

life core is everything for demons but what will happen when the demon’s king betrays his own people and give some life cores to human’s king

B0n · 奇幻
22 Chs


The castle loomed ahead, its outline hazy before Eric's strained eyes. He panted heavily his dizziness threatening to overwhelm him. Barely managing to stay upright but Despite his weakened state, he knew he had to push forward, knowing he had to inform the prince about the human king being aware of the life core.

He coughed up blood as he bits his lips. he forced himself to put one foot in front of the other, his steps unsteady but determined.

John was observing the royal guards going through their training when he sensed Eric's arrival. He began to greet him in a cheerful tone, "Oh, back alr-,"

but his words abruptly halted as Eric's body unexpectedly slumped against him. John's eyes widened in shock as he gazed upon Eric's fallen form. John heart dropped when he noticed the black line that cover eric's right side of his face

John was momentarily frozen in shock, holding his friend's limp body in his arms. But that didn't last for long as Aria's loud scream pierced the air. "ERIC!!" Her voice was full of terror as she laid eyes on her brother's unconscious form.

Aria sprinted towards John and Eric, her entire body trembling with fear and grief. Gripping her brother's hand, her eyes widened in shock as she noticed the dark transformation in his hand

She could feel some magic aura flowing from eric's body. She tried to use her magic to heal him but for her surprise he got even worse

"We must take him to the castle's infirmary immediately!" Aria exclaimed, her voice dripping with fear John lifted Eric's body into his arms, using his powers to move at an incredible speed. His expression was filled with fear and anxiety as his eyes flashed red light colours

he gets worried every second as it driven by a sense of urgency to reach the infirmary as quickly as possible.

John forcefully flung open the door to the royal infirmary, causing a loud bang to reverberate through the room. The healers were both startled and alarmed by the noise as Their surprise grew even further when they took in the sight of Eric, cradled in John's arms, in such a miserable condition.

They all hurried to take eric and start healing him. They will ensure his well-being but as the time had pass with no avail But the only thing that they noticed that eric life core was cursed with black magic.

And now everyone was in Eric's room after the healer says that there isn't anything they could do since it black magic the only way for Eric tp cure it to kill the persons who get the curse upon his life core or to force him to remove it

But for the time being they only could witness Eric suffering. John's fist clenched tightly, his eyes glowing with a deep red hue, betraying his fierce anger. "Those damn creatures... I'll kill them all!" he spat, his voice filled with anger

Charles, however, attempting to maintain a level head. down. "We can't just blindly rush into anything, John!" he cautioned. "Eric isn't one to be taken lightly," Charles continued. "We must first understand what Happened and how did they manage to get him down"

"I DONT CARE THE ONLY THING IN MY MIND IS TO KILL THE ONE WHO HURT MY BROTHER!!" aria yelled angrily at Charles how dare he be so calm when eric is suffering!!

"Maybe we could take his life core out of his body? He wouldn't suffer that way, right?" Han suggested, his gaze still fixed on Eric, his heart heavy with sympathy

But john looked at him with dearly gaze "WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?"