
The Battles of Hearts (Naruto)

Honestly, I designed Naruto's personality in opposite the Manga/Anime. Although Naruto is my favorite, I wanted to craft a character who experiences betrayal from a loved one and becomes cold hearted, this is the story of Naruto the Military Commando. In my story, his son, Aqua Hoshino, differs from the original Oshi No Ko character. I wasn't fond of how Aqua toyed with Akane and Kana's hearts, so I created him to be the son that Naruto truly deserves. I hope you enjoy my narrative.

The_Mystry · 漫画同人
72 Chs

Unspoken Words

The following day, Ai was busy in her studio near Kyoto, preparing for her shoot, with Naruto standing guard by her side. As they worked, Ai noticed the glances of remorse directed towards Naruto from those around her, but no one seemed to muster the courage to apologize.

Ai: Naruto, if you're hungry, feel free to grab something to eat.

Naruto: Thanks, Ai, but I'm already full. Right now, my focus is on fulfilling my duty as your bodyguard.

Ai understood that Naruto had distanced himself, but she was determined to win back his affection through her actions.

Suddenly, the project executive entered with a troubled expression.

Executive: Madam, we have a problem. Our lead actor for the divorce scene is unable to make it. What should we do now?

The director and producer exchanged worried glances.

Director: We need someone who has great chemistry with Ai.

Producer: But where will we find such a replacement?

All eyes turned to Naruto, who pondered the situation. Then, he proposed a solution.

Naruto: It's just a breakup scene, right? I can do it.

Director: We'll provide you with the script. Are you comfortable proceeding?

With a glimmer of hope in their eyes, everyone awaited Naruto's response, hopeful that he could deliver a compelling performance.

As the scene of divorce unfolded, everyone watched in awe, wondering how Naruto would handle it.

The scene began with Toshi (Naruto) entering, and Haruka (Ai) awaiting his words.

Toshi (Naruto): There's something I need to tell you.

Haruka (Ai), in character, asked what was on his mind.

Toshi (Naruto): I want a divorce. I don't think I can continue living with you.

Suddenly, Ai's own emotions took over, and she forgot the script, tearing up.

Haruka (Ai): Why? What have I done wrong? I've been trying my best to keep our relationship strong, but you always push me away. Think about our children; how will they cope knowing their parents are falling apart?

Despite knowing it was scripted, Naruto let his emotions take over.

Toshi (Naruto): I'm sorry for everything. I just can't do this anymore. I love you, but I'm scared of being betrayed. And as a soldier, I can't bear the thought of leaving you as a widow.

Everyone was captivated by the raw emotion in their performance.

Executive: This is off-script. We need to intervene.

Writer: No, this is real emotion.

Director: Agreed. Let them continue.

As their chemistry unfolded, Naruto's tears mirrored the depth of his character's emotions.

Toshi (Naruto): Whether you hate me or love me, I want you to forget about me. One of us deserves a happy ending, and I can't bear to see you suffer.

With that, Naruto left the scene, leaving Ai in genuine tears.

Ai: I can't imagine life without you. Please, don't do this to me.

Despite the urge to halt the scene, no one could muster the courage.

Writer: This is exactly what the scene needs.

Director: Absolutely.

Ai's tears flowed freely, and no one dared to interrupt her grief.

Naruto sat alone in the park, the weight of the emotional scene still heavy on his heart. He lit a cigarette, exhaling slowly as he tried to calm his racing thoughts.

Naruto: "What have I done... Was it worth it? Seeing her like that... But it had to be done. For the scene. For the show."

He took another drag from his cigarette, the smoke swirling around him in the cool evening air.

Naruto: "I just hope she understands. I hope she knows it was all just acting... Even though it felt so real."

He leaned back against the bench, closing his eyes as he tried to push away the lingering emotions from the intense scene.

Sitting on the bench, Naruto was lost in his thoughts when the executive approached him with a worried expression.

Executive: "Naruto, we have a problem. There's a mutant trying to kidnap Ai."

Naruto's eyes widened in shock at the sudden news.

Naruto: "I'll head there right away."

Naruto swiftly unsheathed his katana, his grip firm and determined as he dashed towards the chaos. The eerie sounds of the approaching zombies filled the air, but Naruto remained unfazed, his focus solely on reaching the main threat.

Amidst the horde, he spotted the towering figure of the mutant, its grotesque form standing out amidst the sea of undead. With a steely resolve, Naruto navigated through the swarm, his movements precise and calculated.

Zombie: *groans menacingly*

Naruto: "Out of my way."

His voice carried an undeniable authority as he sliced through the zombies with swift strikes of his katana. The dark energy emanating from the blade cut through the undead with ease, creating a path for Naruto to advance.

As he approached the mutant, its eyes locked onto him with a menacing glare. Naruto stood his ground, his katana at the ready, prepared to face whatever came his way.

Mutant: "You dare challenge me, human?"

Naruto: "I don't back down from a fight, especially when innocent lives are at stake."

With a determined gaze, Naruto lunged forward, his katana gleaming in the dim light as he prepared to engage in battle with the mutant.

As Naruto faced off against the formidable mutant, their clash echoed through the desolate landscape. Each strike reverberated with the force of their respective abilities, creating a symphony of combat amidst the eerie silence of the surroundings.

Mutant: "You think you can defeat me, human? I am beyond your pathetic skills."

Naruto: "We'll see about that."

With a determined grit, Naruto unleashed the full extent of his breathing skills, channeling the power of Eclipse Breathing into every move. Despite his best efforts, the mutant proved to be a formidable adversary, overpowering Naruto with its sheer strength and ferocity.

Naruto's mind raced as he searched for a way to turn the tide of battle. In a moment of desperation, his gaze fell upon the nearby cliff edge. With a plan forming in his mind, Naruto feigned a retreat, luring the mutant towards the precipice.

As they neared the edge, Naruto seized the opportunity, unleashing a flurry of strikes to push the mutant perilously close to the cliff's edge. With a swift and decisive movement, Naruto launched himself and the mutant into the air, their bodies suspended in a gravity-defying moment.

With adrenaline coursing through his veins, Naruto swiftly planted the C4 explosive into the mutant's mouth, his movements precise and calculated despite the chaos surrounding them. With a final push, Naruto sent the mutant hurtling towards the abyss, the explosive device primed to detonate upon impact.

As the explosion erupted in a brilliant blaze of light and sound, Naruto found himself clinging to the rocky outcroppings, his breaths ragged and labored. With the threat neutralized, he allowed himself a moment of respite, the weight of his actions settling upon him amidst the remnants of the chaotic battle.

As Ai's panic mounted upon learning about Naruto's perilous situation, she wasted no time in seeking him out. Determined to ensure his safety, she marched towards her vanity van with purpose, her heart pounding with worry.

Upon reaching the door, she found the executive standing guard, his expression tense with concern.

Ai: "Where is Naruto? I need to see him."

Executive: "He's inside, but he's refusing to see anyone right now. He's in a bad state."

Ai's determination only intensified at the mention of Naruto's condition. With a firm resolve, she asserted her right as his wife.

Ai: "I understand, but I'm his wife. I have every right to be by his side, especially in times like these."

Without waiting for further permission, Ai pushed open the door and entered the dimly lit interior of the vanity van. Her eyes immediately sought out Naruto, who sat slumped against the wall, his expression a mask of exhaustion and turmoil.

Ai: "Naruto..."

Naruto's head snapped up at the sound of her voice, his eyes reflecting a mix of emotions - relief, guilt, and vulnerability.

Naruto: "Ai, I... I'm sorry you had to see me like this."

Ai's heart clenched at the sight of Naruto's distress, but she refused to let fear consume her.

Ai: "Don't apologize, Naruto. I'm just glad you're safe. But please, let me be here for you. We're in this together."

With a softness in her voice, Ai approached Naruto and gently took his hand in hers, offering him the comfort and support he so desperately needed in that moment.