


"Hello, nice to meet you, again," Cheryl said, stretching her hand to greet her and Maya had to greet her even though she didn't want to. She really had a bad feeling about her especially now that she has decided to actually show up in her house.

" I will leave the two of you guys to catch up," Herald said hurriedly before walking away to go to the master bedroom. He wanted them to talk woman to woman as he proceeded to make the next step.

" Baby," Maya tried to chase after him but Herald was not having it. He wanted the two of them to talk. He did not want to get involved.

" You asked who she was, didn't you?How about you go and talk to her and find out who she is. I am just doing what you wanted," Herald reminded her.

Maya swallowed bitter bile at the back of her throat before going to have a chat with Cheryl. She didn't like the fact that Herald was leaving her alone to have the conversation. Anyway, she had to do what he wanted. Plus, she is the main reason why Cheryl is at their house, she is the one who asked about her.

" Um, do you need anything?" Maya asked Cheryl, who was busy playing with her nails.

" No, not really. Come and let's chat. He told me that you wanted us to talk. Talk to me now, enough with the beating around the bush," Cheryl said and Maya could feel her stomach suddenly become a pit of nerves.

" What is going on between you and my husband? I can almost tell that there is certainly something going on that you are hiding from me," Maya said.

" Why don't you ask your husband, huh?"Cheryl said smiling. She loved the fact that Maya was bringing up the subject that she wanted them to talk about.

" Since you are here and you are the other woman, just go ahead and tell me. " Maya said. She could feel anger gushing in her veins. She wished that Cheyl had nothing to do with her husband because she was going to fuck up her life.

Herald is the love of her life. He is the only man that she has ever truly loved. Their love is mutual, she was going to fuck up anyone who would try to ruin their marriage.

" Herald loves me," Cheryl broke the bombshell and Maya blinked severally. This cannot be true. This woman is playing with her. Is this a prank? Where is the camera? Where have they placed it because this cannot be the reality.

Herald has only loved her. He has never been in love with another woman. They are highschool sweethearts for goodness sake.

" Are you nuts? You should be out of your mind? Wait, are you trying to say this to make me feel bad because you envy my life?" Maya asked. She is used to girls like Cheryl who hate her because she has everything that they wish for in a man. She has a wealthy man who loves her unconditionally. To find both these two things in a man is rare. She is lucky and that's why Cheryl is envious of her.

" Herald and I have been together for the past two years. He doesn't like you. Actually, he was at my place last night," Cheryl continued telling her the truth. She didn't care about what she was going to feel after she learned the truth.

Cheryl only thought about herself. She had been hidden for years and she figured that this was actually the right time for Herald to make their affair public. That's not all, she wants him to break up with Maya and marry her. This is how things should have been. He was not supposed to marry Maya.

Maya felt her heart beating so hard in her chest, threatening to burst out of his chest. Suddenly she felt like she could not breathe, like something was blocking the air going through her nose. Tears formed in her eyes as her body started sweating. This is any married woman's worst nightmare.

Everything was going great. She was happy in her marriage, how is this even possible that her relationship had been one sided for two years and that Herald has been seeing someone else. She doesn't look like Cheryl. Does this mean that she was not actually his type all along?

" No, this can't be true," She said as she wiped tears away from her eyes. This was supposed to be a typical morning for her, not a morning where she finds out about her husband's affair.

" I am telling the truth. I wouldn't be here if I was not sure about the love that Herald has for me. He wouldn't allow me to be here if he loved you. He wants me here to tell you the truth myself because he doesn't want you to beg him to be with him. He wants you to hear it from him so that you can finally do him a favour and leave. He doesn't want to ever see you again with your constant whines. He is sick and tired of you," Cheryl explained.

It was one thing for him to cheat, but to go ahead and tell this woman about their relationship, Herald was surely being disrespectful.

Maya couldn't take it in. She sobbed as Cheryl watched. Cheryl was completely unmoved. She recalled how she cried the day Herald married Maya. It really tore her apart and they almost broke up but thank goodness she is here today because it's finally her turn. It's finally her turn to take the rightful place as Herald's wife.It is finally her turn to be happy with him.

" Are you listening to yourself? I am a fellow woman like you? Why would you choose to do this to my marriage? Why take my husband away from me?" Maya cried.

" Your husband is a male adult, he cannot be stolen. He chose to be with me because he wants to be with me. You should be asking yourself why you couldn't keep him. I made him comfortable, I gave him everything that he wanted, things that he should ideally be getting from his wife but it turns out that you were not giving it to him," Cheyl explained hurting Maya even more.

" So what were you expecting, huh, that I was going to give up after you tell me this bullshit? Are you expecting that I am going to give up on my marriage and Herald? I can't. We have been together for five years. I am not going to leave that easily. If that is what you thought then you are in for a rude shock." Maya announced after wiping away her tears and this shocked the hell out of Cheryl.

She was not expecting her to respond like this.

" What do you mean? What are you going to do?" Cheryl asked.