
The Boys: It's Hero Time

While fighting both Kevin and Vilgax at Niagara Falls both them and Ben get sucked into a portal created by the Null Void projector. Only it's not the Null Void they land. They land in a world where Superheroes are just a bunch of corporate puppets and think they can do whatever they want. But no more as it's a real Hero's Time. -)-)-))-)-)-)-))-)-)- I don’t own anything in the story and all credits goes to its respective owners. Author: AUfan62 link: https://www.fanfiction. net/s/14131419/

GenV · 漫画同人
39 Chs

Chapter 1: Niagra Falls

Niagara Falls:-

Max Tennyson fired the Null Void projector opening a hole to the dimensional prison, sucking both Kevin and Vilgax. "No!" Vilgax cried in anger.

"I will not be denied my victory." He spoke as both held their ground, with Kevin digging both his feet and all his arms.

"Grandpa they're not going in." Gwen said in alarm as Vilgax. "Can't you give this thing more power?" She asked.

"I'm trying." The elder Tennyson replied, while tinkering with device to do just that.

"I got this Grandpa." Diamondhead spoke, running past the two to charge at his two rivals. Neither caring about the danger or aware of it.

"Ben no! It's to dangerous!" Grandpa Max cried out in worry.

"So is letting them stay here." Ben replied, before jumping up and thrusting his fist on the ground. This action caused a wave of crystal to rise from the ground towards the two.

"No!" Kevin roared before shooting a fire ball and multiple crystal shards at the Omnitrix wielder. Ben rose his left arm and used it to block the fire with minimal difficulty.

The shards he avoided, but several of them hit the projector, causing some sort of electric shock that extended to the portal.

Meanwhile the crystal wave knocked both assailants off the ground and into the portal. Which thanks to Kevin expanded and began to change. The suction was now powerful that it was pulling Ben, despite being far enough away.

"Ben the portals unstable, it's only a matter of time before it collapses!" The retired plumber explained.

"Move doofus!" Gwen called out.

"Trying...to." The crystal like alien gritted as he tried to back away. But the portal suction became even more powerful and now he was lifted off the ground.

He was just a short distance away before he grabbed one of the pillars from his earlier attack to stop himself from being sucked in.

"Ben!" The other two Tennyson's cried out in alarm.

As Diamondhead began trying pull himself further away from the portal his leg was grabbed. He looked and saw Vilgax who was part way out of the portal.

"We're not done." Vilgax told him as he used Diamondhead as his personal rope and began pulling himself out.

Ben looked at the Alien, then at his family with worry, he tried to transform but for some reason he didn't have that control anymore.

The shock must've messed that up, just his luck. He couldn't let Vilgax stay, who knows what he would do. So there was just one option he could think of.

"Congratulations dweeb." Ben started to speak. "You're getting my bunk." He continued before loosening his grip.

"Grandpa what's he talking about?" Gwen asked in worry.

Max's eyes widen. "Ben! No! Don't do it!" He cried out.

"Let's finish this Vilgax." Diamondhead said, and just as he let go added. "Together." They were then sucked in to what they thought would be the Null Void. Little did they know that was not the case.

Once they crossed the portal closed. Both the remaining Tennyson's stood with their mouths agape. Ben was gone. With the Null Void projector broken it would take days, maybe even weeks to fix. If Ben went to the Null void.


In another Dimension, Upstate New York:-

It was just another ordinary day as a man was driving towards the city in his Chevy Cruze. The road was clear, as it was a lesser used one, both sides had trees.

Occasionally a White Tailed Deer would appear before scurrying back into the safety of the woods.

Until some distance away a yellow hole in the sky opened up.

The man didn't notice at first but when he did he stopped and took out his phone to take a video, in order to get proof that he wasn't just imagining it.

Soon enough a figure fell out and loud crash was heard as it made impact with the ground. Soon after the opening closed.

"Holy fuck." The man uttered, before getting in his car again and driving as far away and as fast as possible. Soon enough he was dialing 9-1-1 and said. "Something-some fucking shit crashed."

"I'm sorry sir who was in a crash?" The operator asked, as she had difficulty hearing him with his panicked breathing.

"In sky! Someone or something just crashed from the sky, made a big explosion and I don't know what the fuck happened!" He elaborated, without sounding too crazy.

"Can you tell us where sir?" The woman requested, believing something serious was afoot. She quickly took down the information, such as location and the man's name. Unfortunately because of the distance authorities would take a little while to arrive.


At the crash site:-

The form of Diamondhead was in the middle of a crater groaning when the Omnitrix timed out and in a flash of red became Ben. "That smarts." The 10 year old groaned, while rubbing his head. He wasn't in too much pain, but his body was aching from fighting Vilgax and Kevin.

Ben then looked at the watch and saw it was red, indicating it needed to recharge. "Well looks like I'm back to the basics." He complained, apparently the recently unlocked master control was either temporary or traveling through the portal somehow messed it up.

Seeing as how he wasn't in the Null Void Ben assumed he could call Grandpa or Gwen.

So taking out Gwen's emergency phone that he borrowed to play a game and forgot to put back he dialed Grandpa Max's number. However for some reason that number was not in service. Weird.

Next he tried his home number, but got a Chinese restaurant in Los Angeles instead. He tried his parents personal phone numbers but got the customer service line for something called 'Instagram' and a 'Samaritan's Embrace' receptionist. This was getting weirder. He finally dialed aunt Vira from the desert retirement home in a last ditch effort.

"Aunt Vira?" He asked when the line was picked up. "Jeff what? That sounds made up." He told to the person he called. "Later Jeff Bozo." Hangs up.