
The billionaire's son

I can't believe I accidentally married a billionaire son

DaoisteZ9omX · 都市
13 Chs

Lucy Donald

hi Lucy Donald and this is my story

I'm the only child of my parents Mr and Mrs Donald Donald I love my parents so much, but I lost them in a car accident on my birthday. that day they decided to come and visit me cuz it was my birthday they planned a surprise visit but instead I was the one surprised when I heard on the news about their deaths. I cried bitterly I didn't know who to run to, I was on my final year in the university and I don't have enough money to complete so I applied for scholarship. my grandmother asked me to move to her place in the States. but she kept nagging cursing and humiliating me sometimes she calls me a 'witch' because she believes that the one that killed my parents

until today my grandmother sent me out of her house because she claimed that she had a dream where I was trying to kill her too. I packed my things and went to my best friend's house Amanda but she threw threw me out with a reason that I'm having affair with her boyfriend" I mean who does that who does that to her best friend?"and I had to walk down the street homeless and had nowhere to go to I didn't know anybody there cuz my parents always want me to stay home you don't want me to make friends. so I walked to go to a bar and take some alcohol. that's the only thing I need about now so I went to the bar had a few cocktail and I was already drunk. I don't have enough money but I had to take something that would at least take my pain away for the time being. I took a little cocktail. I got drunk instantly,because I have never taken alcohol before, but I had to cuz I'm stressed out devastated ,you name it. I ate a lot of things that I haven't eaten before, while enjoying my pain alone and then a handsome looking blonde haired guy walked up, to me even though my drunken state I know he was handsome he explained his hand say his name was Prince Emma, I shook his hand,we talked for a bit so I told him everything that happened I don't even know why I was feeling open to talk to him.so we talked till it was 8:30 in the evening he told me that I'm welcome to be his room mate until I find a place to stay. I'd only refused if I had a house but I don't so I had no other option than to just follow him.


when we got to his apartment,it was not what I thought it would be.my mouth formed an 'O' my jaw dropped.'how cana cute guy like him living in your small apartment what did I expect at least he has something to call a home' I thought to myself. "welcome, you look as if you don't like it here? if you don't I'm not forcing you to stay with me you can just go ok"he spoke with a disappointing look on his face "no no no no no no okay I'm fine here okay thank you you are very good person"I didn't know what I was saying cuz I was drunk I just walked to the bed and dozed off.

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