

BEAUTIFUL MISTAKE. "We all have a part of ourselves that we wish was locked away. A part of us that show us who we are. A part of us that is vulnerable. Either way, yes! We want it locked far away. It's in us, and we know it will never leave." "Love has broken and repaired many souls." "Why didn't you ever tell me?" He was drunk. I felt it from the way he paused before talking. The man of my dreams had called. "What are you talking about?" I responded. My mind had the picture, while my heart was the frame of our love story. He had called, but I wasn't ready. Will the ghost of my past make me lose the man of my dreams? Well, my house had become a mansion which was pretty quiet in there. Enjoy,... Like. comment and..., rate All love my dearest reader.

Rhoda_Andrian · 现代言情
36 Chs


Time had passed since my arrival in the country; weeks, to be precise. I had the pleasure of visiting the national parks and taking some pictures, as I really wanted to show Eva, and maybe Kelvin, the beauty of our city. With my home near the beach, I visited it every day. It's fair to say I had a lot of fun being here to the extent that I had forgotten to immerse myself in online businesses. My sister was happy to see me; she, of course, had asked me lots of questions. She inquired about the climate in the United Kingdom, the delicacies, the food, the people, and most importantly, she wanted to know if I had found someone; by someone, she meant a special person. Funny or not, my sister and I were, and have always been open with each other. As I had once said, despite being two years younger than me, she seemed more adult than I. She had started a relationship before me, which, surprisingly, is still ongoing –side thought, honestly that's crazy. Sometimes I can't help but feel that she has more luck in finding things than I do. Nevertheless, I'm happy that she's content with whoever she's with. I've never seen him; the boyfriend, like physically, but there's just a picture of him, which I glimpsed on her phone. She has refused to show me him, as she believes of the statements that showing off your significant other might attract the attention of unknown, 'evil eyes' I may say that potentially lead to their "theft."

So, yes, she had asked me about my current status, and, of course, I laughed it off. For one, I had a boyfriend -Kelvin, right? To be precise. Okay, pause there. Second, I had an ex returning - Leniey. Now, let's rewind to Kelvin. Despite him being my boyfriend, he had cheated on me. I don't know if you get it - he actually cheated on me with some blonde, like some blonde. I'm not even fair-skinned or European, for that matter. Like, what the heck. Therefore, honestly, letting my sister in on my messed-up life due to my boyfriend's insecurity was not a story I would be proud of giving easily. This insecurity, which I partly triggered with my actions involving Leniey, has been of course, as you all know, wreaking havoc. For instance The incident with Kelvin trying to check the phone call, and I swiftly snatched the phone away from him. Of option, I'd never reveal this to my sister. It's not about her being my sister, or fearing her judgment, but my desire not to appear weak in her eyes. I also want her to believe in love without doubts, drawing from my own experiences.

By the way, I visited my dad recently. He warmly welcomed me, and we had heart-to-heart conversations. He asked specific questions about how things were going, especially my studies. He was curious about when I'd finish my psychology course. His wife, or I should say, his girlfriend, prepared some food for me despite my mom's warning against it. Which, seeing my dad eat it made me feel it might not be as bad as my mom suggested. Though I get her concerns, perhaps she's just apprehensive. She was actually dead against me visiting my dad, but after a lot of convincing, she reluctantly agreed, with numerous warnings. Anyway, back home, I found myself idling, watching stuff mostly. Before sleep took over, I'd skim through my Instagram messages, responding to texts. Leniey always messaged, and so did Kelvin. Eva updated me on radio station matters. She even got invited to a live session on a major radio station during my stay here.

I'd be lying if I said Eva's star was shining brighter than mine in our respective fields. But I decided to come back home this time of the month, uncertain when I'd return again, possibly not for the next long while, except maybe Christmas. Back to my two boys - Leniey and Kelvin of course. Leniey's messages were his usual self, asking about the country, sending greetings, and updating me on his shows. Apparently, he's off to France for some modeling gig, showcasing clothes for a brand he mentioned. I replied with 'cool' and some supportive emojis, genuinely proud of him. Who'd have thought he'd become such a recognized model? Modeling isn't often a career choice in a third-world country like mine, not to belittle it, but you know what I mean with 'developing' and 'developed.' Most of our conversations revolved around Leniey talking about himself, which was fine with me. Now, switching to Kelvin. He, as I had stated earlier, was not usually a big texter, sometimes leaving one on read for almost a week and then hitting them with a 'you up' out of nowhere. But this time, he's been quite chatty. His replying is punctually, even showing the typing indication, a frequency. Naturally, he inquired about the country and even floated the idea of visiting soon to check out the environment. I found myself overthinking the notion of him meeting my parents. That's a big no for now. If he did come, I'd book him a fancy hotel in Ndiani, Kilifi, or the capital, and I'd visit him. The thought of him meeting my parents brings up all sorts of implications, even if I introduce him as a friend. African parents have an uncanny talent for overthinking things.

He also attempted to explain his actions from that incident when I wanted to tell him about my departure, and I found him with another girl. He mentioned being drunk and unsure of his actions. Honestly, I was hurt. Sure, I might have stirred some mixed feelings or tried to make him insecure, but what hurt most was feeling betrayed. I never imagined he'd do something like that. He might have ghosted me or given me the silent treatment, but cheating was a low blow I didn't see coming. Still, he had his reasons, and I responded with a simple 'cool,' promising to discuss it when I'm back in the UK.

Cutting to the chase, my stay here was productive, and I interacted with many people I missed. Unfortunately, I didn't get the chance to speak with my best friend, Jake. Since my call, he hasn't reached out or confirmed my whereabouts. I decided not to let my ego down for someone who acted as if I were forcing a meeting. Honestly, I wanted to see him, catch up, and hear about his sudden connection entry into Absa Bank - I really did.

At present, my time in Kenya nears its end, I'm packing my suits to return. However, Leniey requested that I bring him his certificates. So, I'm currently waiting for his instructions before I can finalize my packing and leave immediately. Instead of using Jomo Kenyatta International Airport, I've opted to fly from Mombasa Airport, which much nearer to home. I hope Leniey's parcel will arrive soon, allowing me to complete my packing and head to the airport without rushing, as I dislike rush hours. After hours of waiting and texting Leniey about the parcel's whereabouts and the person delivering it, my phone rings, startling me. I answer when I hear a soothing voice on the other end saying hello. There's a brief pause, as if awaiting my reply, to which I respond with due respect. "The parcel, dear, has arrived. A Modern Coast driver has informed me that it's at their offices. Please travel safely and contact me when you have the parcel. It's Leniey's mother." Hearing her voice made me stutter briefly before I replied with an assurance that I will call. Leniey's mother had called me -an unexpected surprise –why was I surprised, anxious…what's with me?. Speaking to another person's parents was something I hadn't anticipated, and it stirred up feelings of fear and nervousness, I guess. After she hung up, 'shit' was the only word I could muster.

Despite the unease, I headed straight to the offices via a tuktuk, a lengthy journey that eventually led me there. I collected the papers, which were placed in a plastic bag, and beneath was a large A4 envelope.

After confirming with Leniey's mom that I had indeed received the parcels, she blessed me and gave me some advice. She emphasized the importance of studying hard and avoiding drugs. She suggested I convey the same advice to Leniey and encouraged us to focus on self-improvement, helping each other and striving for better opportunities. After her advice and finishing my packing, my mother called me into the living room as usual. She asked my sister to turn off the television's sound so we could thank the Lord for his guidance and pray for my safe journey, open doors, and blessings for all of us. After the extended prayer, my sister volunteered to accompany me to the Mombasa mats stage, an idea my mom supported enthusiastically. My departure was scheduled for 20:45, and while it was currently almost half-past five in the evening, my sister hugged me goodbye. It was a somewhat sorrowful moment as I had grown quite fond of her. Regardless, we hugged, and I wished her the best as she embarked on a new journey to join Egerton University for Computer Science.


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