
The Battles of Hearts (Naruto)

Honestly, I designed Naruto's personality in opposite the Manga/Anime. Although Naruto is my favorite, I wanted to craft a character who experiences betrayal from a loved one and becomes cold hearted, this is the story of Naruto the Military Commando. In my story, his son, Aqua Hoshino, differs from the original Oshi No Ko character. I wasn't fond of how Aqua toyed with Akane and Kana's hearts, so I created him to be the son that Naruto truly deserves. I hope you enjoy my narrative.

The_Mystry · 漫画同人
72 Chs

The Lost Love

The next morning, Daniel awoke with a determined expression, his mind still dwelling on the conversation he had with the original Aqua. As he stretched in bed, a sense of purpose washed over him, filling him with resolve.

Daniel: Aqua entrusted me with this task, and I won't disappoint him.

A small smirk played on his lips as he thought about the challenge ahead. With newfound determination, he reassured himself aloud.

Daniel: There will be a happy ending, and I'll make sure of it—for Aqua.

With that, Daniel rose from bed, ready to face the day and begin weaving the threads of his story towards a brighter future.

Sasuke awoke from his slumber and found Rose lying beside him, her naked form radiant in the morning light, resembling a beautiful fairy.

Sasuke: Good morning, my lovely.

Rose blushed, her thoughts drifting back to the passionate night they had shared, overwhelmed by the intensity of their connection.

Rose: You truly swept me off my feet last night, darling. I must admit, I thoroughly enjoyed every moment of it.

Sasuke's grin widened, his eyes twinkling mischievously as he responded.

Sasuke: How about we take a shower together, just like old times?

Rose's cheeks flushed crimson at his suggestion, and she glanced coyly at Sasuke.

Rose: I can't exactly walk, you know. So, you'll have to carry me to the shower. And by the way, you've left quite a few hickeys all over my body.

Their playful banter filled the room with warmth, a testament to their enduring love and familiarity with each other. With a gentle smile, Sasuke scooped Rose into his arms, carrying her effortlessly towards the bathroom. Rose's cheeks flushed crimson as she nestled into his embrace, feeling a mix of embarrassment and warmth.

Rose: Sasuke, you fool! You do realize we're both naked, right? Can't you at least grab a blanket for us?

Sasuke couldn't resist teasing Rose, his grin widening mischievously.

Sasuke: But darling, you look even more stunning without any clothes, adorned with my hickeys and completely defenseless in my arms.

Rose buried her face in her hands, her embarrassment evident, but the love between them shone through, undeniable and strong.

As dawn broke, Ichigo wasted no time in commencing his daily workout regimen. For him, it was more than just a routine; it was a vital part of maintaining his status as one of the military's finest commandos.

Ichigo: Strength comes from discipline. I must push myself harder every day.

With a determined expression, Ichigo unleashed his full power, channeling his hollow breathing technique into each strike of his katana. The iron statue before him stood no chance against his relentless assault, crumbling with just four powerful strikes.

His muscles flexed with every movement, his focus unyielding as he honed his skills and fortified his resolve. For Ichigo, the pursuit of strength was an endless journey, and he was determined to push his limits further with each passing day.

As Ichigo honed his sword skills, someone observed him from the shadows, convinced they remained unnoticed.

Raveal: Ichigo, you've come so far. Just like me. But how do I approach you now?

Raveal wrestled with her thoughts, yearning to reconnect with Ichigo but unsure of where to begin.

Ichigo: Miss Raveal, I know you're there. You can come out now.

Raveal was startled by Ichigo's acute awareness, caught off guard by his perception.

Raveal: How did you know I was here?

Her curiosity piqued, but Ichigo's response was simple and direct.

Ichigo: I've known from the start. And I recognize you as Miss Rose's friend. It's unexpected, after five years, to meet like this.

Raveal hesitated, her words laced with guilt and regret.

Raveal: Do you hold me responsible for the torment inflicted upon you by Menma? His bullying during our college years?

Ichigo's response was unexpected, filled with understanding and acceptance.

Ichigo: No, I don't blame you for those hardships. Menma's actions made me realize my own weaknesses and spurred me to become stronger.

Raveal was surprised by Ichigo's lack of resentment.

Raveal: It's not as you think. I wanted to accept your confession, but I was burdened with responsibilities—my sister Alice's education and my dream of becoming an actress. Not a day goes by that I don't regret rejecting you.

Ichigo's response was devoid of emotion, his words clear and direct.

Ichigo: Menma's words were harsh, but they opened my eyes to my shortcomings. I wasn't good enough back then, but his actions motivated me to change. I became a commando feared by terrorists, driven to avenge my home.

Raveal's shock was palpable as she processed Ichigo's revelation.

Raveal: Revenge? What do you mean by that?

Ichigo met Raveal's gaze squarely, his expression grave yet resolute.

Ichigo: Luffy and I were orphans, constantly getting into trouble. But Hana-san, the caretaker of our orphanage, always looked out for us. She was the reason I was kind and humble during my college days.

As Ichigo recounted his past, Raveal's eyes filled with tears.

Ichigo: Then, one fateful day, Umbrella soldiers attacked our orphanage. They conducted experiments on Hana-san and the other children. By the time the military arrived, it was too late. They had to put an end to the suffering, including that of Hana-san.

Raveal couldn't hold back her tears upon hearing Ichigo's harrowing tale.

Ichigo: Luffy and I were devastated. Burying our orphanage brothers, along with Hana-san, was one of the hardest things we've ever done. That day, we vowed to join the army, to seek vengeance for our lost home, and to ensure that Umbrella Cooperation paid for their atrocities once and for all.

As Ichigo recounted his painful past, Raveal couldn't contain her emotions, wrapping her arms tightly around him, tears streaming down her cheeks.

Raveal: I'm so sorry, Ichigo. You've endured so much, and I wasn't there to protect you.

Ichigo's hardened expression softened slightly at Raveal's embrace, but his resolve remained firm.

Ichigo: I'll ensure that every Umbrella soldier pays for their crimes, for the suffering they've caused. They'll taste the same hatred they've inflicted upon me.

Caught in the intensity of Ichigo's determination, Raveal pleaded with him, urging him to let go of his desire for revenge.

Raveal: Ichigo, please, don't let this hate consume you. It's not what Miss Hana would have wanted. Let's start anew, together.

But Ichigo, unwavering in his resolve, pushed Raveal away with a cold detachment.

Ichigo: I can't turn back now. I'll see this through to the end, no matter the cost.

Tears welling in her eyes, Raveal realized that the Ichigo she once knew had changed irreversibly.

Raveal: You've broken my heart, Ichigo. There's no going back from this.

Though pained by Raveal's tears, Ichigo remained steadfast in his decision, his heart hardened by the weight of his vendetta.

Ichigo: I won't stop until Umbrella Cooperation falls, even if it means sacrificing everything.

But Raveal refused to give up on him, vowing to bring him back from the brink of darkness.

Raveal: I won't let you succumb to this revenge. I'll bring you back, Ichigo, I promise.

Surprised by her unwavering determination, Ichigo met Raveal's gaze, a flicker of uncertainty in his eyes.

Ichigo: Then let's see if you can, Ms. Raveal.

Raveal's statement reflects her unwavering determination and love for Ichigo. Despite his hardened resolve for revenge, she refuses to give up on him, vowing to bring him back from the darkness. Her promise to not let him succumb to hatred highlights her deep commitment to their relationship and her belief in their ability to overcome any obstacle together.