
XI : Image of him

"Cora? Hey, are you listening?" His voice snapped me out of my thoughts, 

"Yes, yes, I'm sorry." I said while reading the documents that he showed me, trying to catch the explanation that I missed, 

"Since that plate accident, you seem off. Have you gone to the hospital yet?" Axel was checking on me, "No, I'm okay now. Just a little bit tired, that's all." Ending my sentence while looking into his eyes, assuring him that I'm really okay. 

Today's the start of a new week, but since that day at his place, my mind's been stuck on something. It wasn't the plate accident, though. It was the image of Axel with that woman two nights ago.

I know I shouldn't care. I'm just his employee. But for some reason, it's been bothering me way more than it should, and even myself doesn't understand that. 

Suddenly, my phone lit up with a call. My mom's name and a photo of the two of us flashed on the screen. "Sorry, it's my mom," I asked Axel if I could take the call in the middle of our work discussion.

"Go ahead."

"Mom, hey, I'm still at work."

"Cora, how's your head?" Her voice sounded worried, 

"Better, Mom."

"Do you need me to send some medicine to your office?" 

"No, I'm really okay, much better than yesterday. I'm in the middle of a meeting, I'll call you back later, okay?"

As I hung up, Axel was watching me closely. "So you've been like this since that day, huh? We should really get you to the hospital." He reached for my hand.

I took my hand, "No, no, no, I'm fine! Really, I just haven't slept well since yesterday."

"Okay, but have you been using the ointment I gave you?"

"Yes, see?" I pushed my bangs aside to show him.

He leaned in closer, inspecting my head carefully. His scent was different like what he was yesterday, His usual work cologne filled the space between us. "Wow, the bump is huge! Are you really okay?"

"Yes! It's just a bump and I don't feel anything," I touched my bump a little bit to try to feel it. 

"Isn't it bad if you can't feel anything if it's that big?" 

"Come on, Axel. Don't make things complicated, will you? I'm really okay." 

"Fine, but if it starts hurting again, let me know, okay?"

I nodded.

"So, Where do you want to have your lunch today?" I asked him, 

"I will let you choose it today because you were hurt," I was totally fine, but if this meant special treatment, I wasn't going to argue. "Can I eat in the office cafeteria today?" He was considering my words, 

I need to convince him, at least if he wants the Cafetaria too, It won't be so complicated to prepare his meal, I only need to pack his lunch from the Canteen, "Today the menu is hamburg steak, and bacon." I added, 


And now here we were, eating together in the cafeteria. I wouldn't have suggested this if I'd known he'd join me.

Everyone's eyes were on us, and I tried to move to another table, but Axel somehow managed to sit right beside me again.

"You're right, this is really good. I have to eat here more often." 

"Yeah, yeah," whatever you want, Axel. 

"Don't you think we looked a bit too friendly now?" I asked him, concerned about all the unfriendly stares at other women in this canteen, they looked like they wanted to eat me because I sat with the Axel Kusuma. 

"What do you mean?" My chin pointed out at everyone, He glanced around, 

"Don't worry about them. They're just staring because you're too beautiful." I almost choked on my food but I managed my response well, His flirty comments always gave me goosebumps.

Women from other departments kept walking past, throwing Axel compliments like, "You're looking so handsome today, sir," followed by giggles. Axel just flashed his dimples and raised his eyebrows in response, soaking in the attention.

I felt uncomfortable, This wasn't what I wanted. I just wanted to enjoy my lunch in peace.

"Can I go back to work now?" I asked, seeing as Axel was still busy chatting with the other women.


"I need to get back to work."

"Or... are you jealous?"

"Me? Jealous? Why would I be?" I shot him a disgusted look.

"There's no way you're not jealous," he teased, smirking.

"Hahaha you wish." I gave my sarcastic santa laugh, and cleaned up my plates. I went to the elevator by myself, and with my side eyes I could see Axel was talking with women employees who approached our table. 

I entered the elevator with other employees, "Don't you think this time Axel's taste was lower than he used to?" 

"Totally, who is she?"

"Maybe she was good in bed?"

"Hi, I'm Cora Davis. Good in bed? Do you want to find out about that?" 

Their faces turned pale, eyes wide with panic. The elevator doors slid open, and they practically bolted out without a word.

I stood there, feeling my emotions rushed to my head. Who the hell do they think they are? Judging me like that? I hate how they portrayed Axel like a total Cheap man who always sleeps with his employee. 

Sure, he has a reputation. But despite all the rumors, I know he's not that guy. Not really. Yeah, I've seen him with women, but there's something about him… I don't know. There's a line he won't cross. And they don't get it.

They don't know him like I do.