
The Billionaire's Beloved

**This book is temporarily on halt. Right now, I am concentrating on my other books.** The quiet city of Vlei is filled with terror when its people are murdered one by one every few days. Nobody knows who the culprit is. No clues found, no leads yet. The MO of each death is different. The only common thing is that the murders happen in a secluded place and at night, compelling the people to not leave their homes when the night befalls. Enter Melanie Parker. She is an orphan who has been taken in by her aunt and her family only because her parents have left her the Parker Empire before their mysterious death. When the innocent girl stumbles upon a gruesome secret, it changes her completely. Now she is out for revenge and she does not stop until she has destroyed all the people who have wronged her. On her way, she meets Adrian Cyrus King. At first, there is enmity between the two and they cannot stand each other. They bicker and fight whenever they meet. But, Adrian has a change of heart when Melanie once saves him from his enemies. Who is responsible for all the murders? How will Melanie take her revenge? Read the story to know what happens further. Disclaimer: The cover picture does not belong to me.

prada_murthy · 现代言情
21 Chs

Girl in the car

The next day, Steve came to pick up Adrian. It had become his duty to pick and drop him every day. Though Ade had a car of his own, he preferred Steve picking him. It was always fun and entertaining in his presence.

"What is my schedule for the day?" Adrian asked looking straight ahead.

"We have to interview the potential candidates for the post of your secretary," Steve answered driving carefully. The street was crowded as it was the peak hour with all the people rushing to reach their destination.

"How many are we appointing?"

"At least three."


"I got a message from the head office. The employees who are ready to transfer to this branch will be coming tomorrow. The procedure is completed."

"That's great. Have they been provided with the accommodation?"

"All done."


"Hmm. So, how's your wound?" Steve took a glance at Adrian's nose and smiled inwardly.

"What wound?"

"The scratch made by the puck when it smacked you," Steve answered. It was one thing that Adrian wanted to forget at any cost and now his friend had brought it up, much to his distress.

"Why don't I smack you with it so that you will experience how it feels?"

"What? No way. Spare me, Lord." Steve begged as he stopped the car at the intersection. There were still some seconds for the signal to go green.

"That's better."

"By the way, have you met that woman before?" The wifey Steve was now out for information.

"Why do you ask?"

"If I am not wrong, you were asking her if she had really forgotten you. Tell me. What's the matter between the two of you?"

"Nothing." Adrian looked at Steve. But the next second, his eyes went wide. He immediately proceeded to step out of the car. However, to his dismay, the signal turned green.

"Ade, what are you doing?" Steve shouted holding his friend's hand. The cars behind him started honking.

"Follow the black BMW in the front," Adrian ordered.


"Just do as I say," Ade said, his temper rising.

"Okay fine." Steve started the car and pressed on the accelerator. By then the black car was way ahead of them. Although Steve was driving at a credible speed, he could not catch up with it. There were a lot of cars between them and there was no space for him to overtake.

"Faster, Steve," Adrian shouted.

"I am trying," Steve yelled back. But they eventually lost the car. They had to wait for another signal while the car they were chasing had passed it.

"Damn it." Adrian cursed.

"Will you please calm down?" Steve looked at his friend anxiously. "What happened? Why are you so agitated?"

"I think I saw Ahana in that car." He said trying to cool himself.

"What?" Steve was thunderstruck. "Why didn't you tell me before?" He complained.

"I was not sure."

"It's okay. I'll try to find it." Steve waited until the signal went green again. He tried to find the car they were chasing before. But it was nowhere in the vicinity.

"Did you see the number plate at least?" Steve asked still driving.

"I think so."

"Great. I'll try tracking the car." Steve pulled over on the side and opened his tablet. He hacked the Global Positioning Tracking System and entered the car number. It took them some time to find the car.

"Wait for it to load," Steve said as Adrian stared at the tablet intensely. He gradually losing his patience. 'What if it was Ahana? Is she safe? Is she hurt?' These were the thoughts in his mind.

The tablet started to beep as the loading reached ninety-eight percent and the red dot moved over the geographical map trying to locate the car. Two minutes later, the beeping stopped.

"Done. The car is heading towards the west."

"Then, let's follow."

"Okay." Steve followed the GPS as they tried to track the car. It did not take them long to catch up. The car was parked in front of an old cafe. There were not many people around. Occasionally a car or two would pass by. They were in an isolated area. Steve stopped the car right behind it and Adrian got down to check it. There was nobody in there. He nodded a no to his friend and got inside.

"Let's wait. The car owner might come back." Steve tried to pacify his friend.


"They waited for almost thirty minutes. But nobody came."

"Why ain't anybody coming?" Steve questioned only to get silence as a reply. But the next moment, a plump man with a bald head walked towards the car. He looked to be in his fifties with his huge belly protruding out. He was wearing a tight shirt, the buttons ready to pop out any moment and brown trousers. Seeing him approach the vehicle, the two men got off and ran to him. Adrian held his collar at once.

"What the hell are you doing?" The man shouted in panic.

"Where is Ahana?" Adrian seethed.

"Who the fuck is Ahana?"

"Adrian calm down." Steve tried to pull his friend back, but his hold on the man was too strong for him to break.

"I am going to kill you."

"What the fuck are you doing and who the hell are you?" The man yelled trying to free himself from Adrian's grasp.

"I saw Ahana in your car a few minutes ago. Don't lie to me."

"What the hell are you talking about? I just bought the car now."

"What?" Adrian and Steve asked together.

"Yes. I bought the car just now and I haven't driven it yet." The man pushed Adrian's hand away from him and took a few steps back.

"You are lying," Adrian stated.

"Why would I lie? You can check the car document transfer certificate. It has the date and time in it." The man replied.

"Do you know who sold this car to you?" Steve inquired.

"Yes. He goes by the name of Mark Kelley."

"Is he still in the cafe?" It was Adrian who questioned him now.

"No. He left long ago."

"Was there a little girl accompanying him?" Adrian looked at him hopefully.

"Yes, there was. She was around five or six. I am not sure of her age." The man replied honestly.

Adrian pulled out his phone and showed Ahana's photo to the man. "Was this the girl?"

"Why are you asking me so many questions? Are you gangsters?" The man asked keeping his guard up and took a thorough look at the two men. They were dressed in a dignified manner to be considered as gangsters.

"Just answer the damn question," Steve warned, ready to punch him if he tried playing games with them.

The man took a look at the phone only for a few seconds before replying, "She was the one who came with Mark."

"Are you sure?" Adrian stressed.

"A hundred percent."

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