
The Book Of Creation

A book That Creates reality or a whole Universe! A College student Named "Jay" His hands got on that book and now He can do what ever he wants! What ever means WHATEVER . And also he becomes The god of all the universes that he made! {See the story to see more~ and also stick with us to recieve the letest update first }

Rahul_kumar_roy · 奇幻
18 Chs

Mission deafet Abilene (1)

Jay stood at the edge of the courtyard, taking in the view of the sprawling castle grounds one last time before the journey ahead. The final week of training had come to an end, and the time had arrived to face Abilene, the dark sorceress who threatened their world. This journey would test everything he had learned and every bond he had formed.

Samira: (placing a reassuring hand on Jay's shoulder) Are you ready, Jay?

Jay: (nodding, determined) As ready as I'll ever be. Let's do this.

Zara: (smiling at Jay) We'll get through this together.

They packed their supplies meticulously, ensuring they had everything they might need for the arduous journey to Abilene's domain. Samira, the Queen of not just this planet but two others, provided them witha map and some enchanted items for their protection.

Jay: (looking at the map) Abilene's stronghold is at the bottom of the plane, almost like going from Norway to Antarctica.

Samira: (handing them a glowing orb) This will help guide you through the harshest terrains. Use it wisely.

With a final farewell, they set off on their journey. The initial part of their trek took them through dense forests and over rolling hills. As they traveled, Jay and Zara found their bond growing stronger. They walked side by side, often sharing stories, laughter, and moments of quiet reflection.

Jay: (thoughtfully) Do you think I could create a portal or teleport us to Abilene's location? Maybe even fly over?

Zara: (shaking her head) You're still a beginner, Jay. Controlling the book's power properly takes time. Right now, it's safer to travel by foot.

Jay: (looking at Zara) But you can fly. Why not just carry me like when we first met?

Zara: (smiling gently) Flying burns a lot of energy, and with a heavy load, I can't go far. We need to conserve our strength for emergencies. This journey is dangerous, and we don't know what lies ahead.

Their conversation was interrupted by a chilling sensation. Jay felt a pair of eyes watching them. He turned, but saw nothing. However, in the shadows, a pair of yellow and black eyes gleamed with malevolent intent.

Abilene: (voice a mix of demonic and female tones, smirking) So, they are coming...

She watching them from her mention!

The journey continued, fraught with peril. They trekked through various terrains, from dense, dark forests where the trees seemed to whisper secrets, to arid deserts where the sun beat down mercilessly. Despite the challenges, Jay and Zara grew closer, their bond strengthening with each shared trial.

One night, as they camped under a canopy of stars, Jay found himself unable to sleep. He sat by the fire, the warmth and crackling of the flames providing some comfort against the unknown dangers lurking in the darkness.

Jay: (looking at Zara) How do you stay so strong, Zara? I mean, with everything you've been through...

Zara: (joining him by the fire) I focus on what I can control. My training, my skills... and now, you. You're my anchor, Jay. Together, we can face anything.

Jay: (smiling) I feel the same way.

The following day, as they journeyed through a particularly dense forest, they were ambushed by a group of grotesque creatures. These beasts had elongated limbs and sharp claws, their eyes glowing a menacing red. Jay and Zara fought bravely, using their combined skills to fend off the onslaught. Jay summoned weapons from his imagination, while Zara used her agility and strength to cut down the attackers.

Jay: (panting) These things just keep coming!

Zara: (gritting her teeth) We need to find their source and eliminate it.

After a fierce battle, they managed to track the creatures to a cave. Inside, they found a dark, pulsing portal, likely created by Abilene to hinder their progress.

Jay: (determined) We need to destroy this portal.

Zara: (nodding) Together.

They combined their powers, Jay channeling energy from the book to create a powerful blast while Zara used her strength to hold off any remaining creatures. The portal shattered, and the immediate threat was neutralized.

Jay: (exhausted but relieved) That should slow them down.

Zara: (smiling) You did great, Jay.

As night fell, the landscape remained bathed in an eerie twilight. Jay noticed the persistent glow and turned to Zara for an explanation.

Jay: (curious) Why does the sunset never end here?

Zara: (explaining) The sun is incredibly large, and there's also a star very close by. Because of this, we never have a true night. Our ancestors created a special barrier to regulate the temperature. Without it, life as we know it wouldn't exist here.

Jay: (pondering) It's amazing how much history and magic this world holds.

They decided to set up camp by a large lake surrounded by hills. The water in the lake shimmered a light red, giving the scene a surreal quality. They pitched their tent beside a towering tree, providing a sense of shelter.

Zara: (exhausted, leaning against the tree) I'm so tired...

Jay wandered to the edge of the lake, admiring the scenery. His attention was caught by a stunning flower-large, with petals a mix of purple and red, and glittering with purple specks.

Jay: (excitedly) Zara, wake up! I have a gift for you!

Zara: (groggy) A gift?

Jay presented the flower to Zara, who looked at it with wide eyes. She turned a deep shade of red and gazed at Jay as if he had just handed her the world.

Jay: (smiling) Do you like it?

Zara: (astonished) Like it? Do you know what you've given me? This flower is incredibly rare. It's said that when someone finds their true love, this flower appears before them. Giving it to someone is like destiny confirming that you're meant to be together.

Jay wandered to the edge of the lake, admiring the scenery. His attention was caught by a stunning flower-large, with petals a mix of purple and red, and glittering with purple specks.

Jay: (excitedly) Zara, wake up! I have a gift for you!

Zara: (groggy) A gift?

Jay presented the flower to Zara, who looked at it with wide eyes. She turned a deep shade of red and gazed at Jay as if he had just handed her the world.

Jay: (smiling) Do you like it?

Zara: (astonished) Like it? Do you know what you've given me? This flower is incredibly rare. It's said that when someone finds their true love, this flower appears before them. Giving it to someone is like destiny confirming that you're meant to be together.

Jay: (grinning) So... do you want to be my queen?

Zara blushed furiously and then started to cry tears of joy. She looked at Jay, her eyes filled with love and gratitude.

Zara: (sobbing) Finally, someone loves me... Even my own parents didn't love me this much. Thank you, Jay.

Jay: (curious) Your parents... you've never talked about them.

Zara: (wiping her tears) I'll tell you about them later.

Suddenly, Zara pulled Jay close and kissed him passionately. Their kiss deepened, full of longing and love. Jay gently kissed her forehead, causing Zara to cry again, overwhelmed by her emotions.

Zara: (breathlessly) I want you now, Jay. Please, I need you.

Their embrace turned into something more intimate,(sex) as they began undressing and exploring each other's bodies with a mixture of tenderness and urgency. They made love under the starless sky, their connection deepening with each touch, each kiss.

Later, as they lay together under a blanket, Zara resting her head on Jay's chest, he asked her about her past.

Jay: (softly) Tell me about your parents.

Zara: (sighing) My parents never treated me as a person. They pushed me into becoming a soldier. The only person who ever showed me love was my sister... but she disappeared one day. I was alone until the Queen took me in. And now, I have you, my most precious person. I love you so much, Jay.

Jay: (holding her close) I love you too, Zara.

The following days were a mix of combat and romance. They fought off more creatures, using these encounters to sharpen their skills and grow stronger. In their quieter moments, they found solace in each other's arms, their love growing stronger with each passing day.

Their journey took them through eerie swamps where the air was thick with fog and the ground was treacherous with hidden pits. They had to be constantly alert, ready to fend off any attack. In one particularly dangerous stretch, they were beset by giant insects with poisonous stingers. Jay used his powers to create a shield around them, while Zara struck with precision, taking down the creatures one by one.

Jay: (sweating) These things are relentless!

Zara: (breathing heavily) Just a few more... we can do this!

After a grueling fight, they finally emerged from the swamp, tired but victorious.

Zara: (collapsing onto a fallen log) We need to rest.

Jay: (nodding) Agreed. Let's find a safer place to camp for the night.

They found a small clearing and set up camp. As they sat by the fire, Jay looked at Zara, his admiration for her growing.

Jay: (softly) You're incredible, you know that?

Zara: (smiling) So are you, Jay. We make a good team.

Jay: (grinning) The best.

As they continued their journey, they passed through ancient ruins, remnants of a once-great civilization. Zara explained some of the history, pointing out the significance of various structures and symbols. Jay listened intently, fascinated by the rich history of this world.

Jay: (thoughtfully) There's so much I don't know about this place. I want to learn more.

Zara: (smiling) You will, Jay. There's time for that. Right now, we need to focus on our mission.


Finally, after days of grueling travel and countless battles, they approached Abilene's stronghold. The landscape had grown increasingly bleak as they neared their destination, with twisted trees and dark, ominous clouds filling the sky. The air was thick with a sense of foreboding, and even Zara, usually so confident and unshakeable, seemed tense.

Jay: (whispering) We're almost there.

Zara: (nodding) Yes. Stay alert. This is where it gets really dangerous.

As they reached the edge of a desolate town, they saw it: a massive black barrier, shimmering and pulsing with dark energy, encasing the entire area.

Jay: (awe-struck) What is that?

Zara: (grimly) It's a dark energy barrier. Abilene's doing, no doubt. It's designed to keep intruders out… and prisoners in.

They entered the barrier, feeling a chill run down their spines as they passed through the dark energy. Inside, the town was a ghostly shadow of what it once was.

The buildings were in ruins, and the streets were eerily silent, save for the occasional sob or wail from the few inhabitants they saw.

Jay: (approaching a woman) What happened here?

Woman: (whispering, terrified) She… she happened. Abilene. She took over and enslaved us. Please, don't let her see you talking to me.

Jay: (determined) Don't worry. We're here to stop her.

Zara: (pointing towards a looming structure) There. That must be her castle.

They made their way towards the castle, its dark, gothic spires towering over them. The air grew colder, and the feeling of dread intensified with every step. As they neared the gate, it creaked open on its own, inviting them in.

Jay: (sarcastically) What a warm welcome.

Zara: (tightening her grip on her weapon) Stay close. This is definitely a trap.

Abilene:- (Smarking) so they are arrived let's invite them in my castle with my style let's she what you capable of!

The courtyard was vast and empty, the silence oppressive. Suddenly, with a deafening roar, two massive creatures appeared before them. These beasts had grotesque, monstrous forms, with enormous mouths filled with razor-sharp teeth and glowing red eyes. Saliva dripped from their jaws as they eyed Jay and Zara hungrily.

Zara: (smirking) Looks like Abilene's rolled out the red carpet for us.

Jay: (readying himself) Let's give her a show she won't forget.

To be continued.....

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