
The Battles of Hearts (Naruto)

Honestly, I designed Naruto's personality in opposite the Manga/Anime. Although Naruto is my favorite, I wanted to craft a character who experiences betrayal from a loved one and becomes cold hearted, this is the story of Naruto the Military Commando. In my story, his son, Aqua Hoshino, differs from the original Oshi No Ko character. I wasn't fond of how Aqua toyed with Akane and Kana's hearts, so I created him to be the son that Naruto truly deserves. I hope you enjoy my narrative.

The_Mystry · 漫画同人
72 Chs

The Wild Night

Shorta was charming his way through the reception, enjoying the attention from the female guests. Suddenly, Ruby approached him, looking less than impressed.

Ruby: "What exactly do you think you're doing? Just because you're friends with my brothers doesn't give you free rein to flirt with every girl here."

Shorta chuckled, undeterred by Ruby's admonishment.

Shorta: "Jealous, Ruby? I didn't realize you were so possessive. Don't worry, there's enough of me to go around."

Ruby folded her arms, unimpressed by Shorta's response.

Ruby: "Don't flatter yourself, Shorta. I just don't want you making a fool of yourself."

Shorta grinned, enjoying their playful banter.

Shorta: "Ah, but I'm the life of the party, Ruby. Can't blame these girls for falling for my charm."

Shorta flashed a confident grin, relishing in the attention.

Shorta: "Ah, but I'm the life of the party, Ruby. Can't blame these girls for falling for my charm."

Ruby felt her cheeks warm as she realized the truth in his words. Without another word, she turned on her heel and swiftly made her exit, hoping to hide her blushing face from Shorta's sight.

Kota and Kana found themselves in a quiet corner of the reception, away from the bustling crowd. They shared a solemn look as they discussed Aqua's sacrifice for Akane's sake.

Kota: "It's incredible what Aqua did for Akane, sacrificing his own happiness for hers."

Kana nodded, her eyes reflecting a mixture of admiration and sadness.

Kana: "I can't imagine how difficult it must have been for him to use that hate stone on Akane, knowing the consequences."

Kota placed a comforting hand on Kana's shoulder.

Kota: "But that's just who Aqua is. He always puts others before himself, even if it means bearing the burden of their pain."

Kana sighed, her heart heavy with the weight of Aqua's sacrifice.

Kana: "I just hope Akane realizes what he did for her, even if it's too late."

Kota squeezed her shoulder gently, offering silent reassurance.

Kota: "She will, Kana. She will."

As the reception continued, Izumi and Shikimori found themselves sharing a quiet moment away from the crowd. Shikimori smiled warmly at Izumi, her eyes filled with admiration.

Shikimori: "Izumi, that was an amazing speech you gave earlier. You spoke from the heart, and it really moved me."

Izumi blushed slightly at Shikimori's compliment, feeling a surge of gratitude.

Izumi: "Thank you, Shikimori. I just wanted to express how much Sasuke-sensei and Rose-san mean to me, and how their love story inspires me every day."

Shikimori nodded, her gaze softening as she looked at Izumi.

Shikimori: "Well, you did a fantastic job. Your words resonated with everyone in the room, including me."

Izumi smiled gratefully, feeling a sense of pride at Shikimori's praise.

Izumi: "I'm glad you think so. It means a lot coming from you."

Shikimori reached out and gently squeezed Izumi's hand, her expression tender.

Shikimori: "Izumi, you're an incredible person. I'm lucky to have you in my life."

Izumi's heart fluttered at Shikimori's words, and he couldn't help but return her affectionate smile.

Izumi: "Thank you, Shikimori. I feel the same way about you."

The two shared a moment of quiet companionship, grateful for each other's presence on this special day.

In the bustling kitchen, Luffy sat devouring plate after plate of food, much to the chef's amazement. The chef, wiping sweat from his brow, couldn't help but comment on Luffy's impressive appetite.

Chef: "I've never seen someone eat as much as you do, especially with a physique like yours."

Luffy grinned between mouthfuls, his cheeks bulging with food.

Luffy: "Food is life, my friend! And I'm always up for a good meal. Sorry for cleaning out your kitchen like this."

The chef chuckled, shaking his head in disbelief.

Chef: "No need to apologize. It's not every day we get a guest who can eat as much as you. Enjoy your meal!"

With a satisfied nod, Luffy continued to feast, determined to savor every last bite.

As Luffy indulged in his meal, the kitchen door swung open, revealing Alice standing there with a scowl on her face.

Alice: "So you're Luffy, huh? How dare you ignore me?"

Luffy continued to eat, unfazed by Alice's presence or her words. Annoyed by his lack of response, Alice glanced at a nearby jug of juice and, without hesitation, poured it over Luffy.

Luffy: "What have you done?"

Alice: "You were ignoring me, so I made you dirty."

Luffy raised an eyebrow, unimpressed by her retaliation.

Luffy: "You could have just used water. Why waste a whole jug of juice?"

The others in the kitchen watched in disbelief as Luffy remained calm, even in the face of such provocation. Then, without warning, Luffy stood up and lifted his shirt, revealing his well-defined eight-pack abs. Alice's cheeks flushed crimson as she stared at Luffy's physique, feeling flustered by his unexpected display.

Without another word, Luffy sat back down and resumed his meal, paying no further attention to Alice's antics.

After Luffy's display of his impressive physique, the kitchen fell into an awkward silence. Alice, still blushing furiously, glanced around the room, hoping no one had noticed her embarrassment. The chef, stunned by the unexpected turn of events, quickly busied himself with cleaning up the spilled juice.

Meanwhile, Luffy continued to eat, seemingly unaffected by the commotion he had caused. His carefree demeanor and unwavering appetite were a stark contrast to Alice's flustered state.

As the tension in the room slowly dissipated, the chef cleared his throat and addressed Luffy.

Chef: "Well, I suppose it's a good thing you have such a healthy appetite. Just try not to cause any more disturbances, alright?"

Luffy nodded nonchalantly, already focused on finishing his meal. Alice, still feeling self-conscious, muttered an apology under her breath before hastily exiting the kitchen.

With the incident behind them, the kitchen returned to its usual hustle and bustle, with Luffy happily devouring his food and the chef attending to his duties, all while Alice tried to shake off her embarrassment elsewhere.

Ruby sat in the corner of the room, a glass of whiskey in her hand, lost in her thoughts.

Ruby's thoughts swirled with confusion and frustration: "I can't believe I've fallen for someone like him. He lacks even basic manners. What am I supposed to do?"

As she continued to sip her drink, her gaze drifted towards Shorta, who was shamelessly flirting with other girls across the room. A pang of jealousy shot through her as she watched him interact with them.

Ruby's internal monologue grew more agitated: "How dare he flirt with those girls? Am I not enough for him? I've never even confessed my feelings to him, but that doesn't give him the right to toy with my emotions like this."

Despite her frustration, Ruby couldn't tear her eyes away from Shorta, the conflicting emotions swirling inside her as she grappled with her feelings for him.

Ruby marched over to Shorta with determination, a dangerous glint in her eyes.

Ruby: "You girls should back off. He's mine."

Shorta and the other girls were taken aback by Ruby's sudden assertiveness, and they quickly dispersed, leaving Ruby and Shorta alone.

Shorta: "Ruby, what's gotten into you? You've had too much to drink. You can barely stand."

Ignoring his concerns, Ruby grabbed Shorta's collar, pulling him close for a passionate kiss that left Shorta visibly flustered.

Ruby: "I've fallen for you, and now I'm yours."

As Ruby's high from the alcohol took its toll, she stumbled into Shorta's arms, leaving him bewildered by the sudden turn of events.

Shorta: "What just happened?"

Shorta carefully lifted Ruby into his arms, her slight figure surprisingly light as he carried her to her room. The scent of her perfume lingered in the air, mixing with the faint aroma of whiskey that clung to her.

As he entered her room, Shorta noticed the soft glow of lamplight casting a warm ambiance over the space. He gently laid Ruby down on her bed, taking a moment to brush a stray strand of hair from her face, his touch gentle despite the urgency of the situation.

Surveying the room briefly, Shorta noticed a framed photograph on Ruby's bedside table, depicting her with her brothers, Aqua and Kota, smiling brightly at the camera. It was a reminder of the bond they shared, one that Shorta couldn't help but admire.

With Ruby now asleep in her bed, Shorta couldn't shake off the confusion, but he knew he needed to ensure she was safe. He gently tucked her in, then quietly left the room, his mind still reeling from the unexpected encounter.