
Being Introduced

I wish I could always stay beside those who need me or who care about me.

Later, Lin and Liam came. We were all in the Arena and we were about to start the training. I looked at both of the men who were still standing at a distance from each other.

"If you both remember, yesterday I told you guys that you both will be introducing yourselves to each other like gentlemen", I reminded them.

Lin looked at me and step forward, "Hi, my name is Lin Yang. I belong to the Magical White Wolves and I am the subordinate of Her Highness."

Liam nodded, "Hi, I am Liam Martin. I belong to the Magical Dragons and I am Her Highness's mate. It was nice to meet you."

They both shake hands. Lin stared at Liam, "If you ever tried to harm Her Highness, I will chop you into pieces."

Liam chuckled, "Same goes for you. Anyways I am looking forward to your cooperation."

Lin nodded, "Me too."

The atmosphere was tense with both the beasts glaring at each other. I had no other choice but to break the silence.

"Now that both of you introduced yourselves, it's my turn to introduce you guys to each other according to your role."

I turned towards Lin, "Liam, Lin is my most trusted subordinate. As you can see I have no guards around me except him. So, you can imagine how much trust I have in him. He is the only one who mostly stays beside me all the time."

I then turned towards Liam," Lin, Liam is my mate. He is going to assist me to get rid of the curse. Lin you are not supposed to harm him unreasonably. If you do so, then I will forget that you are my most loyal person."

I looked at Liam, "Same goes for you, Liam. If you tried to harm him unreasonably then I might forget that you are important to bring peace. So, both of you be careful."

They both nodded in unison.

"Now that you both have understood everything then let me fill you with the details of the upcoming events. First of all, we had to get rid of the evil souls that are harming the beasts. To get rid of them you two will accompany me. Until that day you both would need to train hard enough to be capable of fighting against them. Secondly, Liam now that you are my mate then it means the future ruler and I can't let an incompetent person rule the beasts", I looked at the sky and then looked back at Liam.

I continued myself, "To become capable of becoming the ruler you need to become powerful enough to fight for your people, competent enough to take the right decision for them, talented enough to lead them to the right path, and brave enough to not run away from dangers. I hope you understood."

He nodded, "Although I am not that strong, brave, talented, and competent I will try my best to become as Her Highness wishes me to be."

I smiled at his words, "That's great. Now I want to see how strong you are. For that, you had to fight against me. This is the way through which I can determine your strength and help you train accordingly. Keep one thing in mind I am your enemy when we are fighting. I hope you are ready?"

He hesitated and then replied, "As you wish Your Highness. I am ready."

"That's great then let's begin. We don't have much time", I told him.

Lin stood at a distance observing us. In the meantime, Hao also came and stood with Lin. I and Liam were opposite each other. He was standing at the one end and I at the other.

He summoned a magical sword and charged toward me. It was easy for me to dodge his attack.

Lin's POV

Liam was continuously attacking Mia but she easily dodged his attacks. This time the attack looked serious because the aura around Liam was getting so fierce that I was able to feel it from such a far distance. It made me worried about Mia. He fiercely charged toward Mia. She moved her hand and a sword appeared in her hand but it looked weaker compared to the one Liam was holding. I made myself prepared to protect Mia in case she might get in danger.

The moment his sword reached Mia, there was a flash of light, "Clang..."

When the light disappeared, they both became visible. Liam's sword that had hit Mia's sword, cracked and broke into small pieces falling to the ground. I had never seen this much power in my entire life.

Liam moved a bit away from Mia and bowed to her, "Your Highness, you are indeed the great ruler of the Magical Beasts. I am no match for your power. In my entire life, I had never met someone who can break the Dragon Blood Sword into pieces with just one strike."

Did he say Dragon Blood Sword? Mia is unimaginably powerful. I am the luckiest to be her disciple.

Mia smiled, "Liam was it the fullest of your sword power?"

He nodded.

Mia stared at the hand in which she was holding the sword, "You know what this sword I am holding is called?"

Liam looked at the sword, "It looks like the common silver sword that is the weakest among Magical Swords. But yours must be some other sword that looks like that."

Mia chuckled at his answer, "It is indeed the common silver sword and it is no different from that. Why don't you hold it and check its power."

Mia gave him the sword. He bowed and took it. His eyes widened. It was written all over his face that he was shocked to death.

"It is indeed the common silver sword and does not hold any strength", he said still in shock.

"It does not depend on the quality of the sword or the weapon in a fight. The thing that matters is the one holding it", Mia took back the sword from him.

The sword disappeared and she looked at me.

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