
The Bride's Replacement

Skylar Izara Ishaani is a great journalist in Canada. She crosses path with the great Royal Maverick. She asks him bold questions that no journalist had deared to. Impressed by her boldness,Royal decides to marry her. Not for love but due to pressure from his parents. When she finds out why he wants to marry her,she disappears a day before her wedding. Her younger sister,Calista Serenity Ishaani suffers the price of her actions. Out of fear of her image in the public,Ishaani Kapoor,their mother,asks Calista to save her from embarrassment. She is to stand in the place of her elder sister. Since her sister ran away from home,away from her forced marriage,she is to pay the price. Calista agrees to marry Royals Maverick Atlas for her mother's image. She is the only person that can save her mother from the embarrassment that comes with her sister's disappearance the day before her wedding ceremony. She suffers in the hands of the young business lord,Royal. He has married her for his family's satisfaction but he is in love with a different woman all together. A woman that would bring her pain and unbearable life to leave. Let's begin together the journey between the great,famous and eligible young man,Royal Maverick Atlas and the most beautiful lady,Calista Serenity Ishaani. Will they fall in love and will their love grow there after or how is it going to be for them?

Linnah_Charles · 都市
56 Chs

Caring husband III

Kapoor Mansion,

Ishaani walked down the hallway to the master bedroom which was occupied by her parents. She knocked at the door despite it being open. Her mother stepped out and smiled warmly at her.

"You are up my child.How are you my dear?"she endearly greeted her. She took her by the arm and pulled her to the room.

"Am not fine mother..."Ishaani started her eyes getting watery. She was hurting from inside each day and she was tired of covering her emotions with a smile. At the beginning,she wanted to punish herself for causing sadness to her daughters but now,she had had enough.

Ishaani cleared her throat trying hard not shed tears before her mother,then she continued...

"I really am not fine mother.I feel like am dead but each day,the pain in my heart reminds me that I am alive. Mother,my concience judges me each day and keeps on reminding me how of a bad mother I am..."Ishaani spoke. She could not hold back her tears anymore. She let them fall freely from her eyes.

Mrs Kapoor knew the pain her daughter was going through. Twenty three years ago,she also suffered the same when she her daughter, Ishaani was mistreated by her brother because she got pregnant for the second time yet she was not married. Mrs Kapoor's sisters called her daughter a prostitute for having two kids out of wedlock. She did not say anything when her daughter suffered that much until she was forced to leave the house. She went through hell out there without no job,since her boss had fired her when she was got pregnant.

Mrs Kapoor walked closer to her daughter and cupped her face in her hands. Her daughter was still young for all this...she was very young.

"I know my dear...I know exactly what you feel but give yourself time baby and this feeling will go away,"her mother consoled her.

Ishaani shook her head in disaprroval. She had been waiting for weeks now but the pain was getting intense.

"No mother. I don't see that happening soon. This pain won't go away. My babies have been my all and you know it. Doing this to them is eating me up,"she explained. Her mother could see that what she was saying was true. She had grown lean and pale already.

"I want to talk to them. But since Izara is still missing,I can atleast talk to Calista. I have to talk to her mother,"she pleaded in tears.

"What if she doesn't want to see you?"her mother was afraid that if she went then Calista refused to talk to her then she would be shattered completely and she was not ready to see that.

"Calista won't do that mother. And everything that has been said about her by the media,I can make it right by confessing that it was all a lie and she can go back to doing her carrier. I know my baby won't shun me off,"she smiled with hope in her eyes. She knew that Izara was stubborn but Calista was ever compassionate unless she let anger take control of her.Just like her grandfather,Mr Kapoor was and no wonder he loved her more among his grandkids.

Ishaani wiped her tears and smiled at her mother.

"Thats why I need to speak to father. He can make me see my baby and we can talk. I know she will forgive me,"she spoke.

Mrs Kapoor sighed. She only hoped that her daughter would not run mad due to the love for her daughters.

Mrs Kapoor nodded in agreement.

"He travelled to Indian to handle some business.You have to wait until he is back and he sure will help you but untill then,keep calm my dear,"she spoke calmly.

Ishaani could not take it. Wait for another day!..That was impossible for her!

She simply nodded and left the room in a slow pace.


At the Atlas Mansion,

"You look beautiful than the last time I saw you,"Kim teased as she applied ointment on Calista's hand.

Calista chuckled then rolled up her eyes.

"Seems like my brother is doing the trick,"a feminine voice was heard. They all looked at the door and beheld the statue of a young woman in a white booty but baggy shorts and a pink vest tucked in.

"Come-on you girls.The last time you saw me Kim was yesterday afternoon so I doupt if the change is that much,infact I doupt if there is any at all Kim and Sage,you know that your brother is the worst husband a lady can ever have,"she joked and they all giggled happily.

"With how handsome and multi rich he is am sure he is the type of husband every lady wants,"Sage spoke proudly with a warm smile on. Her eyes beheld the ointments on the bedside table and Calista's hand and her facial expression changed.

"What happened to your hand Cal?"she asked,her voice full of concern and her face took on a worried look.

Calista's heart warmed. She had people who cared about her here and for once since she was away from her home,she did not miss her mother.

She had always missed her each day but she fought the feeling saying that her mother betrayed her and she did not deserve to be missed by her.

When she got burnt the other night,she could not stop thinking of how her mother would have scolded her for getting burnt and she would not have had a peaceful night knowing she was in pain despite being a fully grown girl.

But now she did not think about her because someone was looking out for her. Not like how her mother and sister would but atleast they were there.

Calista smiled.

"That brother of yours you praise so much dipped my hand in boiling water,"she joked only to see her reaction and sincerely speaking,her shocked look was amusing.

Calista giggled seeing the shock on Sage's face.

"He did what? I will kill him when he comes back,"Sage spoke in rage. Calista raised her brows at Sage's words.

Did she believe that her brother would do that?

"Relax Sage, nothing of that sort happened. I burnt my hand myself,accidentally that is,"she spoke and Sage's face softened.

"I would have slit his throat if he really did,"Sage threatened and they all giggled at the joke.

"Trust me you would die before you reached him,"Kim spoke with a smile on.

Sage ignored that and just laughed but she knew the only men in his team that could beat her were Maverick's most trusted men and they were only three,Bruce, Bryce and Mark.

Kim was done applying the ointment and gave them to her and told her when to use them.

"Your caring handsome husband asked me to give you the best ointment so that the burn does not leave a mark on your hand so make sure you always apply it,"she advised seriously and Calista nodded.

She could not stop wondering why he was so caring towards her yet he does not love her.Or was it just a duty to him?

"So we are done now.I will take my leave and take care of yourself,"Kim advised as she packed her staffs.

"You are travelling back to Texas?"Calista could not stop herself from asking.

"Not really. Am still in Town for some days before I travel back,"she responded and Calista nodded with a smile.

Kim left and only Sage and Calista remained in the room.

"So tell me something Calista. What do you think of my brother? I know that your marriage was all arranged and I know you two are not in love and I also know about Addison,"she spoke smiling.

Calista's heart summersaulted in fear. She wondered if she knew about Izara as well but if she did,why did she not say it. Maybe she just did not want to and that made Calista more afraid.

She cleared her throat then let out a sigh.

"U-uhm. I think your brother is a good man but as you know about Addison then you must know that our relationship is strictly business,"she answered with a smile on though she was just trying to easen the mood between them. Calista also tried hard not to sound rude.

Sage nodded. She did not know much about her brother's love life but one thing she was sure,she liked Calista and she felt they could be together. She only had to give fate time to work it's magic.

"That's fine then. I know my brother can be a freak sometimes but he is a good man as you said but you still have to be careful,"she reminded her when she knew how spoilt and evil Addison could be.

Calista did not know why Sage said that but still she did not ask.

"I will Sage and I guess you should too,"she spoke smiling. Just being kind towards her as well.

Sage hugged her for a while then stood and walked out of the room slowly.

"You don't have to remind me that. It has been part of my life all along,"she shouted at her smiling,when she reached the door and Calista smiled as well.

Being in a family with so much rivals,she now understood why she warned her.

The door creaked close and Calista smiled again. Lucky was she that she was loved by Sage and the others expect Cassie and Maverick but atleast he did not show it.