
The Boys: The Speed Of Redemption

A dedicated comic book and superhero fan from our world, who lived as a skilled assassin akin to John Wick, wakes up in the body of A-Train, one year before the events of "The Boys" series. Armed with extensive knowledge of the series and his former life, he sets out to rewrite A-Train’s fate. Determined to avoid the mistakes of his predecessor, he seeks to prevent tragedies and injustices while uncovering the dark secrets of Vought International.

Vekay_Legend · 电视同人
36 Chs

Chapter 29

Author's Note:

Hello Author-san here, some people have been complaining about the name and the suit that Reggie had, so I can definitely say that it was temporary and part of my plan. After all if you remember he had schematics for making himself a new suit, as for the harem route. Well it's decided that there would only be one fem lead, so Popclaw's here to stay.

Also some of y'all think that my work is not my original but a Chinese translation of some kind well believe what you will. I won't bother with such folks. Anyway enjoy 😁


Turning back was easy for Tyrone—he had always prided himself on his ability to maintain control over his emotions. Even after everything he'd been through, losing that control wasn't an option. As he followed Reggie into the common area where the group was gathered, he took in the scene with a calm but vigilant eye.

Marvin (M.M.) was engrossed in his work at a computer, typing rapidly as SPADE floated beside him. The little AI's glowing eyes reflected an almost childlike curiosity as it observed Marvin's actions. Tyrone couldn't help but smile at the sight—it was the kind of calm, everyday moment he had been missing for so long.

Nearby, Frenchie was sitting next to Kimiko, patiently teaching her the alphabet. A stack of paper and crayons lay between them, and Kimiko's hand moved carefully as she traced the letters under Frenchie's gentle guidance. Tyrone felt a pang of envy at their peaceful interaction.

Butcher sat off to the side, a cigarette in hand, his foot tapping incessantly against the floor. The constant motion betrayed a restlessness that was otherwise concealed by his usual confident demeanor. It was clear something was weighing heavily on his mind, making him more on edge than usual.

On the far side of the room, Grace was finishing up a phone call. As soon as she noticed Reggie and Tyrone, she ended the call and approached them with a professional demeanor. "Reggie, glad you could make it," she said, her gaze shifting to Tyrone with curiosity. "Who's this?"

Reggie grinned and gave Tyrone a friendly shoulder hug. "This gentleman here is not only my best friend but my brother from another mother. He's also my backup."

Tyrone felt a surge of warmth at Reggie's words. Backup. He wasn't just a sidekick—he was someone Reggie trusted completely. That trust was something Tyrone hadn't felt in a long time, and it meant more to him than he could express.

Butcher, who had been watching silently, stubbed out his cigarette in the ashtray and turned to face them fully. "He's a supe, then?" he asked, his tone carrying a hint of suspicion.

Reggie's expression sobered. "Actually, nope," he said, his voice serious. "But I made him one. Even though I wasn't responsible for him being paralyzed—that was Shockwave—I couldn't leave him like that. He's my brother, and I love him. I owe him too much to let him suffer."

The room fell silent as everyone turned their attention to Reggie and Tyrone. Marvin looked up from his computer, clearly intrigued. "How exactly do you mean you turned him? Do you have Compound V?" he asked, his voice a mix of curiosity and concern.

Reggie met Marvin's gaze calmly. "Let's just say I've been working on something better than what Vought peddles. Unlike their version, which comes with a fifty percent survival rate, I've reengineered the formula. Now it's safe and can unlock the hidden potential in anyone who takes it. I've created two versions: the second one lasts twenty-four hours. It gives you the boost you need without losing your humanity."

The group exchanged glances, the weight of Reggie's words sinking in. Grace was the first to break the silence. "Is it safe? Have you tested it, or is this just you being overly confident?" she asked, her tone carrying an edge of skepticism.

Reggie smirked, unphased by her challenge. He turned to Tyrone with a look that needed no words. Tyrone knew exactly what Reggie wanted, and without hesitation, he raised his right hand.

The transformation was seamless, his skin shifting from human to beast, grey scales replacing flesh, his fingers extending into razor-sharp claws. The room tensed as they watched, a mix of awe and unease evident in their eyes.

Frenchie let out a low whistle. "Woah, so you're a werewolf or something?"

Tyrone chuckled, the sound deep and rumbling. "Kind of. But I'm not just a werewolf—I can grow to a very large size, too. Reggie gave me a new alias: Lycanthrone."

"That's cool," Frenchie said, his eyes wide with fascination. "Reggie mentioned the twenty-four-hour version. Let me guess—you've got a permanent version too, right?"

Tyrone nodded. "Yeah, I've got the permanent upgrade. This is who I am now."

Butcher, his expression unreadable, turned to Grace. "Okay, so what's the plan, Grace?"

Grace hesitated, her eyes flicking to Reggie before she spoke. "With Reggie's permission, I've sent the information we've gathered on Vought to the Agency. Now we wait for their response. If all goes well, the government will finally have the evidence they need to take Vought down."

"And Homelander?" Butcher's voice was low, dangerous. "How do we take him down? He's America's golden boy. Even if we show the public the evidence, they'll still stand by him. They worship him too much to see reason."

Grace sighed, her shoulders sagging slightly under the weight of the situation. "We don't know how to take him down yet. Many have tried and failed. And going after him could lead to suicide and countless casualties. We have to be smart about this. We need to bring him to face justice, but we have to do it by the rules. Trust in the system, Butcher."

Butcher's face twisted with anger, and before anyone could stop him, he grabbed the ashtray and hurled it across the room. It shattered against the wall, the sound echoing in the silence that followed. "Damn it, Grace!!!" he roared. "I don't give a fuck about the system!! I want that bastard bleeding and begging for mercy at my feet!! Why won't you give me the chance to take him down?!!!"

Grace met his rage with a calm, steady gaze. "Because going after him recklessly is suicide, Butcher. You know that. We need to be smart, strategic. We'll bring him down, but we have to do it right. Trust me on this."

Butcher sneered, his voice dripping with bitterness. "Trust in the system? Like how the system helped you with your grandchildren, Grace? That same system that let the supe bastard who burned your house down with them in it walk free? Spare me the bullshit!!"


"That's going too far butcher, we all lost someone we loved to them. So Don't you dare raise your tone on her!" Said Marvin standing up with his hands on the desk facing Butcher, "Now listen, we know you're angry, you are justified to feel so. But don't forget that we're on your side, don't make us out to be the enemies. HE WILL PAY, DON'T GET ME WRONG. SO GET YOUR ACT TOGETHER AND ACT AS OUR LEADER SHOULD!!"

Butcher glared at Marvin, his jaw clenched. After a moment, he turned and stormed out of the room. The tension lingered, thick in the silence left behind, "I could kill him you know, it would be too easy. The reason I did not do so was as you said Malory, death would have been a mercy to grant Homelander. He needs to answer for his actions, it doesn't mean we have to leave him in one piece for him to face judgement."

Reggie said to the silent room, suddenly an alarm blared in the base causing the people to panic a bit. "SPADE what's happening?" Commanded Reggie, as they what SPADE showed on the screen a plane that was hijacked by terrorists. More information poured in. 'The Transoceanic Flight 37 from Paris to Chicago was currently hijacked mid-air by four terrorists over the Atlantic Ocean.'"

Looking at the screen Reggie immediately had a flashback of the scene, Homelander who goes to try to save the passengers becomes the very reason of their doom. Knowing that time was running out before Vought is made aware of the situation Reggie said "SPADE active the VOIDREAVER Suit priority code Alpha-Negetive-Zero-Epilson-One"

Immediately section of the wall revealed a high-tech armor, its visor glowing blue as the armored core powered up. Reggie strode towards it, and the suit broke down into nanite liquid, enveloping him like a magnet. He stood in the room, now clad in the advanced armor, ready for rescue.

The room was shocked as Butcher himself, who upon coming back found out what happened was surprised by the high-tech getup. Not wasting time Reggie now Voidreaver disappeared in a flash of blue lightning leaving a thunderclap in his wake.

Running across the ocean with his armor now powered by Speedforce, allowed his SPADE operating system able to keep up with him. He knows that he can't fly like most supes, so he improvised gathering his lightning to both of his hands he tossed one ahead of him a bit higher than the ocean floor before he stepped on it.

Then he tossed the other one for his next step, he kept going one lightning after another basically riding the thunder running on the very air. Using the direction SPADE gave him of the plane with him racing not just against the gravity that tried to pull him down but against time to save those innocent people from their untimely deaths.

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