
The Beginning of a gamer after the end

A man is reincarnated as an asura with the gamer system.

Jobert_Alistar · 奇幻
3 Chs


In a cave which was completely devoid was a voice heard

The voice was from the dragon on the floor . I guess it wasn't a dream after all said Katon.


I am Katon your ever day otaku .As usual I was reading some webnovels but then they was a pop up I was going to swipe it away and continue with the fanfic I was reading but I got intrigued for some reason. Do you want go to another world was the first thing on the pop-up with the option yes or no at the bottom.Smirking I picked yes who wouldn't then another question appeared.Which world?Not able to pick I saw the option of a randomizer I picked it ,forgot to say but I was a gambler at heart a huge wheel with countless of names appeared it started spinning then it stopped on TBATE.I really liked the story so I picked yes.Then it asked me which race I wanted to be I then the arguably best race which was asura it then asked which clan.I thought about then I picked the Indrath clan.It asked me then to pick a backstory which should include my starting point,now any sane person would have been suspicious of these pop-ups because of the amount of detail in it ,but I am rather dumb so I made up some backstory where I would be stranded on an island and be thought of as dead.clicking all these option it asked what power I wanted .

Pondering for a minute I picked the gamer system.As this for near infinite growth.After that I suddenly felt tired and went to sleep.

flashback end

Kanto's pov

Waking up I saw an unfamiliar surrounding I then saw a blue screen infront of me.[You have slept comfortably Mp and Hp filled.All negative aliment cured]


Name: Kanto Indrath

Race:Asura (Indrath)


Mana core.none







Stat points.0


Gamer's Mind Lv.Max(passive)

Gamer's Body Lv.Max(passive)]