
The Big O: The Final Act - Act 34: War's End

The battle is going badly. Big O and Roger are losing the fight, while Dorothy watches them struggle. Meanwhile, Angel and Lucy are still trying to escape the enemy’s base, and Dastun and Norman are struggling to hold back the opposition from approaching the mansion. The last remaining decisions have yet to be made. What fate lies in wait for Paradigm City and the world?

ReikaR33 · 科幻
8 Chs

Chapter 4: Roger Smith Makes His Decision

Big Gamma was walking around, searching for Big O.

"I believe we've done it. There's no sight of him here. We've combed this shelf multiple times. HE IS FINISHED! Now we can… wait… NO! What is happening to the signal? Why is it dropping? Someone, tell us what is going on!"

"Sirs, apparently the signal has been compromised and… what? The base self-destruct sequence has been activated and the base is self-destructing as we…????"

The comm link in Big Gamma signed off. The doctors now felt uneasy.

"Did the little Angel escape? No, she had no strength. No… someone helped her…"

Big Gamma stopped moving suddenly. The doctors tried moving the controls, but the controls would not move at their command. They stared at the console.

"Big Gamma, what are you doing?" they screeched.

The console began to flash wildly. Buttons and levers were now operating on their own. The doctors' eyes widen with fear as Big Gamma took control and began moving around the bay, all on its own.


Big O's systems powered online. Roger was knocked out in the pilot seat, but the sound of the humming machines awoke him a few moments later. His hair had become undone, his bangs framing his face. He grimaced in pain. Aside from his legs and arms sore from the long fight, he apparently had hit his head hard on the way down. He blinked a couple times, trying to focus his eyesight, and gradually raised himself up, only to find that gyrosphere was in an awkward position. Big O was lying on the ground.

Roger observed through the cockpit. Apparently, there was a large underground cavern beneath him. The hole he had fallen through had collapsed and filled with rubble, however, sea water was slowly coming through it, filling the cavern. The cavern looked modern.

This is how the probably transported Big Gamma from Paradigm Central Dome… Oh, that hurts.

Roger leaned back in his seat. He had moved his head and felt pain. But the physical pain didn't compare to the heavy exhaustion he felt, realizing what happened. He had been soundly outmatched and defeated by Big Gamma. He had thrown everything he had at it, and it had all been in vain. Roger covered his eyes with his arm, the light causing him pain, but also the realization settling in that there was nothing he could do. He clenched his teeth, his breath ragged and tired.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry Dorothy," he whispered.

Roger felt the weight of his defeat. and now, impending demise. He laid there for a moment, catching his breath. But then a beeping sound caught his attention, and he removed his arm, staring at the small screen on the right.

"DISTRESS SIGNAL, DOROTHY WAYNERIGHT," the screen read, showing the location, which was at the mansion.

"But how in the hell…? That's impossible… she left… Did she come back? But… why?"

His eyes trembled at the sight of her name on the screen. Was she truly back? Another alarm was going off on the center console. Roger then turned his attention to it. Numbers were beeping, but they were going down.

"I know I hit my head pretty hard, but…" He saw a number indicating the level damage on Big O's arms, Level 3, now drop to a Level 2. The damage to his core was also dropping.

He turned to the left screen, seeing energy levels? But Big O never had energy levels, but yet they were on the screen. Didn't Beck say he had absorbed energy in that last attack? Was this energy the reason why the damage was going down and repairing Big O? The enemy did say they had harnessed the power of creation. Maybe Big O was using it to heal himself?

"Big O, what's wrong? Are you alright?"

Big O struggled to move, but he was moving. Roger sat in the seat, contemplating.

Dorothy's signal could only be voice activated, and she was apparently back. And, something happened in the last attack. He didn't know how or why, but Big O was now recovering from the damage he had received in the fight. It had something to do with that energy from Big Gamma and possibly Big O. And… maybe he could use this energy to help them win. But Roger was tired and sore, his vision a little blurry from hitting his head. However, he could adjust for that.

Roger then remembered what Dorothy had only told him days before.

"Norman, he's always told me to have faith in you, when things get bad. And things are bad now. But… I finally understand what he means. I want you to know, that I have faith you and Big O. I know you two will win and you two will come back."

It was such a silly thing to remember now and yet…. Roger smirked and steeled his resolve.

"Big O, it would be rude to keep Dorothy waiting any longer! We need to get up!"

Roger moved the foot pedals and Big O slowly raised himself up, finally standing on his feet.

"Big O! You and I, we don't fear that monster! We have something stronger, and we'll use it to win the fight."

Norman's words echoed through his mind, "You have all the strength you need." Roger smiled to himself. Norman was always telling him to have faith, Dorothy had returned because she believed and had faith in him, and now, he realized, he needed to believe and have faith in himself to conclude the terms of this fight.

"This fight isn't over yet! That was just the first round. Time for a knockout! BIIIGGG OOOOOOO! SHOWTIME!"

Big O's eyes flashed in the dark cavern, responding to Roger's call. Big O was hunched over as the ceiling hanged low, but now that he was up, Roger was able to look around. The Prairie Dog was not too far from him. Roger understood.

"You called the Prairie Dog. That means… you knew of that attack. Which means, you've fought this Big before. You don't wanna lose again," Roger whispered.

Roger heard dull thumps above him. The Big was above them, probably searching for them. Roger moved the right joy con back and rushed it forward, Big O's arm hitting the ground. Roger closed his eyes, trying to sense the direction of where the megadeus was walking. He felt the necklace around his chest and opened his eyes, narrowing them. He had promises to keep. Roger had a plan and if he could time the launch right with the Prairie Dog, he could win this fight.


The twin doctors were trying to reestablish control, but were having no success.


The center console flashed, and the words, "CAST IN THE NAME OF GOD, YE FAILED…" scrolled across the screen. The doctors were confused at first, but then they got their answer as a screen flashed once more on the console, showing a timer counting down.

"She escaped! She has something to do with this! Whoever betrayed us will pay dearly! Big Gamma, we beseech you! We haven't failed yet! Please lend us your power…"

But they didn't finish their sentence. Big O crashed through the ground, knocking Big Gamma down. But Roger didn't dare stop. Big O's arm rushed forward and landed on top of Big Gamma, grabbing its head with its right hand.

"NOW!" yelled Roger, and he fired the Tri-Sudden Impact, and this time, he found success. Big Gamma's head exploded into tiny pieces as Roger maneuvered Big O to step back.


"Interesting theory," said Roger, "Thank you for confirming my suspicion!"


Big Gamma threw a furious row of punches, Big O guarding from each one. When that didn't work, Big Gamma unleashed a flamethrower onto Big O from its hands. Roger felt the temperature increase in the cockpit, but moved the joy cons back, Big O's arms swinging wide, dispersing the flames.

"Why won't he just die? Why won't he accept his fate? DIE, DIE, DIE!"

Big Gamma threw a wild haymaker, but Big O dodged it, stepping off to the side, while catching the attack in midair. Roger narrowed his eyes. He had enough.

"No," said Roger firmly, and Roger turned Big O, throwing Big Gamma over him and into the sea, a large plume of water rising in the air, before crashing down.

"Have a taste of your own medicine," Roger growled as Big Gamma slowly got to its feet once more.

Big Gamma stumbled backward. The doctors were now fearful. They took a few steps backward, their eyes shaking with fright at the sight of a new and improved Big O, closing in on them.