
The Billionaire's Beloved

**This book is temporarily on halt. Right now, I am concentrating on my other books.** The quiet city of Vlei is filled with terror when its people are murdered one by one every few days. Nobody knows who the culprit is. No clues found, no leads yet. The MO of each death is different. The only common thing is that the murders happen in a secluded place and at night, compelling the people to not leave their homes when the night befalls. Enter Melanie Parker. She is an orphan who has been taken in by her aunt and her family only because her parents have left her the Parker Empire before their mysterious death. When the innocent girl stumbles upon a gruesome secret, it changes her completely. Now she is out for revenge and she does not stop until she has destroyed all the people who have wronged her. On her way, she meets Adrian Cyrus King. At first, there is enmity between the two and they cannot stand each other. They bicker and fight whenever they meet. But, Adrian has a change of heart when Melanie once saves him from his enemies. Who is responsible for all the murders? How will Melanie take her revenge? Read the story to know what happens further. Disclaimer: The cover picture does not belong to me.

prada_murthy · 现代言情
21 Chs

Happy Date

The bell rang for the last time that day and the class ended. Melanie gave her usual speech before ending the class and left the room. Her work was over for the day. But she still had a date with Jacob. After a long time, she was going on a date willingly without anybody forcing her like the previous ones she had been to. She was looking forward to it subconsciously.

She went to the staff room. All her colleagues were already in there packing their bags and ready to leave. Her friend Kate was waiting for her beside her desk.

"So?" She started seeing Melanie pack her bag.

"So?" Melanie shrugged.

"What's going on between you and Coach Smith?"

"There's nothing between us."

"Are you sure?" Kate narrowed her eyebrows. She knew there was something going on between the two of them. But she was not sure if it was mutual or one-sided. She could however see the way Jacob looked at her, his eyes deep and mesmerizing. She was not an English teacher just for fun. She knew how to read people and if her assumptions were true, Jacob had a thing for her friend.

"Yes," Melanie answered though both of them knew it was a lie.

"What did he want from you? Don't tell me now the football coach wants to learn a thing or two from a Mathematics teacher." Kate teased.

"It is not like that," Melanie argued plopping on her chair. Jacob would be here any moment and she did not want to get caught by her friend.

"Then what is it like? Tell me."

Having no choice, Mel blurted out, "I am going on a date with him."

"What?" Kate asked in surprise. She knew they were in the staff room and there were people who were still in the room. So, she did not forget to keep her voice low.

"Yes. He asked me out on a date and I accepted. This is not something big."

"This is not big, this is huge." Melanie rolled her eyes hearing her friend's exaggeration. Kate had known Melanie for a long time and she had her friend's dating history etched in her brain. This was the first time her friend had accepted to go a date voluntarily, this definitely was not small.

"Can you keep it low? You are attracting people."

"Look around the room, dear. There is nobody else other than us." Melanie looked around and as her friend said there was nobody else.

"We should leave too." Melanie stood up.

"Where are you guys going by the way?"

"I have no idea. Jacob told it to be a surprise."

"Wooo.. Surprise. I am already loving it." Kate clasped her hands, her dreamy eyes staring into space. Melanie had to nudge her to bring her back to earth.

The two friends exited the room and walked down the hall towards the entrance. There were still some students hanging out with their friends while there was a huge commotion coming from the field. There was a baseball match going on between the students in the middle school.

Melanie stood outside with Kate beside her. She wanted her nosey friend to leave. But Kate being a busybody waited along with her. She couldn't bear to leave Melanie alone.

"Kate, I am fine. You can leave." Melanie started after some time.

"No way. Look..."

"Ladies." A voice was heard from behind the two women, making them jump.

"Oh, I am sorry. Did I scare you?" Jacob asked, his face filled with remorse.

"Oh my God. You scared me." Kate replied patting her chest while Melanie smiled in return.

"I apologize. What are we discussing by the way?" He asked politely as he led them towards the main gate.

"Nothing. We were saying our goodbyes." Kate answered and took her to leave immediately. Before that, she did not forget to wink at her friend. Melanie gave her a scowl, which went unnoticed by Kate when Jacob was not looking at her.

"Where are we going?" Melanie asked again.

"Patience lady," Jacob replied. He led her to his car. After making sure that she was comfortable, he went to the other side and got inside.

"Let's go." He said happily. Melanie gave him a smile, surprised at his enthusiasm.

'Is he that eager to go out with me? Is he seriously interested in me?' She thought and blushed at the notion.

"How are classes going on?" He asked trying to stir up a conversation to reduce the awkward silence.

"Hectic. Now that the exams are nearing, the students have a lot of doubts. I wonder what these kids do all throughout the year and ask us doubts just when the exams arrive." She stated, making Jacob laugh.

"No, it's true. A lot of students do that."

"I did not say a thing."

"But you laughed."

"Yes, I was wondering how I would have handled my students if I was a teacher."

"Oh." Melanie chuckled at the thought. She had heard from her students who played for the school football team that Jacob was one hell of a coach. He was strict and serious, yet funny at times. He demanded complete focus during practice.

"See even you are laughing at the weird thought."

"No. No. I think you'd be a great teacher." She praised him imagining his stern face teaching trigonometry. It sure would look weird and maybe, just maybe her students might become traumatized for life.

"Oh please. I know how the students view me and I am definitely not the one who can handle blackboard teaching. Don't even get me started on how irritated I get when I am given to evaluate answer booklets. It's the worst job ever. No offense though."

"Offense not taken and point noted," Melanie replied trying to controlling her smile. She realized Jacob was actually fun to be with when his tough facade was removed. He was completely a different person outside the school and she was actually enjoying her time with him already.

"Is something wrong?" Jacob looked at her wondering why she was staring at him without blinking. "Is there something on my face?"

"Ah. No. No. Sorry, I was thinking about something."

"Oh. I thought I said something wrong."

"How's the coaching coming along? One of my students informed me that the practice hours have been extended."

"Yes. We have the finals of the volleyball tournament in ten days. So, the players are practicing hard. We are in the hopes of winning the cup this year."

"That's nice. What are the odds of winning?"

"We are playing against the defending champions. They might have an upper hand over us. But I am sure my boys will give a tough fight."

"Definitely. I'll root for our team."


"So, how far along are we from our destination?"

"We will be there shortly."

"Cool." Melanie looked outside the window to see that they were driving along the posh area in the city. She knew the place as she was regular here and had memorized the area. But she was unsure what they were doing here. There was still time for dinner.

'Maybe he wants to take me for a cup of coffee.' She thought.

However, she was wrong. She got her answer the moment he parked his car in front of an amusement arcade. She was stunned looking at the place. It had been ages since she had visited the place. The last time she had come to her with her parents when she was young. Though she could not remember all the details, she could recollect the time when her father had helped her win a game.

"Amusement arcade?"

"Yes, I hope you like it," Jacob asked hesitating. He was not sure why he had got the idea of taking her to an arcade. It came to his mind out of nowhere.

"I love it. Thank you very much." Melanie replied getting off the car.

"I am relieved." Jacob came beside her and pulled her inside. The two excited people who were behaving like kids had not noticed that they were holding hands.

Both their faces were brimming with happiness. Melanie was happy because she could relive her childhood days while Jacob was happy because the woman beside him was happy.

Hello guys,

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Please do follow my other novel: Falling in Love: I love you, Today and Forever and tell me how you feel.

Thank you very much.

Prada Murthy

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