
Who*re Attack

Chizzy: Hey! Stephanie turned and her smile disappeared.  

Chizzy: Have your tongue fallen into your throat? Stephanie swallowed hard as I came in to view.

 Stephanie: Hi. 

Chizzy: Better. So I heard you now sleep around right? 

Stephanie: I... 

Chizzy: Don't. Better don't stammer before me because I'm ready to tear you into pieces. Chizzy had come prepared for a war. She was dressed casually in a jean short and polo, unlike Chizzy who wouldn't look at a polo on ordinary days. 

A small crowd had gathered, eager to know why people who were friends during their first year had now turned enemies. 

Stephanie: Chizzy please, you're embarrassing me. A slap landed on Stephanies' face and the crowd was filled with '“ohs” and “ouchs”. 

Chizzy: When you were sleeping with my sister's boyfriend, did you think twice before doing it? Did you think up the consequences?  Stephanie was rubbing her face now, with tears dropping from her eyes. Stephanie: I... 

Chizzy: Shut up. You had my brother, why would you go to Joseph? How shameless and disgusting. 

Stephanie: But I'm sorry. I'm truly sorry. 

Chizzy: You're still talking eh? You're still opening that gutter you call mouth? Chizzy went for an attack but I was just in time to come between them with one other guy who received the slap meant for Stephanie. I looked up at his face and it was Joseph. What insolence? So he came to defend her? 

Chizzy: Clap for yourselves you shameless animals. You came to fight for her. You should be grateful that it was just a slap. And I'm sure you're also here to take her home to compl..... 

Joseph: Chizzy stop. Why are you doing this? We're sorry. We shouldn't be fighting and disgracing ourselves in public. Chizzy walked up to him with scorn and hatred written on her face.

 Chizzy: But that's the plan. To help you wash your dirty linen in public. To warn people to be careful of you two backstabbers.  She pushed past Joseph and went to Stephanie.

 Chizzy: Listen wh'ore, you should be thankful today, not because this woman eater came on time, but because my sister also came between you and I, which shows she's forgiven you. But I hope the slaps are enough to redesign your brains and get them back to default mode. Shameless things. She walked away leaving me behind. I went to Stephanie and she looked at me innocently.

 Stephanie: I'm sorry. 

Me: Save it. You've gotten what you deserve. Just know how to treat friends next time. I followed Chizzy's trail and walked out, hearing people murmur and say things I couldn't hear. But one thing was clear, anyone who has Chizzy, has a fighter and an adventurer. 

Did we go to the cafe? Nope. Instead, I met Chizzy at the school gate where we boarded a cab and drove home. Throughout the ride, we remained silent, not sure of what to say to each other. But I'm not angry with her. She's just looking out for me.

Today is Thursday and our lecture free day. We were at the terrace, thinking up what to do with our free time. 

Chizzy: Let's just go out, since you can now drive, we'll just go sight seeing. 

Me: I want to visit my house. 

Chizzy: The Okoye's? 

Me: Yes. I want to know how they're doing and also know how they're keeping the house. 

Chizzy: You miss them? I nodded. 

Chizzy: It’s alright. We'll go but we won't tell anybody. From there, we'll now go sightseeing. And dress in your best so they'll know you're living fine now. I laughed and thanked her. 

Chizzy: Big mouth Chidera, I've not seen her since school resumed.  

Me: That's why I want to go and see them. Chizzy looked at her phone.  

Chizzy: It's 9:45 a.m.; let's go get ready. We both went down to our rooms, and I began rummaging through my clothes to figure out which one I was going to wear. I finally settled on a pink crop top, jean trouser, and pink boot, and we were on our way to Marada, the location where my terror began with me behind the wheel, in 95 minutes.

We arrived at our destination and rode through the streets of the housing estate. As I drove past each street, I remembered saying goodbye to them the night before. The pastures were greener and seemed to be aware of my presence.

I came to a halt beside a school, two streets away from Okoye's house, and sobbed. Chizzy was silent for several minutes before speaking up to me.

Chizzy: Do you not believe you should be praising God rather than crying baby girl? What if you died on that day? But He kept you alive so that others could hear your story and praise Him for His mercy? Jessica, you shouldn't be crying because I'm sure your desire to see them has overcome your fears.

Me: I... 

Chizzy: Don't speak.  She helped me dab my face with her bandana and using the make up in her Marlboro purse, she remade my face. 

Chizzy: Stop crying. Let's go and see your family. I nodded and brought the engine back to life. I wasn't perfect yet as we still had the L letter attached to the car and I drove carefully.  

We got to the house and I honked, expecting the gateman to come out and open the gate but we were there for some minutes, yet nobody showed up. 

Chizzy: I'll see. She got down and went towards the gate. She opened the small gate and went in, then opened the big one for me to drive in. I drove into the familiar compound. Nothing had changed. 

Everywhere was littered with dried leaves from the fruit tree that stood in the middle of the compound. I got out of the car and joined Chizzy. 

Chizzy: This place looks isolated. Me: You sure they still live..... 

Dera: You don't talk to me because you put me in this situation. Chizzy and I turned to the direction of the voice and saw   Chidera, coming out from the backyard with a baby bump. She saw us and froze. 

Mrs Okoye: Who drove in? She joined her daughter and she couldn't hide the shock on her face. Chizzy and I greeted her. 

Mrs Okoye: Jessica? 

Me: Yes mum. 

Mrs Okoye: What are you doing here? 

Me: Uhm....we came to see a friend who lived in the estate so we decided to come and see you. 

Chizzy: Yes ma. Dera ran into the house without turning back. 

Me: I'm sorry mum but you people didn't inform us that Dera was married. Mrs Okoye hissed and I looked at Chizzy. 

Mrs Okoye: Don't mind that girl. She got pregnant and she doesn't know who's responsible. I don't know what I'm going to do with her. Since then, she's refused to be polite to anybody.  

Chizzy: Doesn't make sense. How can she not know who's responsible for her child? 

Mrs Okoye: My dear, you two should come in. How's your mother? 

Chizzy: She's fine ma. We followed her inside where she offered us seats. The interior still looked wonderful and I was grateful for that. 

Mrs Okoye: What do I offer you girls? You people are now big girls so I don't know if you still take juice. 

Me: I... 

Chizzy: We're fine ma. We're filled. 

Mrs Okoye: Ah! At least, take something nau. 

Chizzy: We'll leave with a pack of juice. 

Mrs Okoye: That's better so how's school? 

Chizzy: We're fine o. School is fine. Just.... 

Me: Mum, can we go and see Dera? 

Mrs. Okoye: Uhm... Why not? Chizzy and I dashed up the stairs, completely aware of the eyes that followed us. I led the way to Dera's room, and after a knock, I pushed the door open and we both entered into the room. Dera was curled up on her side.

I slammed the door shut because I knew we three had issues to work out. She sat up and gave us evil looks.

Dera: Get out of here right now! Chizzy scoffed, folding her hands beneath her breasts.

Dera: I know that both of you are only here to mock me, so get out.

Chizzy: I would rather choose to be quiet and listen if I were you.

Me: Chizzy, please. I said and  Dera began sobbing loudly, and I gave Chizzy a pleading look.

Me: We're not here to make fun of you. We have no idea you're pregnant and expecting a baby. I miss you because you're my sister and I came to see you.

Dera gave me a stern look.

Dera: You had no idea I was pregnant?

Me: Absolutely not. We've both missed you, and worse, school resumed last week, but we didn't see you around, so we came to check on you.

Dera: Are you sure?

Me: Yes. We will never make fun of you. We're all women who don't know what our future holds. Chizzy took a seat beside Dera, and I smiled inwardly.

Dera: Jessica, you have a goof heart. I'm not sure why I've been oblivious to the truth all these years. When Chizzy looked at me, I knew she was going to say something.

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