

The next day came by fast, as soon as the boys woke up they immediately got showered and did their morning routine and cleaned the place from top to bottom because of the Guests coming today, when Jay was busy cleaning up the 02 liners bedroom a knock interrupted and he looked seeing Johnny

"Oh Johnny you need help with something?" Jay asked as Johnny shook his head

"C-Can you meet me later at the Terrace? I'd like to talk to you about something" Johnny said fidgeting his sweater paws as Jay giggled nodding

"Ofc John" Jay said kissing Johnny's cheeks making the younger look like a tomato as Jay giggled as the speakers turned on

"Everyone please head downstairs the Guests are here" Jay looked at the younger and smiled

"Let's go meet the Guests"

They all met at the lobby as they stood in a straight line and the elevator arrived with their guests making them gasped at who the person were

"Hello everyone!" The leader name Nathan as they all bowed in a sign of respect as Jim squeeled

"Oh my gosh! They are so cute!" Jim said and pinched Johnny, Tyler and William's cheeks, the three just smiled still shy

"Oh you kids don't have to be shy around us" Jim said as they all nodded

"Ok so shall we introduce ourselves?" The 7 of them formed a line

"One, two Hello we are the Sapphires!" They introduced as the boys clapped

"Ok everyone so who is the oldest out of all of you?" Jim asked and Kevin raised his hand making Horace smile

"Nice to meet you Kevin" Horace said and engulfed Kevin in a hug as Kevin awkwardly hugged back making the others giggle

"Ace how are you so calm around them?" The youngest Joseph asked as Horace smiled breaking the hug looking at Joseph

"Oh yeah I watched all of their episodes, especially the tea going on and oh Joseph he is the same age as you" Joseph's eyes lit up

"Really? A 97 liner?" Joseph asked as Kevin nodded making Joseph reach forward his hand

"Finally a pleasant meeting you Kevin!" Joseph said as Kevin smiled

"So do I" Kevin said as Joseph smiled

"So as you all know, each of you have feelings for another contestant so we should go to the practice room to sort it out yeah?" Trevor said making the boys awkward as some scratches the back of their heads as the older ones giggle

"To solve this issue shall we play a game of harmless truth or dare, so shall we?" They all nodded still awkward around the Seniors, as they approached the practice room and sitting down in a circle


As soon as they all got comfortable Jacob smiled clasping his hands

"Ok so shall we start at Johnny?" Jacob said making Johnny flinch and Jay just tapped his knees nodding in assurance

"So Johnny Truth or dare?" Trevor asked as Johnny gulped

"Dare" Johnny said chin up as Jay smiled

"I dare you and Jay to go to the terrace and tell him the person you have been crushing on" Jacob said making Johnny widen his eyes looking at Jacob making Nathan sigh and face palmed

"The Kid didn't see that coming Jacob and Trevor!" Nathan said, the two shrugged as Johnny collected himself and nodded

"Ok" Johnny stood up dragging Jay along with him as they arrived at the terrace

"The dare huh? Soooo who is your crush Johnny? Care to tell me" Jay said in a teasing tone and Johnny looked at him straight in the eye

"It's you Jay, you are the one I have been crushing for since the beginning of this Show" Johnny said in one breathe

"Woah woah woah, slow down Johnny and yes I have been crushing on you too" Johnny looked at the older with eyes twinkling like stars as Jay chuckled pinching his cheeks

"Feelings is mutual John, now let's go fluff ball because I'm sure our time is up" Jay said holding Johnny's hands as Johnny looked at their hands intertwined blushing immediately as they entered the practice room.

As soon as they entered they all made the 'ooh' sound making Johnny blush and hide behind Jay as Jay giggled when they heard a camera click

"So cute" Jim said as they all giggled and Nathan stood up

"So a pair has been opened up why don't you guys tell your feelings to each other now? So that we can tell you advices and mission" Nathan said as they all nodded and immediately went to different places when Kevin dragged Han to the pillar at the end of the practice room and sighed

"I like you Han when I first saw you, I thought you looked cute and tiny beside me and soon my feelings for you grew more" Kevin said as Han giggled caressing cheek

"I like you too, Kevin" Han said as Kevin smiled hugging him tight as Han giggled hugging back.

The older guys clapped and they went to the middle

"To make this straight up since I know everything, I must announce the remaining of you Ethan likes Gavin, William likes Riki and Lastly Jake likes Benjamin feings reciprocated by the way" They all blushed at what Horace said to them as the older ones giggled

"I just want to say is that it's ok for that kind kids, but don't forget what you are here for some will end up being eliminated and some of you will become a part of the final line up" Jim explained as they all nodded

"So don't let go of your love for each other" Nathan said

"We won't, because we all love each other of course and won't let go of each other" Gavin said and Ethan back hugged him

And then Nathan clapped making the whole room black and the 7 of them lit up

"Your test is the Sapphires test, you guys will be separated into three group that will be covering our three most popular songs Light Up, Dark Souls and finally Together Forever and we already decided on the teams" Yoland said and looked at the tablet he was holding

"Team Light Up will be Ethan, Benjamin, Tyler and William" Jacob said as the four of them lit up

"Pls step aside Team Light Up" Trevor said as they went to the left side

"Next up is Team Dark Souls, members will be Kevin, Riki, Jay and Han" Yoland announced as the four lit up as they walked towards the right side making the remaining members lit up and they walked to the middle

"Team Together Forever are Johnny, Gavin, Jake and Daniel" Nathan said as they smiled and looked at the elevator opening

"We must leave now everyone, it was nice meeting you guys and don't forget about everything we said alright? And stay strong" Jim said as the Sapphires left as the Elevator closed as they waved and the boys waved back, as soon as the Sapphires left they went to do their routines while some cuddled and some talked in places


As Sapphire left they were all lazing around while Jay and Johnny were at the Pantry talking while eating

"Hey Jay?" Johnny said as the other looked at his cute boyfriend


"Do you think some of us will be heartbroken if one of us gets eliminated?" Johnny asked as Jay sighed putting his hand on top of the youngers hand

"I don't know what I will do if your the one who will get eliminated John" Jay said

Johnny smiled at his adorable boyfriend

"I love you Jay, I will love you forever until my last breathe" Johnny said as Jay smiled

"I love you more my Johnny" Jay said as Johnny blushed

"Wanna go and cuddle on my bed?" Johnny nodded as they went off to Jay's shared bedroom with the 02 liners cuddling and soon went to bed

As the two were sleeping Peacefully the others were at the terrace flirting as they all had fun with their newly found boyfriend's giggling and chatting with each other.