

After falling into a trap created, David lay with his family housemaid Daphne, and it resulted in a sudden unplanned pregnancy. David was forced to marry the family housemaid Daphne, to save his family image. Will he accept to marry opportunistic Daphne? Or will he resist to the end? Let's find out!!!!!! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ This creation is participating in the ongoing spirit contest. Please I need your utmost contributions, your review, and your d comment, and please add the story to your library. Thanks.

Adesua_Fayokemi · 现代言情
14 Chs

Change his mind

Diverse thought kept running through Daphne's mind, she was trembling on the spot

she stood, this is the work, she used many months to searched for.

She can't just get sack, her family living depends on the income, where she stood she was using her mind to pray. She believe in praying cause she attended Catholic church whenever she was chance to attend church service.

Daniel gaze didn't leave his mother for a second, he was hoping, Daphne would get sack today. To him, it would be his greatest achievement ever.

"Dap.h...ne...,"Daniel mom stammered.

David father touched her wife hand, and gave her a signal, using his eyes unknown to their son.

Continually, Daphne heart kept beating vastly, she couldn't bring herself to have faith in the prayer she has made, though she believes in God.

"I will use this as a warning, go and meet your other maids, asked them to train you, on how to cook better, if this happen again, i won't hesitate to sack you"

With the judgment she made, Daniel almost fall down, if not for the chair, he quickly leaned on, his legs was fluttering, his hope was shattered in a second, he thought his mother will sack her.

Without uttering a word, he turned his back to his parents, and wanted to walk away, but his father voice halted him.

"Son, don't forget the proposal I asked you to prepare for the company, we it tomorrow," he said to him.

"And Daphne, come and see me in the library," Mr Donovan said.

Daphne's nervous eyes lighten up, she bowed her head, thanking them, then she turned to leave, but her face fell on Daniel, he was still standing on the same stop, when his father halted him.

Looking at him, Daphne breathe deeply, and swallowed the nervous spit in her mouth, she summoned courage, cause she will walk pass him, then she walked without looking at his side, but as soon as she exited the dinning, Daniel trailed after her.

Daphne's lost in thought as she walks, she has no knowledge that Daniel was coming after her, suddenly she felt a figure coming, before she was able to comprehend what was happening, Ianiel has pressed her to the wall, with his full gripped pinning her down, Daphne was hurting with his gripped on her but she couldn't do anything, he empowered her.

Scrutinizing her disdainfully, his cold eyes looked intently into her eyes, he raised his fist, to clench her, at that moment, Daphne closed her eyes, waiting for his fist on her face, but suddenly he clenched the wall, and Daphne raised her eyebrows surprisingly.

"Don't you dare think, you have won?, I will make sure you leave my family house, you this slut," Daniel said angrily, and he removed his gripped and walked away.

Tears prickled out of Daphne eyes hysterically and it flowed to her eyes, sneezing also, cause she felt cheated.


She was supposed to be the one getting angry, she lost her virginity, while Daniel lose nothing, he wasn't a virgin, neither did she litigate him, then why is he making life hard for her.

As Daphne thought, she cleaned her teary face, and rushed after him, she meet up with him at the entrance of his door, he looked over his shoulder as he heard a footsteps approaching.

He looked at her, he didn't utter a word, he jerked his head, and then placed his hand to open his door.

"Young master, I'm not a slut, and I never force you nor rape you, but I promise to make you remember everything you did last night, and by then I will make sure you pay for every insult," Daphne said angrily, she didn't wait for his response instead she walked away

"What?" Daniel said, and raised his eyebrows, but before he could talk, Daphne has walked away..

"You have gone crazy" Daniel muttered before she hopped into his room.

Entering his room, Daphne word kept repeating in his head, it echoed as she sound, and it's making him to get nervous and a bit afraid.

What if he truly rape the poor girl?, but he believed in his integrity that he would never do such things like that.

Waving the thought out of his head, he moved to his closet to find a clothes to wear to his, he likes to look handsome all the time, moreover he enjoyed the way female's drooled over him whenever he went out.

Staying in the house is choking him, since it was a Sunday morning, he can't seem to let go of the incident, going outside to have fun with his friends will be the best thing to do.

He picked a chocolate suit, with black tie and brought out black shoe from the shoe rack, he placed them on the table and walked into the bathroom to have his bath.

After he has finished bathing, he dressed up, used a nice perfume on his body

"Yah!", he said after he looked at the his reflection on the mirror.

A smile brushed his lips, and it confirmed that he was set to go, cause the reflection looked okay to his taste.


He bend down and picked his car key, he turned and slammed the door behind, and headed to the car park outside.

On his way, he met Daphne walking to his father office, he wondered what was going on between her and his father.

He would have suspected his father dating the maid, but he can't cause he trusted his father.

But today, his curiosity seems stronger that the trust, he wants to go and eavesdrops on whatever they want to discuss.

With this he turned and face the library.

To Be Continued.

To be continued.