
Boring Trip

Prussia, August 8th 1803

9:17 AM

After the hard experience of bidding farewell to his family, Lukas slowly walked away from the Santen mansion.

Lukas sighed, remembering everyone's reaction, mainly Violett's. It truly made his heart break to see her like that, however, he simply couldn't back down now. That was unthinkable to him.

After walking for a while, Lukas was finally at the carriage. He briefly greeted the driver, and got in the vehicle.

In there, Lukas sighed while leaning back on his seat, making himself comfortable inside the lavish carriage.

Soon, the carriage finally departed, leaving the Santen mansion behind, and with that, all the people Lukas had bid farewell to a few moments ago.

A few minutes had passed, and Lukas could only look out of the window with melancholic eyes. He didn't regret making this decision at all, but it was still hard for him to do it.