Ashley Gusman, a determined young Filipina, was driven by her sole ambition to provide a better life for her family. She was willing to go to great lengths to achieve this goal, even taking on the role of a surrogate mother for a Billionaire Heir. ***~*** CEO Tanaga Jones, who needed an heir for his empire, was adamant about not wanting a wife. Ultimately, he contracted with a woman to bear him a child.
Once the eavesdropper, also known as the butler, left the room, Tanaga put the tray down on the table. He took Ashley a glass of water.
"Drink this; then we'll talk. I'm concerned about you. Your health is important. Are you sure you're okay? If you have any medical problems, I need to know about them. It's important, Ashley. You're going to be the mother of my child."
"There is nothing that I can think of, Sir. Only an occasional cold."
Tanaga watched her as she spoke, his expression serious. He didn't have any idea how to begin a conversation with her about their sexual relationship. Unable to find the right words, he remained silent as he sat staring at her, making the atmosphere in the room even more intense.
A few minutes passed without either one of them speaking a word. The steady Tick Tock from the grandfather clock in the corner was the only sound breaking the silence. As the clock kept ticking, Ashley noticed that her heart was beating along with it, making her uneasy. She rubbed her chest as she often did, in an unconscious attempt to calm herself.
By now, Tanaga was acutely aware of this unconscious nervous habit she had developed. She didn't realize it was this very habit that often provoked his anger whenever they were together. When Tanaga saw her rubbing her chest, he thought it was out of fear.
Tanaga finally broke the silence. "We need to talk about the contract." Ashley could hear the annoyance in his voice, so she gave him her full attention.
"First, I want you to tell me more about you and your personality. Second, I want you to tell me about your sexual experience. That is if you have any. Then, we need to discuss your family's health history." Ashley looked at him as he enumerated the list of information he desired from her that he felt was essential. She was distracted, noticing how attractive he was. She felt as if until this moment, she hadn't realized how handsome Tanaga was.
From the time he saved her from the hands of the syndicates all she was thinking was how to find a way to get out of her predicament.
She wasn't comprehending anything Tanaga was saying. Instead, she let her mind wander. She was trying to imagine what her incredibly good-looking boss would be if they had met under different circumstances.
Will his kisses be sweet? She wondered to herself as she tried to imagine how kissing him would feel. When she realized what she was doing she felt shame. That had only been a slight brush of a kiss and she began acting like a wonton woman even if it's only in her mind. That's a shameful thing to do, what would her family thought of her if they knew?
Her mind was far away, and her imagination was running wild. She didn't even notice when Tanaga stopped talking.
He realized that she was not listening. He waved his hand in front of her face to confirm his suspicion.
"Ashley…H-e-l-l-o-o-o, Ashley!"
She still didn't reply. He went over to her and slowly pulled the table in front of her back. He sat on the table, positioning himself directly in front of her. It was like she was under an enchantment.
Again, he tried to get her attention. He moved closer, putting his face so close to hers that their lips almost touched. He softly spoke her name.
"Ashley? Earth to Ashley. Where are you? What are you thinking about, Ashley?" He spoke softly, like a doting lover sweetly calling her name. But she didn't reply, still lost in her trance-like state.
Ashley's imagination was getting wilder by the minute. She imagined Tanaga sweetly calling her name, slowly leaning closer to kiss her. Completely enthralled, as the scene in her fantasy played out in her mind, her lips moved, enticing Tanaga to kiss her.
She was shocked out of her fantasy and into reality when Tanaga's full lips caressed hers. At first, he thought of merely teasing her. But this beautiful woman accepted his kiss with the openness of someone who wanted more. That encouraged him, and he let himself get carried away with his innermost desires.
She tried to pull away, but something was preventing her, as if she has no willpower on her own no matter how hard she tries. What is going on with her, why is she feeling so hot and, and.. Something is wrong with her and so us Tanaga...