
Chapter 52: Alpha Elder

When they set out, they were a hundred in counts, but after the attack, they were deduced to thirty. The grief on Raven's face was unmistakable. Those who have fallen are all her friends. Their corpses are scattered on the ground, and they all turn to ashes when the sun rises.

"Let's go, captain," Emelia muttered, resting her hand on Raven's shoulder.

Raven heaved a sigh and stood up.

"Proceed!" she shouted.

They have no choice but to walk to the Temptest without their horses. While the group was walking on the swamp of Nemro, Raven could see dead alligators everywhere. Of course, it is normal in swamps to have alligators. The scent of blood brutally assaulting her nose makes her sick. But the odd was, why are these alligators dead? And it seems like they are freshly murdered.

"Strange," Emelia muttered.

Raven could see the other alligators that were hiding and seemed scared.

"Who killed these beasts?" Raven asked her, wondering.