
Chapter 27

                        Andrew Mercado

A few days ago…

Andrew groaned as his phone rang. He was trying to get some sleep. He didn't know why someone would call him at this ungodly hour. The call came through his private line so it couldn't be work related. His phone rang again for the fourth and he angrily threw off the covers and stood up. He retrieved the phone from its holder.

"What?" He barked into the receiver.

"Oh, for goodness's sake, Drew!"

He recognized that voice. It belonged to Barry, his partner. The man's voice boomed at him from the receiver as though he had someone chasing after him. He was explaining some situation going on in the station, but Drew couldn't make out anything eligible. He walked over to the edge of the bed and sat cradling the phone in his hands.

"Barry?" The man kept going. Drew blew out a breath in exasperation.


This time around, Barry took a pause and breathed.