
The Blind Swordsman.

A tragedy... An abrupt departure... Death... And rebirth. Pain, rage, struggle, and blood honed a sword. A sword sharp enough to sever through reality and reveal what lies beyond. It unveiled something, Or rather, someone, incomprehensible and unprecedented.... A being who seems to weave the threads of fate. Does he truly exist, or is he merely a manifestation of another's will? If he does exist, what purpose does he serve? Is there really a purpose, or is it just another will imposed upon him? If it is another's will, can he defy it? Can he turn his sword against his creator, A being who literally writes his reality? Or will he be consumed by the abyss from which his power flows, Forever lost in the shifting void of his own making?

_Eshwar_ · 现实
263 Chs

Chaos Imminent

Immediately shutting down every mana wielding artefact(ed) resources, leaving the entire Holy Kingdom with nothing to protect themselves with.

Still, under Thorley's rule and commands, everybody did their absolute best to protect the other, with their homes literally collapsing under their feet.


Until just before the entire Holy Kingdom was tilted, Thorley's command remained absolute, but even it seemed inevitable, a new command rippled throughout the lands he ruled, and everybody who could, returned to the Holy Temple, and

"Divine Dome" With an inexplicably loud yet subtle roar, under the eyes of the inhabitants of the Holy Kingdom, a golden hue manifested to veil that magnanimous yet humongous Holy Temple within a colossal dome.