
Chapter 28

She woke to the sound of music.

Hours had passed. It was late into the evening; in only a handful of hours, the sun would be rising. Could the ball still be going on?

She sat up, finding herself in unfamiliar surroundings. Ah, right, she realized. This was Samantha’s room.

Lily stepped out to take in the status of the hallway. On any typical day, it would be flooded with consorts, chatting among each other and prancing from room to room to visit their friends. Tonight, the halls were empty. The music thumped through the halls of the palace. Lily stepped inside her own room, and much to her suspicion, she found the hideous ball dress hanging from her wardrobe. It was like an open invitation from the prince.

Come if you want. Don’t if you don’t.

Lily certainly didn’t want to. But out of sheer curiosity, she donned the dress.