in the dark, no pun intended. Best to hear it from the official channels in Emberton. Don't want to be a rumor monger, you know."

Arlo and Kian exchanged a worried glance. The whispers of "corruption" and "hero" hung heavy in the air, but they had more immediate concerns: their next step.

As the moon climbed higher, the conversation shifted to their journey. Eldarion, ever the social butterfly, raised an eyebrow. "Heading to Emberton, are you? Perhaps it wouldn't hurt to travel together. Safety in numbers, they say." His grin widened. "Besides, having extra muscle against any surprises wouldn't be a bad thing, eh?"

Arlo and Kian exchanged glances. It wasn't like they'd enjoyed many peaceful nights since leaving home. Traveling with this unpredictable, resourceful pair could mean more than just company.

It could be the unexpected twist that fate had in store for them. "Sounds like a plan," Arlo finally said, a genuine smile tugging at his lips. "We could use a little company."

And so, under the watchful gaze of the moon, an unlikely alliance was forged. Two aspiring heroes, drawn together by fate and the promise of adventure, found themselves joining forces with a flamboyant sorcerer and his ingenious partner.

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