
Chapter 42

"It's been a day since Brooke's funeral. Livious, you need to be kind toward your granddaughter." man 1 said.

"Frankly, I wasn't told that she was with child! Her parent died 26 and a half years, ago in their house!" Livious yelled.

Livious sees woman with a child standing at the, entrance with snow in the background.

"You can at least have a family, night outing." man 1 said.

Livious walks over to them and squats.

"Hi, what's your name?" Livious asked.

"Hannah. Jones, Hannah." young girl replied.

The man and woman leaves after handing her, week food schedule.

"Can I hold your hand?" young girl asked.

Livious walked away and the maid picked her up, and said "Don't worry, milady. He will warm up to you sooner or later. Let's prep your meal." and she nodded.

"Auntie, I am thirsty." young girl said and the maid hands her a cup of milk then the girl walked to the window; to watch the snow.

A few hours went by and the maid from upstairs, went down and checked the girl's pulse and yelled for help.

Then an ambulance headed for hospital, without delay.

Hospital of vampires

Livious is standing in the hallway until the doctor, came out.

"How is she?" Livious asked.

"She is in a medical induce coma. She drank milk, but she can't have milk. She can only drink water with, strawberry flavour." doctor replied.

Livious went into the room and sees her on life, support then sits down next to her.

"Your mom, was amazing woman. You should be proud of her, and follow your dream." Livious said as he lightly held his great granddaughter's; hand and he begins to cry.

As a tear rolled down her face and Livious, placed his face against her face lightly.

Next Morning...

The doctor entered the room and see lord Livious, sleeping on the sofa and hears a bang then the doctor was flash pointed and Livious; quickly shutted the door and locked it even covered himself and his great granddaughter in soaked wet, towels and blankets next to the wall.

"It's okay, sweetie." Livious said.

Meanwhile there are riots out in the streets shouting, "Monster! Livious allowed a monster inside the, kingdom of humans! Traitor!" then; they begin to chant outside the hospital of vampires.

"Burn! Burn! Kill the monsters!"

Until the supernatural alliance fire department arrived, and started to wash the building out the flames kept disappearing every time firemen trying; to wet the fuel but several floors above it was too late for Livious and his great granddaughter try to, make a escape due to the fire made it into the room and burnt them as Livious is screaming painfully.

As the firemen banged the door open and went, inside the room as they washed the flames out then put them in black body bags and outside; everyone ducks as windows are blowed out as a new fire started but not from inside the building, and the head fireman asked " You have to gotta be kidding me?!" as he grunts even kicks the tire angrily; and hops around in pain and all the emergency services just look at him.

"You know, it's been there since we arrived." fireman 2 said.

"Shut up!" head fireman yelled.

Then, one of the firemen sees them running out of the hospital and spots something behind then "Run!" they yelled but by the time; they could reach them something melted the four firemen and body bags from above and below then, the emergency services evacuated most of the kingdom but it was too late to evacuate the rest of the kingdom; until one of the policemen recognised it rising through the soil beneath the kingdom of humans.

"Evacuate the whole mainland! It's magma!" policeman ordered.

"Are you deaf?! Now! I'm surrounded by bloody idiots!" head policeman questioned and ordered.

Then, the evacuation started and the panic.

"Calm down! There's no need to panic! Please, move to the ships and planes in orderly fashion!" man said over the speakers as; the ground shakes and rumbles then everything went up to crap.

"Run!" woman yelled.

"Here we go." devil said.

Then, they hear the explosion and magma approached from behind as all the supernatural alliance kingdoms left on all ships and airplanes; then over several miles off shore the whole mainland went sky high with magma went everywhere along, with volcanic rocks.

"Good evening, my name is Melissa John. Tonight, we got a report of the supernatural alliance mainland explodes. All this point we can't verify, if there's any survivors. Please stay updated for more news, goodnight." news anchor said.

But on the sea the ships are sailing to the mainland, of mortals along with the airplanes until they were approached by small planes and battleships.

"Attention, ships and planes follow us." man said.

Not long after half of the ships was destroyed, including 3 airplanes and the battleships and small planes was destroyed in their tracks and the rest; of the ships and airplanes headed to the ports even airport.

Mainland of Mortals' Airport

The planes lands and there's soldiers are standing on the, runway with buses as devils and vampires head to one bus and wizardry goes to their bus along; with humans including at the ports whom are heading to the refugee shelter.

Hi, guys.

Should I add Book 2 and Book3 with this book together? Or not?

Dragon_Princess70creators' thoughts