
The Book of Stories

A book with a collection of stories made by my friends and I, that covers a multitude of genres. Please leave a review, tell me what you think.

OverLordGold · 奇幻
23 Chs

Which Are You?

In the sleep of legend's they hear the chant's of those who cursed upon.

They fear the blood shed of people they love..

Wonder is all they can do..

Hoping for there curses to break...

Dawn is a time for war..

War for all those who love their families..

But which are you?

The skilled hero?

Or the legend, cursed to be known as..


War is the day for death and wonder..

But why is war?

War is deadly and rotten..

Elves stand ready..

Dwarves stand ready..

Orcs stand ready

The lady who started it all is cursed upon by the gods..

The lady who..

Stood that night knowing the curse will come upon..

Knowing her death is near..

You must now decide young hero..

Stay and be a rotten man for the rest of your life or..

Be a legend but follow this lady's path?