
Bre Petrunko the Bulgarian folk

I like to hear songs while doing work so I found a Petrunka remix which I like very much so I was so excited to read its lyrics so when I tried to find its lyrics in english so I found that this is actually a Bulgarian folk song so following is the data that I found from net and that \is actually quite interesting

1. Petruna - An old Bulgarian's female name 2. In Bulgarian folklore young unmarried woman was usually called "малка мома" MALKA MOMA or just "мома"MOMA. They were at age of 14 - 17 years old. At this time they were considered as ready to be married and to bear children. On the other hand young boys were called "лудо-младо" LUDO MLADO, literally 'young and reckless. 3. HORO - A typical Bulgarian ring dance 4. Petrunka is diminutive of Petruna, but here we have diminutive of Petrunka. 5. Literally - He come from the down part of the village. Many villages were built on a hill so they had down neighborhood and upper neighborhood. 6. The horo dance is played usually in a circle by men and women who catch each others hands. Here, the young boy haven't taken part in the middle of the horo but he went at the beginning. The leader of the horo is usually the best dancer. Taking part in these dances is a way to flirt with a woman. Boys dance next to girl they like 7. The girls at these days put a flower in their hairs or behind the ear as a decoration