
The Beta's Queen

Cheyenne grew up in a small pack. They kept to themselves and never had any real problems. She graduated high school a year early at the age of 17. She was starting her freshman year of college when her quiet little, small-town life got turned upside down. Her mother had a deep secret that she had kept this whole time and now it could cost her her daughter. After a visit from the Moon Goddess herself, Cheyenne is faced with a choice. One that is life or death not just for her but her kind as a whole. What will she choose?

Kayla_Wintczak · 奇幻言情
67 Chs

Chapter 54

Cheyenne's POV

I led the warriors to the bottom of the mountain. There was a decent sized clearing but before walking out into it and making ourselves easy targets I stopped about 10 feet from it. I told all the Alpha's to hold their ranks back and that I was going to check it out. That's when I mind linked Jax.

"Where are you guys?" I opened the link.

"We are making our way down the mountain. Should be seeing us in about 30 seconds." He said before cutting off the link.

He was right, it was 10 seconds later I heard twigs snapping and leaves rustling coming from in front of me. I looked back towards the woods to signal to hold their positions and to not move in until told to do so. Just then the footsteps stopped causing me to look back in front of me but nobody was there.

"Here we go again. I thought history wasn't supposed to repeat itself." Koa moaned.

Before I could question her, she pushed forward, "Seeley! You little bitch! Show your face! I don't have all day!"

Within seconds Seeley came out of some overgrown brush. He had a mask of indifference on his face so I couldn't get a read on his emotions, but for some reason I didn't think he was really surprised.

"Well good morning NaKoa. Let me guess. You're the one who's supposed to be attacking me?" He chuckled.

"I'm not playing your games again Seeley. We are ending this now! Pull your ranks forwards!" She shouted for all to hear.

"You really think you can take on all of my men by yourself?" Seeley chuckled again.

"Who said I was alone?" She grinned.

"Fine then we pull them forwards at the same time then?" Seeley suggested.

"Fine by me." Koa turned our head to look behind us, "Alphas!!!" She shouted.

"Captains!!" Seeley shouted behind him at the same time.

Within seconds all ranks were in the clearing with us. Well, all except our reserves that were still hiding in the trees and brush anyways.

"Well, seems like you've put together a fairly decent sized group here. But you're still not going to win this NaKoa. We still outnumber you." Seeley said with an evil smirk on his face.

"We might not outnumber you. But I can outsmart you Seeley." Koa pulling up a smirk on my face. Before the King could say anything Koa started walking us in a circle around him.

"I challenge you, King Seeley Romanov, to the death!" Koa shouted for all to hear and that's when we caught slight movement from our ranks.

I knew it was gunner and I had already informed Alpha Nik of what he was to do when it happened. Alpha Nik was to use his Alpha command to make Gunner stay silent and stay in rank. I knew he was pissed but it had to be done.

"Now, need I remind of everyone what this mean? This means that NO outside interference from either side. Any interference will be punishable by death!" Koa shouted.

"What are your terms?" Seeley asked eyeing us from the corner of his eye.

"Once one of us is dead, that's it. There is to be no full out battle! The side that fails to follow this, will then either be killed on the spot or prisoned to be judge by a panel of their peers for judgement." Koa said now coming to a stop standing in front of him again.

"Agreed!" Seeley yelled.

"I will give you 3 minutes to prepare yourself." Koa snorted and then turned around and started walking back towards the packs.

Once she nodded towards Alpha Nik, he released the command he held over Gunner. He came running up to us and I could tell he was pissed.

"What the hell are you thinking!?" He grumbled.

"I can win this!" I said after Koa gave me back control.

"But what if you don't!" He growled.

"Koa was an inch from ending him before on the beach before Selene stopped it. Why should I let innocent people die when I can end this before it even starts!?" I said.

"We are going to talk about this afterwards. Don't think you're off the hook." He warned and I just rolled my eyes.

"Just shut up and kiss me so I can go deal with his ass." I said grabbing the back of his neck and pulling him down to me.

When Seeley and I made our way back towards the center of the clearing, Jax and Alpha Nik came with us.

"This is to the death. If one shifts the other must shift also. Other than that, you both are on your own. Got it?" Jax asked looking between us.

We both nodded not saying a word or breaking eye contact. Jax and Alpha Nik walked back to their respective sides and not even a cricket could be heard as Seeley and I started circling each other.

After fighting him once already I had an idea of how this was going to go, or at least I thought so. I was waiting on him to attack first knowing that the size difference between us would mean that I had a better chance on defense than I did on offense. We must have been thinking the same thing because we both lunged for each other at the same time.

Since I was shorter, I was able to duck under his arms but still wrap my arms around his legs and take him down. Literally making him eat dirt. He quickly turned over on his back and was reaching for my arms but I landed a few blows to his face before he flung me off him. I went flying off to the side and rolled when I landed. I heard a couple of growls from my pack but nobody moved.

I jumped straight back up to my feet and smirked when we made eye contact. "That all ya got big boy?" I taunted.

Seeley wiped the blood that was trickling out of his mouth and looked back up at me with pure rage in his eyes. He didn't say a word and just charged at me again. This time I slid across the ground right between his legs and got up just in time to see him looking all around for me. I took the opportunity to jump on his back and wrapped my legs around his stomach and wrapped my left arm around his neck and locked in it my right and squeezed as hard as I could.

"The irony of being killed in a sleeper hold." Koa mocked him in his ear.

Seeley let out a growl and then flipped us over the top of his head, slamming us on our back on the ground and successfully knocking the wind out of me. That's it. I was done playing around. I knew I had to end this soon before others started getting involved. There were already warning growls coming from both sides.

"Koa gunna need your help with this one. Remember when we watched Troy, the leaping sword of death move that Ty called it I think?" I asked her hurriedly flashing a video clip in my head.

"Yeah, what do you need from me?" She asked as I started circling Seeley again.

"I'm going to launch myself off that tree over there and if I don't get enough power, shift in midair and take a chunk out of whatever you can on him." I said and I started sprinting towards the tree leaving Seeley completely confused.

He looked over and figured out what I was planning, or at least thought he did anyways. I went to plant my foot on the tree to push myself off of it but it didn't land like I wanted it to so Koa forced the shift in midair which caused Seeley to shift also and as she came down, Koa got her jaws around his shoulder and brought him down with us. The forest will filled with growls from his side and gasps and howls from our side at the site of Koa.

Koa wasn't letting go of his shoulder and was ripping him left and right. He reached up and landed a blow to Koa's snout causing her to release her hold and shake her head. She backed away to regain her bearings when she saw Seeley charging us. Now that we were both about the same size, sliding under him wasn't option and I didn't know she could jump over him. We faked left and went right and he took the bait and ate dirt again, while Koa immediately went to jump on his back but it wasn't fast enough.

Seeley pushed off the ground, rolled out of the way, and got back up to his feet and lunged at Koa again, this time he did manage to get behind her and rake his claw down her back. But it wasn't deep enough to cause life threatening injury which threw us both for a loop. He could have ended it right there. Why didn't he?

"Fuck that. We don't have time to ponder. End this!" I shouted in Koa's head.

After what felt like forever and both Koa and Seeley both bleeding and healing at the same time. The clearing was covered in blood. Just then Seeley came out of nowhere and slammed his claws into Koa. Koa moved just a second to late and his claws landed right in her rear hip and she fell to the ground. Seeley took his claws out and stood up backing away slowly and started laughing and I could feel the rage rising in Koa.

"Not again you bitch!" Koa yelled and I'm not sure where she found the energy, call it adrenaline, but she launched herself from the ground and land right on top of him pushing him to the ground. Instead of holding him down like before at the beach, Koa didn't waste a second and locked her jaws around his throat. When she ripped it out and threw it over to his warriors, everything was silent.

Someone from Seeley's side let out a growl and Koa lowered her head and growled back. Before anyone could move, Jax came down and stood by Koa's side while all the Alphas along with Gunner came up to stand on her other side.

"Before anybody gets any bright ideas, terms were there was to be no fighting. Think before you act warriors. Also, my ranks may now take their rightful place." Jax smirked causing confusing amongst Seeley's ranks.

All of them looking around to see what was going on, just then everybody who had been on our side started moving to stand next to my pack's side. Once it was all said and done, there might have been roughly 100 men that still stood with their now dead King. Once they realized what was going on, one of the section leaders spoke up.

"How? How did you pull this off without none of us knowing, especially the King?!" He asked rather pissy.

"A magician never reveals his secrets." Jax said causing some snickers to come from behind us. "Now that this over, those of you remaining have 2 options. Option one, join Alida's side and live in peace amongst the wolves and be free. Option two, become prisoners. You're choice but it must be made now!" Jax called out.

After a few moments of the remaining warriors looking at each other and talking to a few others, majority of them chose freedom over prison and walked over to join the others. Now there was only about 18 men left standing before us, Koda being one of them.

"Guess we have our answer then." Jax said looking towards Gunner and then to Koa. "Ready to shift back?" He asked Koa.

"Koa don't you dare! I will be necked in front of everybody!" I shouted in her head.

"Her Highness would like some clothes first?" Koa chuckled know I didn't want to be called that and she's the only one who could get away with not being killed for doing so.

Someone brought us a shirt and a pair of shorts and Koa took them and trotted off behind some brush. After we shifted back and got dressed, I walked back out to face the remaining warriors who apparently are just plain stupid.

"So, you lot are choosing prison for the rest of your lives over freedom? Do I understand that correctly?" I hollered out.

"We will never follow you! Just like we will never live amongst you mutts!" Koda growled.

I walked up to stand in front of Koda with my hands behind my back and just smirked. I was still in a lot of pain but I couldn't let them see it.

"Mutts? Hmmm, ok then. To the cells with this lot." I hollered back while pointing towards the group. Their own men came up and started taking them one by one but when someone went for Koda, I stopped them.

"I got this one darlin'." I said with a smile.

He looked at me with a confused look but when I brought my knee up to Koda's groin and then grabbed his elephant sized ear, he got a smirk on his face and lowered his head as he threw his hands up in mock surrender and backed away.

"Gunner, Alpha's, " I called out, "Get the packs and follow me!"

I started walking towards the beach with a grip still on Koda's ear. I was making sure that everybody saw this. Call me petty but I didn't care. I led the troops across the beach and into the cave that lead to the corridors inside. Jax was right behind me when I stopped to ask him to take Koda and the rest to the cells while I took everybody else to the dining hall.

Jax nodded and ordered the others that were escorting the prisoners to follow him while the rest were to follow me. Once I got everyone into the hall I told them to relax and to wait there for further orders.

I ran back to my room and pulled out the map of the castle, for lack of better term I guess, and headed back towards the hall. I knew everybody was stressed out and an adrenaline crash is the worst. So, I wanted to give everyone a proper bed and a couple meal today and tonight before heading home tomorrow.