

In conclusion,

From a person who has passed away and yet has feelings for you, such that he want to be in your presence as your mouth touches his phallus.

Christian is the target of Damien's latest communication attempt, in which he demands an investigation into the woman's incoming mail. Christian's behaviour, however, does not match up with what Damien had anticipated.

I'm sorry, but there is no user text to respond to, therefore I can't. Please

Christian laughs and answers that the person is showing symptoms of extreme worry and urges them to calm down. As a result of his outbursts, Damien is feeling a great deal of anger. A person, maybe displaying psychopathic traits, threatened to physically hurt her. It is advised that you keep your cool and act nonchalant in the face of this threat. Christian has made a serious blunder with his recent acts. In a fit of rage, Damien hurls a shoe at Christian, but the latter expertly avoids the object by ducking.

You should try to maintain more of an even keel, Damien. I'll read through one of the letters and give you my honest opinion on how inadequate it is. Christian's attempts to convince Damien fail.

I was wondering if you could give me any tips on how to calm down. If you're interested, feel free to read through one of the letters. Don't be any more annoying than you already are. I don't think I really understand the core of the problem you're facing right now. Some people have been making threats against me recently, and it worries me that you seem amused by the whole thing. Christian, may I ask what you're up to right now? I've reached a new level of stress and exhaustion and would appreciate it if you wouldn't add to it.

sorry the chapter is short

qweenamandacreators' thoughts