CHAPTER 97-147 ARE CURRENTLY BEING REWRITTEN F×M Book 1 Intimacy Contract Pregnancy Engagement Marriage As the old adage goes, marriage has never been easy Book 2 whips WiFi contracts true love submission invasion
I always have hope since whatever doesn't kill us makes us stronger, but with each passing day that it's on my mind, I find it harder and harder to endure. I made a commitment to myself that I would support my father in all circumstances. I can tell he's upset even if his emotions aren't always visible. God controls our destiny, I know that, but please have mercy on his soul. As he starts his treatment, hold his hand and watch him carefully. God, hear our prayers and give him strength to go through this because I value him like a pearl... Please be sympathetic to me.
Misu, I'm yours faithfully.
I weep up as I drop the note and express my sincere wish that she's ok. I'll need to get in touch with her.
Christian and I talk on the phone after I tell him about the letter. He is to locate her address and transport her to my workplace. I gather some more letters when he does it.
Miss D, you'll be mine shortly.
From the moment I met you, you were my favourite, sweetheart, and soul mate! You took my hand in yours as a smile appeared for the first time. Being with you was pleasant; the numbness you offered was just what I needed. I allowed you to in and remain because, without you, my joy in life was no longer present. Was that me or were you there? I needed you, My Darling Heroine. Thankfully, you were present. You made me feel strong again, so I thought I could make it without you, but you wouldn't let me. I felt pain I had never known until you started to make me cry. Although I made an effort to push it away, you kept pulling me back in.
You were actually my enemy; you weren't just my friend, lover, or soul mate! I realised it when it was too late. You drew me in closer and closer till I was unable to escape from you any more. You made me weaker while this made you stronger. I couldn't understand why I was growing more and more infatuated with you. I thought you were helping me, I'm sorry! Gear, I'm sorry I got lost; yet, I can't really blame you because it happened to me as well. I made an effort to leave you, but you lured my body and spirit right back in. I was depressed and alone, so I chose this destructive path. Although I agree that you took it all away, think about the consequences! My dignity was among the things I had lost, and I was starting to hurt myself.
I hurt my family members, especially the ones who knew me best and cared for me the most! But instead of seeking assistance, I gave in even more and went down again. Moreover, you drew me in closer than before. How foolish I was to accept you. A loud "smack" can be heard.
At long last, I've decided to leave!
You need to get out of my enslaving body, veins, and thoughts now. Why do you always trying to fight me? WHY are you making an effort to get closer to me? But this is the moment for me to step up and assume control! I took back my war; you are now free to go.
It's time for us to part ways! Oh long, so farewell, my beloved heroine, You've done your worst, you demeaning slap. You locked me up and removed the key, but this time I'm not giving up easily. Now that I have the key! You will be held captive in that cage of addiction, devastation, and pain while I depart. I bid you goodbye, my gorgeous Heroine. If only they understood how much pain I'm going through! I remember while I was having fun, I felt liked by everyone. I had plenty of extra energy. There are so many things to learn, and occasionally I had hope that I could do it. In the dark of night, I pushed my loved ones aside while forgetting all of my pride. Inconveniently swerving and driving wildly I only need one more hit to be back to normal. As I slid down the steep embankment, I completely lost control. My car slammed on the brakes and started to roll. I was immobile because I was entrapped in my own destruction. inserted into the slit beneath the frame of the car This is your final journey from the huge and far-off path I'm taking you to paradise on my wings you'll soar, a loving angel said beside the automobile accident on the highway that claimed my life.
Yours sincerely
Although the love letter was spooky, eh! She bears my name!
A Second letter is in my possession, and it goes
adorably, Mr.,
A young woman who was gullible was guided down a perilous road. Her promising future was taken away. He was so pure and honest to himself, which made her heart grow fonder for him. A helping hand was drawn down the same hole while being blinded by a sinking soul. She was tricked into a world where she had no place, and for the next five years, she struggled to stay alive. She expressed her gratitude to God every day, saying, "That it hadn't been me," as a spirit now freed from their agonising existence. It was a miraculous act of strength that kept a life from being lost. from a cruel cycle that forced the real her to flee. A wise and experienced person who is confident in herself starts to believe that there is something else out there—happiness that is boundless and without end.
You only have one chance at life, and it seems to be what you make of it. You must take risks every day if you want to live your life to the fullest. God has endowed you with the capacity to exercise free will. Whichever course of action you choose, I feel weighed down as a cloud hangs over me when I get out of bed. There is a need for a solution, whatever it may be. Speaking and engaging in game play is its voice. I have a strong need to act. I have a beast that needs to be fed. There are several ways that it spreads. I'm starving, so I'm freezing. I feel as though something is drawing me in. The desire for something, regardless of the offence. It feels like I'm dealing with a bully that won't go away. I feel imprisoned when I'm alone myself.
Depending on the individual, it has a different diet. The yearning is strong, like a fierce lover. Using drugs, money, cigarettes, sex, or other vices won't help you break its powerful hex. It must be flawed. I must come up with a solution. For me to be free of evil, I must kill this beast. The most harmful and potent substance is a drug. There are many ways to make someone fall. It gets more harder as you move along. attempting to avoid the awful sweating. The army's soldiers are thirsty and famished. In the face of adversity, you need to have courage. You have an army you can confide in to fend off this beast inside, in whatever shape it manifests. Even destruction is possible, but it would take a lot of time. It is possible to get past the need to be powerful. Take face the challenge head-on with help. The evil eventually vanishes after some time.
Every time I close my eyes, I feel at ease. Avoid the pain outside by closing your eyes and ears. I feel my soul draw inside and ashamed of trying to be perfect. Although I'm attempting to be right, I know that I'll have to stand my ground in the end. They're after me, these devils. I'll have to have courage since I'm not ready. Be resolute and focused. I'm engaged in a battle I can't win. I know I'll need help when my sin demons are my enemies, but where do I turn? In whom can I have faith? I'm bound by chains of guilt, chains that won't corrode. Do I give up because everything I've tried has failed? Is it possible to put the hurt and the tension behind you? Do I allow sin to possess me and rule over me?
Give up on the future and allow evil to win? Do I instead get up and fight? I battle and struggle for what I think is right. It's a bad situation, either way.
I'll put my all into it. I'm going to prevail in this conflict and succeed on the test. The final straw is this. It's dark and freezing even though my life has only just began. But the sun will come up. Send rays of hope into my gloomy surroundings. Let my feathers spread out and soar above the pain. I've made up my mind. Why do I think inserting this needle into my vein will make the pain go away? Is avoiding my problems merely going to make them go away, or will they still be there the next day after my strong has passed? Although I'm already down, can I go any lower with this shirt as my wet blanket? Why should I feel this way when I'm high and feel sober at the same time? Why can't this affliction end already? I lied when I said that marijuana was a healthy option for me and that nothing else was to come from that joint, ruining my childhood and adolescence to the extent that haden, ex, etc.
The same thing happened when I tightened the belt over your arm. However, as a result of my carelessness, my previously sunny days have now become cloudy and wet. I wanted to get high, but I did what every addict does: I cheated, stole, and lied. As a result, now that I'm out and free, this melancholy rush I crave has claimed another member of my family, and I sit here thinking, "DAMN." I'm still feeling bad, but I should be grateful that I now have control over my life.
She didn't even close with a greeting? I sincerely hope the following ones are better.