
The Birds Cage // Park Jimin

What happens when you have bad history? Well, let me tell you. Things can get a little rough, but in your case a little too much. Can you survive this Bird Cage and love of a stranger? While falling in love, Y/N witnesses the world of mafia including the people that are responsible for Jimin's misery and sorrow. Meeting his men gets interesting and protecting her unborn child is everything Jimin and she can do now. Will they survive this war and live happily ever after or will they suffer for the rest of their lives? • Start Reading To Find Out! "See you soon kitten!" He said. Completed! Ⓒ 2020 taetaewonderland on tumblr

bts_may · RPS同人
6 Chs

Chapter 4: BALL

It wasn't long before Hyejin came into your room to make sure you were okay. The comforting air she had about her almost made you instantly relax as you find solace in your newfound friend.

"Same thing happened to me." She says rubbing comforting circles as you sit on the bedroom floor together. You look up at her weakly, "Jeongguk came in bleeding, a bullet in his shoulder and I had to be the one to help him." At least you weren't the only one.

"You did better than me, I threw up seeing the bullet wound gushing with blood after I took out the bullet." You shiver at her words and she hands you a glass of water.

"Jimin is so mad at himself right now." You don't want him to be, it wasn't his fault that you had to deal with it. You told him you had stitched up before.

"I'm not... I'm not strong enough to be okay with this." Hyejin's hand stutters on your back before nodding. "Okay, you don't have to be." She whispers comfortingly.

The door pad to your room goes off and you both look up quickly as Jimin opens the door.

"Hyejin, do you mind?" She stands up before patting your head and leaves without another word. Jimin steps into your room looking around it as if he has never seen it before. He sits on your bed, bouncing on it before frowning.

"I'll get you a new bed. This one is stiff." You put your hands over your face before a maniacal laughter begins to emit from you. The situation so ridiculous that you couldn't help but laugh. He has probably seen death and pain a million times over but for you this is new. The only tragedy ever befalling you was when your parents died. Leaving you and your sister helpless in their amount of debt. Your parents were killed and it was never figured out who actually did it. Jimin watches you as you laugh into your palms, your hands shaking.

"Kitten, listen-" You hold up a hand to him signalling to stop and he does so with a sharp inhale.

"I don't know, what I have gotten myself into but it wasn't my choice to be here." Jimin opens his mouth, his plush lips calling out to you as you open your eyes.

"Jimin." He shuts his mouth letting you go on.

"I'm going to pretend like this never happened and I'll go back to being a maid. Don't try to make it seem like you didn't take me to clean your house. Don't make this into a fairytale or whatever you think you're trying to do. Just, stop." Jimin lays back on your bed, as if he has been punched in the chest.

"I didn't take you to be a maid, I took you to protect you." You scoff brushing some stray hairs off of your forehead.

"I don't need that fairytale bullshit. I need you to treat me like a maid."

"No." Jimin says simply.

"No?!" You stand up folding your arms. In this small bedroom, the quietness, the friction between the two of you was unmatched. Your heart beginning to beat fast as Jimin stands up off of the bed.

"I'm going to treat you as I see fit. I told you, you aren't a maid to me."

"Then take this band off of me." You say holding up your ankle showing him the perimeter device. Jimin sits back down putting your ankle on his lap, his hand caressing your calf. You swallow uncomfortably, the rubbing of his hand almost makes you melt into a puddle. His dark brown eyes looking up at you as he cards his fingers through his hair.

"When I'm ready to, I will Kitten. I promise." You yank your leg out of his grasp.

"If that'll be all, Sir. I'll get going first."

"Y/N!" And, you were out the door.

The courtyard was beautiful, the perfectly trimmed hedges in the shapes of lions bring you peace as you sit down on a stone bench in front of the small angel fountain. Your eyes glancing over the gorgeous azaleas and daisies in neat rows.

"There she is." You look up to find a smiling Jeongguk approaching you.

"Hi." He whispers gently before sitting next to you.

"Hi." His black hair up in a ponytail as he puts his hand in the angel fountain's pool.

"You okay?" The question was one you weren't sure you could answer. Were you? Everything happened so fast, the adrenaline, the frightened feeling, the attraction you feel for Jimin and the aching feeling of knowing this place is not for you.

"I don't know." You answer truthfully to the tattooed boy next to you. Jeongguk hums in agreement before splashing you with some water.

"Yah!" You yell standing up with a giggle. Jeongguk chuckles putting his fist under his chin, his elbow resting on his kneecap as he crosses his legs.

"Tell me what you're feeling." He looks at you earnestly, his big doe eyes blinking calmly as he takes you into his sights. You sigh loudly before sitting back down moving away from the now wet spot on the bench.

"It's all scattered. My brain feels so many different things I can't put my finger on anything."

"Just...rattle them off." You stare at the water, the way his hand ripples waves into it as he moves his hand gracefully back and forth.

"I feel... Like, it's all too much for me. Jimin makes me feel comfortable but at the same time, I'm nervous. I feel like I should be grateful to him for taking me out of that terrible situation but at the same time I feel like I was brought into another terrible situation. I was running on so much adrenaline with Yoongi that when I left I felt like an empty hole. I feel like an outsider with the maids. I feel like I'm getting undeserved attention too quickly. I felt nosy and like I was in a situation where I shouldn't know about the whole Yoongi debacle, but at the same time I want to know more. I just... I feel lost." Jeongguk nods as you speak, his eyes getting softer as you walk back and forth expressing your jumbled mind. Your words were rushed and confusing but Jeongguk still took the time to understand your heart.

"I see." He whispers, before clearing his throat.

"Can I tell you something?" You nod to him as the sun goes behind a cloud.

"When I saw you taking care of Yoongi hyung, I felt at ease. There's something about your presence that is calming. Makes you feel good. I can see how Jimin hyung feels with you around. Like, he doesn't have this burden on his shoulders anymore. It's nice to see that. You feel like a very warm person. Although, it may be difficult to understand now. Maybe fate just stuck you in this bad situation so you could come to us. Maybe we're what you need and what you should find comfort in too." You tilt your head as he speaks closing your eyes.

"Maybe you shouldn't feel lost. Maybe you should feel found." Thunder cracks loudly through the sky and you look up as the overcast of grey clouds rolls in slowly.

"Let's go inside." Jeongguk says putting his hand on your shoulder. What is it to be found? You don't know.

Stepping back into the kitchen you take in a woman, her face as small as a fist as she smiles at you warmly, her bright small eyes staring at you as Mirae enters with a tray.

"Jimin is only taking food from Y/N from now on." She tells everyone and you look at Jeongguk who snorts.

"I'm telling you, you're found." He whispers before ruffling your hair and heading out of the kitchen. Mirae passes you the tray before nodding her head to the girl.

"Two, if you would give us some privacy please." Two nods before throwing the sponge she was using flippantly into the sink. You swallow as Mirae rounds the counter.

"So." She says fixing her bun. You hang your head low as she steps in front of you. "I'm telling you this for your own good. I have worked for Sir Jimin for a very long time. Although his job is what it is, he is a very good hearted person and you would do well to remember that."

You furrow your eyebrows, "You were telling me to be careful. To not talk to him."

"I was mistaken as to why you were here." You blink at her in confusion.

"What?" You ask incredulously, "Just take Sir his food." You whine grabbing the tray before stepping out of the kitchen.

You knock twice on Jimin's office door before entering without a word. Men with handguns standing in the corner making you look over at Jimin.

"Come, Kitten." Jimin gives you an at ease smile and you feel comforted in the violent atmosphere. You eye the two men sitting down in chairs in front of Jimin's desk. They were dressed in fine suits, their hair impeccably neat as they watch you with calm eyes. Jeongguk follows you into the room and you feel relaxed. Finding comfort in his presence. You liked Jeongguk and you were thankful for him. He pulls a gun from the back of his pants and you try not to whimper. You set the tray on the desk before lifting the metal dome. Your eyes going wide at the fat load of cash sitting on the metal tray. You look nervously at Jeongguk who gives you a smirk before nodding.

"If that'll be all Sir-"

"It won't be, go stand next to our Guk." You sigh almost too loudly as Jeongguk pulls your shoulder situating you behind him.

"We can forget the cash if you give us that one." A seated man says nodding his head to you. Jimin taps his many ringed hand on the table.

"She's not for sale." His comment was short before he pushes the tray farther down the desk before flashing his hand at it.

"You'll find all the money is here." You clutch at the back of Jeongguk's black shirt looking up at the same branding mark Seokjin has on the back of his neck. Jeongguk taps your hand comfortingly as he stares at the men across the room.

"When can we expect the package?" The right seated man asks, Jimin smiles before clearing his throat.

"When Namjoon gets around to it, probably by the end of the week." Jimin turns his head to you.

"Kitten, whisky please." You stare at him pleading with your eyes to let you leave. Jeongguk pushes your hand off his shirt and you whimper out.

"Look at how innocent this one is." The left man says in English, you roll your eyes.

"I'd love to fuck the innocence right out of her." Arrogant to think you don't speak the fucking language. Jimin furrows his eyebrows as the guys in the chairs laugh together. He must not speak English very well.

"Think she would be any good in bed? She seems like the starfish type." You walk over to the small golden table as Jimin's eyes follow you. You smirk as the men continue to lavish you with back handed comments.

"I think she would throw it back like a porn star. They say the quietest ones are the freakiest." You pour Jimin his glass of whisky before turning to the two finely dressed men. You feel brazen once again, power rushing through your veins as you feel Jimin's gaze on your back.

"Would you like some whisky?" You ask in English, they almost visibly pale as Jimin puts his hand over his mouth as you hand him his glass with a smile. Jeongguk snorts putting his head down pressing his lips together, his black hair falling into his face.

"Gentlemen?" You ask tilting your head with an innocent smile. It was surprising how you easily you fall into this intriguing vixen.

"Thank you, Kitten." Jimin mumbles into his hand before sniffling and taking a sip of his whisky. His eyes watching in excitement how the two men shift in awkwardness.

"I'll just pour you some anyway." You say flipping over two other glasses,

"I...uh... Don't drink." The right man says in Korean as you pour the two glasses. You hand a glass to the left man before taking a sip of the whisky. As you walk by Jimin clasps your wrist putting it over the top of his chair.

"Stay next to me." He whispers before looking back to the men.

"I'll tell Namjoon to expedite the job. And, I would appreciate it if you never talk about my girls like that again." So he did understand. The left man chugs his whisky before standing up. He ushers the men in the back to take the cash.

"See you around Park. We'll see you at the ball." The left man looks at you and smiles before pushing back his hair and fixing his double breasted suit jacket. He heads out first as the right seated man follows in a scramble. The men with guns walking towards the table with an empty black duffel bag.

"Oh, Kitten." Jimin says with a delighted laugh as he watches the men gather the cash. You take a sip of your whisky as they leave in a hurry watching them over the rim of the glass.

"If that'll be all Jimin." You say setting down the glass on his desk. He grabs your wrist as Jeongguk puts his gun back into his waistband.

"No. It won't be. Fuck. Stop running away from me." You look at him as he stands, he licks his lips as he smiles.

"Kitten, you are really something else. Jeongguk, go get Mirae. We have work to do." Jimin pulls you towards the door.

"Where are we going?!" You ask quickly as Jeongguk laughs loudly.

"We're getting you ready for a ball." You look at Jeongguk speechless as he opens the door for the both of you. "What'd I say? You're found."


Written by taetaewonderland on tumblr!!!